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Easily explore F-Droid apps with data from external sources. Data was last updated on 2025-02-17.

Name Repository Repository Stars Count Repository Forks Count Repository Domain Summary Categories Added Last Updated
10,000 sentences https://github.com/tkrajina/10000sentences 167 27 github.com Learn new words in foreign languages Science & Education 1568851200000 1568851200000
10-bit Clock Widget https://github.com/ashutoshgngwr/10-bitClockWidget 48 9 github.com A beautiful BCD clock for your home screen Theming, Time 1601596800000 1696789501000
1010! Klooni https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Klooni1010 238 71 github.com A libGDX game based on 1010 Games 1588982400000 1598918400000
12345 - Learn Counting https://gitlab.com/niccokunzmann/12345 1 1 gitlab.com Learn counting in different languages with pictures Games, Science & Education 1646179200000 1646352000000
16-bit Clock Widget https://github.com/lucasdnd/16-bit-clock 20 8 github.com Binary clock Time 1427673600000 1427673600000
1List - Simple Lists for TODO, Shopping, Movies... https://github.com/lolo-io/OneList 104 29 github.com Simple app to manage several lists from only one screen Science & Education 1568851200000 1726677320000
1toX https://gitlab.com/og8org/1tox 2 1 gitlab.com Remember numbers quick to train your brain Games 1567641600000 1567641600000
1x1 clock https://github.com/wakhub/tinyclock 21 5 github.com Clock widget Time 1419033600000 1419033600000
2 Player Battle https://github.com/HassanHeydariNasab/2-player-battle 7 5 github.com Destroy enemy base Games 1587427200000 1602460800000
2048 (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-2048 40 18 github.com Try to reach 2048 in this puzzle game Games 1549152000000 1727009022000
2048 Open Fun Game https://github.com/andstatus/game2048 245 31 github.com 2048 game with AI, Replay, History and other fun features, Open Source, no ads Games 1614988800000 1735470408000
2050 https://github.com/mattvchandler/2050 28 4 github.com A game loosely based on 2048, but with circles instead of squares Games 1558051200000 1693608133000
24game https://bitbucket.org/przemekr/24-game/src bitbucket.org Simple arithmetic game Games 1402790400000 1420934400000
24h Analog Clock https://github.com/xxv/24hAnalogWidget 72 25 github.com Clock Widget Theming 1333411200000 1366156800000
37C3 Wifi Setup https://github.com/EventInfra/wifisetup 25 8 github.com Official NOC application for connecting to the 36C3 Wi-Fi Connectivity 1546128000000 1729155289000
38C3 Schedule https://github.com/EventFahrplan/EventFahrplan 242 103 github.com Conference program app for the Chaos Communication Congress Time 1514073600000 1737390200000
3D Model Viewer https://github.com/the3deers/android-3D-model-viewer 1460 382 github.com Load 3D Models and see how to do it Graphics, Multimedia 1614124800000 1736153547000
8-Bit Wonders https://gitlab.com/eightbitwonders/app 5 0 gitlab.com Pixel games and other retro stuff with all the Android features. Games, Science & Education 1697489721000 1739470367000
8Vim Keyboard https://github.com/8VIM/8VIM 497 61 github.com A small screen keyboard inspired by VIM and 8Pen System 1603670400000 1719833888000
9P https://github.com/tube42/9p 19 7 github.com Word puzzle game Games 1536624000000 1575331200000
A Whip https://codeberg.org/uniqx/AWhip 2 0 codeberg.org Turn your phone into a whip. Games 1588982400000 1644537600000
A2DP Volume https://github.com/jroal/a2dpvolume 96 33 github.com Manage Bluetooth functions Multimedia 1345680000000 1583193600000
AAAAXY https://github.com/divVerent/aaaaxy 233 13 github.com A nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces. Games 1660867200000 1737111629000
AAT Another Activity Tracker https://github.com/bailuk/AAT 159 41 github.com GPS-tracking application for sportive activities, with emphasis on cycling. Navigation, Sports & Health 1448928000000 1721237060000
ABCore https://github.com/greenaddress/abcore 167 57 github.com Bitcoin Core wrapper Money 1474416000000 1576800000000
ACV https://github.com/robotmedia/droid-comic-viewer 129 57 github.com Comic and image viewer Reading 1366588800000 1366588800000
ADBKeyBoard https://github.com/senzhk/ADBKeyBoard 1263 307 github.com Android Virtual Keyboard Input via ADB Development, Internet 1535846400000 1623801600000
ADBio https://github.com/yoshi1123/adbio 6 0 github.com Widget that enables/disables the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) System 1640131200000 1648771200000
ADBungFu https://bitbucket.org/oF2pks/adbungfupermissionsetter/src/xda bitbucket.org superuser ADBcmd appOps freezer ^4 root ed :# su Magisk (aosp/opPerms) Security, System 1582934400000 1642723200000
ADSdroid https://github.com/dnet/adsdroid 29 11 github.com Get technical datasheets Reading 1346976000000 1530489600000
AELF - Bible and day's reading https://github.com/HackMyChurch/aelf-dailyreadings 50 14 github.com A simple and discrete daily reading application Reading 1558742400000 1720870967000
AF Weather Widget https://github.com/Gitsaibot/AF-Weather-Widget 54 13 github.com Graph weather widget for Android Internet 1618704000000 1734087060000
AFH Downloader https://github.com/daktak/afh_downloader 27 7 github.com Download from androidfilehost.com Internet 1467763200000 1524873600000
AFReplacer https://github.com/hexedit/amazfit-face-replacer 11 1 github.com Replace Amazfit Bip watchfaces in Mi Fit Sports & Health, Theming 1538092800000 1541980800000
AFWall+ https://github.com/ukanth/afwall 2931 461 github.com Control network traffic Internet, Security 1363651200000 1694505701000
AG Store https://github.com/huckleberrypie/Argentum 3 4 github.com A simple and rather crappy mobile frontend for the American Girl online store. Internet 1585872000000 1726678530000
AIProute https://github.com/benjaminaigner/aiproute 53 9 github.com Change IP routes for the Wi-Fi interface Internet, System 1444694400000 1444694400000
AJShA Android Java Shell App https://github.com/ligi/AJShA 78 27 github.com Run Java code directly Development 1408665600000 1431043200000
AN2Linux https://github.com/rootkiwi/an2linuxclient 281 34 github.com Sync Android notifications encrypted to a Linux desktop Connectivity 1483488000000 1616716800000
ANNO 1404 - Calculator https://github.com/tran-khoa/ANNO1404-Warenrechner-App 5 1 github.com Population and chain calculations for ANNO 1404 Games 1492560000000 1492560000000
ANONguard https://dud-scm.inf.tu-dresden.de/an.on/anonguard dud-scm.inf.tu-dresden.de ANONguard anonymises the Internet connection Connectivity, Internet, Security 1705317109000 1705317109000
ANOTHERpass https://github.com/jenspfahl/ANOTHERpass 76 4 github.com Another way to manage passwords Security 1641600000000 1739470328000
APK Explorer & Editor https://github.com/apk-editor/APK-Explorer-Editor 787 112 github.com An open-source APK explorer/Editor & Split APK/App bundle Installer for Android! System 1616716800000 1728112678000
APM https://github.com/lovegaoshi/azusa-player-mobile 867 30 github.com Third-party Bilibili music player Multimedia 1720014522000 1738073188000
APN Settings https://github.com/tompreuss/APNSettings 6 6 github.com APN Settings Shortcut System 1422748800000 1422748800000
APV PDF Viewer https://github.com/mpietrzak/apv 12 2 github.com PDF viewer Reading 1330646400000 1365465600000
APatch https://github.com/bmax121/APatch 5191 403 github.com The patching of Android kernel and Android system System 1726678135000 1726678135000
ARChon Packager https://github.com/bpear96/ARChon-Packager 84 28 github.com Package installed apps for Chrome System 1415750400000 1415750400000
AURdroid https://github.com/rascarlo/AURdroid 138 32 github.com Simple Android AUR [Arch Linux User repository] packages browser. Development 1496620800000 1605657600000
AVIF Viewer https://github.com/zoff99/libavif-android 7 2 github.com AVIF Image Viewer Multimedia 1659571200000 1659571200000
AVNC https://github.com/gujjwal00/avnc 757 62 github.com Fast & Secure VNC client for Android Connectivity, Internet, System 1632268800000 1737389885000
Aalener Optik-Formelrechner https://gitlab.com/HS_Aalen_RN/Aalener_Optik-Formelrechner 1 1 gitlab.com Quick and easy calculate a bunch of optical functions Science & Education 1536624000000 1723209412000
Aard 2 https://github.com/itkach/aard2-android 482 99 github.com Offline dictionary Reading, Science & Education 1553472000000 1721383600000
Abstract Art https://github.com/gwhiteside/abstract-art 61 22 github.com Live Wallpaper Theming 1345680000000 1345680000000
AcDisplay https://github.com/AChep/AcDisplay 753 224 github.com Handle new notifications with ease System 1402099200000 1438473600000
Accelerrace https://github.com/asafonov/accelerace.apk 8 0 github.com Simple HTML5 racing game made just for fun. Games 1713614207000 1715648702000
Accordion https://github.com/billthefarmer/accordion 32 8 github.com Multimedia 1374969600000 1706303360000
Achie https://github.com/IgorKruchinin/AchieApp 2 0 github.com It's a simple app for registering achievements Time 1688013479000 1688013479000
Acode editor - Android code editor https://github.com/deadlyjack/Acode 3128 434 github.com A lightweight but powerful text/code editor. Development 1617926400000 1736153278000
Acrylic Paint https://gitpull.it/source/acrylic-paint/ gitpull.it Simple finger painting Graphics 1393804800000 1606003200000
Activity Diary https://github.com/ramack/ActivityDiary 73 36 github.com Log and plan your recurring activities Writing 1517875200000 1642982400000
Activity Launcher https://github.com/butzist/ActivityLauncher 989 200 github.com Create shortcuts for apps and activities System 1443398400000 1713352398000
Activity Manager https://github.com/sdex/ActivityManager 692 39 github.com Advanced activities and shortcuts launcher Development, System 1630195200000 1739294823000
ActivityForceNewTask https://github.com/GermainZ/ActivityForceNewTask 30 7 github.com Xposed module that forces activities to open in a new task System 1552435200000 1552435200000
ActivityWatch https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-android 187 28 github.com Track how you spend your time on your devices. Time 1726480331000 1726480331000
Actualizador ODNS https://gitlab.com/javipc/aodns 1 0 gitlab.com Connectivity 1558310400000 1562025600000
Ad-Free https://github.com/abertschi/ad-free 281 20 github.com AdBlocker for Spotify Internet 1505260800000 1702221841000
Ad-silence https://github.com/aghontpi/ad-silence 210 11 github.com Silence ads in Accuradio, Spotify & Tidal. Lightweight & minimal(under 150kb). System 1639612800000 1706636011000
AdAway https://github.com/AdAway/AdAway 7656 597 github.com A free and Open Source ad blocker for Android. Security, System 1318809600000 1731681605000
AdGuard Content Blocker https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ContentBlocker 565 108 github.com Block advertisements Internet 1530489600000 1585699200000
Adaptive Brightness Tile https://github.com/rascarlo/AdaptiveBrightnessTile 32 8 github.com Quick settings tile for adaptive brightness System 1539648000000 1560988800000
Adblock Plus https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockplusandroid hg.adblockplus.org Ad blocker Internet 1363737600000 1378512000000
AddictoLogs https://gitlab.com/thunderdevs/addictologs 0 1 gitlab.com Activity tracker for your bad habits Sports & Health 1737389843000 1737389843000
AddisMapTransit https://github.com/addismap/addismaptransit 4 1 github.com AddisMapTransit is a trip planner for Addis Ababa's public transport Navigation 1664959008000 1697138965000
AdminControl https://github.com/linux-colonel/AdminControl 42 6 github.com Additional security settings System 1521763200000 1536624000000
Adnihilation https://github.com/TrianguloY/Adnihilation 24 3 github.com This is just a very small app to allow you take out on those nasty ads. Development, Games 1646179200000 1646179200000
Advanced Charging Controller (ACCA) https://github.com/MatteCarra/AccA 1223 87 github.com AccA empowers users to have full control over the device charge cycle. System 1578614400000 1630540800000
Aegis Authenticator https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis 9771 410 github.com Free, secure and open source 2FA app to manage tokens for your online services Security 1553731200000 1737111358000
Aeon's End https://github.com/JanSvoboda/aeonsend-randomizer 7 6 github.com Unofficial market setup randomizer for boardgame Aeon's End Games 1511827200000 1511827200000
AeonDroid https://github.com/phora/AeonDroid 16 4 github.com Planetary hours and astrological transit app Time 1443225600000 1444176000000
Aer - Fork of Anemo https://github.com/nain-F49FF806/anemo-aer 217 4 github.com Private storage utility for android with support for external storage media Multimedia, Security, System 1728282570000 1736153107000
Afrikaans for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1624492800000 1624492800000
Aggregator https://github.com/tughi/aggregator-android 66 8 github.com Simple and flexible feed reader Reading 1664476266000 1718792686000
Agit https://github.com/rtyley/agit 512 109 github.com Read software source code Development 1423699200000 1423699200000
AgoraDesk: buy BTC anonymously https://github.com/AgoraDesk-LocalMonero/agoradesk-app-foss 149 19 github.com Buy or sell Bitcoin without ID verification. Cash or online. Safe, fast, easy. Money 1669633655000 1717293599000
Ahorcado https://github.com/Webierta/ahorcandroid 5 1 github.com Spanish Hangman Games 1559779200000 1619136000000
AiCamera https://bitbucket.org/chlun/aicamera bitbucket.org Camera that simulates depth of field using a neural network Multimedia 1562025600000 1562025600000
AirGuard - AirTag protection https://github.com/seemoo-lab/AirGuard 2029 111 github.com Protect yourself from Apple's Find My Tracking Connectivity, Security 1631836800000 1737390051000
AirMessage https://github.com/airmessage/airmessage-android 167 21 github.com Use iMessage on your Android phone! (Mac computer required) Internet, Phone & SMS 1659571200000 1667309739000
Akvo RSR Up https://github.com/akvo/akvo-rsr-up 3 3 github.com Manage and update Akvo RSR Projects Internet 1402358400000 1625011200000
Al-Azan - Prayer Times https://github.com/meypod/al-azan 190 31 github.com Privacy focused open-source muslim Adhan (islamic prayer times) and qibla app Time 1662768000000 1726152022000
Al-Azkar https://github.com/muslimpack/Al-Azkar 28 7 github.com Imam Al-Hafiz Yahya bin Sharafah Al-Din Al-Nawawi. Reading 1735469919000 1735469919000
Alarm Clock https://github.com/SheldonNeilson/Android-Alarm-Clock github.com Disable alarm by solving a math problem Time 1425859200000 1425859200000
Alarm Klock https://github.com/kraigs-android/kraigsandroid 26 26 github.com An alarm clock Time 1305763200000 1693606635000
Alembicons https://codeberg.org/kaanelloed/Alembicons 29 1 codeberg.org Icon pack creator and Arcticons companion Theming 1703079163000 1739294883000
Alertly https://github.com/lightningcpu/Alertly 28 4 github.com Get notified only of important notifications. System 1718619498000 1732179074000
Alex vs Bus: The Race https://github.com/M374LX/alexvsbus 11 3 github.com A platform runner game in which Alex needs to catch the bus on time Games 1732884444000 1732884444000
AlexCalc https://github.com/alexbarry/AlexCalc 33 3 github.com Scientific calculator with LaTeX equation display Science & Education 1718793136000 1737567087000
AlexGames https://github.com/alexbarry/AlexGames 27 1 github.com Play simple Lua games, host web games server Games 1715212800000 1715212800000
Alibi https://github.com/Myzel394/Alibi 625 36 github.com Use your phone as a dashcam and save the last 30 minutes when you need it. Multimedia, System 1703665893000 1726478709000
All In Gold https://gitlab.com/x653/all_in_gold 2 0 gitlab.com The Master of archery sight calibration. Games 1562371200000 1562371200000
Alldebrid https://github.com/Allsimon/Alldebrid 4 2 github.com Client for alldebrid.com Internet 1442966400000 1442966400000
Alovoa https://github.com/Alovoa/alovoa-expo 63 17 github.com Open-source online dating application Internet 1686920516000 1738836819000
Alt Launcher https://github.com/tabletradio/altlauncher 15 5 github.com Launch apps on boot and fastboot on Phoenix Android (and similar) radios System 1610150400000 1619395200000
Altcoin Prices https://gitlab.com/cfabio/AltcoinPrices/tree/HEAD 24 14 gitlab.com Monitor altcoin prices in real time Money 1506211200000 1562284800000
Always On Clock https://github.com/Raidenxd2/always_on_clock_normal 2 1 github.com An Always On Clock for Android. Time 1673855995000 1673855995000
Always On Display Toggle https://github.com/Alberto97/AlwaysOnDisplayToggle 51 5 github.com Toggle Always on Display from the quick settings panel System 1648166400000 1720872254000
AlwaysOn | Always On Display https://github.com/Domi04151309/AlwaysOn 182 40 github.com Android app which adds an always on display. Free, no ads and open source. System 1579737600000 1686532434000
AmSprung https://codeberg.org/uniqx/AmSprung 5 0 codeberg.org public transport departure times in the city of Vienna Navigation 1637020800000 1658016000000
Amarok https://github.com/deltazefiro/Amarok-Hider 1958 64 github.com Hide your private Files and APPs with a single click. Security, System 1675402024000 1738239494000
Amaze https://github.com/TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager 5469 1592 github.com An open-source file manager following the Material Design guidelines System 1663459200000 1708349718000
Amaze File Utilities https://github.com/TeamAmaze/AmazeFileUtilities 361 31 github.com Analyse, transfer and open files all in one app. System 1682854496000 1721382599000
Amber https://github.com/greenart7c3/Amber 166 11 github.com Nostr event signer for Android Internet, Security 1719593748000 1739103871000
AmbitSync https://github.com/starryalley/AmbitSync 14 2 github.com Read Suunto Ambit watches and convert to GPX Connectivity 1531958400000 1642896000000
Ameixa https://gitlab.com/xphnx/ameixa 57 40 gitlab.com Port of TwelF CMTheme for many launchers Theming 1464998400000 1711279537000
Ameixa Monochrome https://gitlab.com/xphnx/ameixa 57 40 gitlab.com Icon pack Theming 1506211200000 1711279542000
Amethyst https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst 1214 164 github.com Nostr Client for Android Internet 1687083793000 1726479669000
An Light | Flashlight https://github.com/neophtex/An-Light-Flashlight github.com A simple open source flashlight app System 1660176000000 1667653490000
AnLinux https://github.com/EXALAB/AnLinux-Adfree 422 35 github.com Run Linux On Android Without Root Access Development 1544572800000 1738409710000
Anagram Solver https://github.com/charbgr/Anagram-Solver 43 12 github.com Find anagrams for a given word Reading 1429660800000 1429660800000
AnagramSolver https://github.com/uberspot/AnagramSolver 11 5 github.com Find anagrams Reading 1381449600000 1407369600000
Analog Clock Widget https://github.com/ailin-nemui/AnalogClockWidget2 8 0 github.com Simple analog clock widget Theming, Time 1712686677000 1712686677000
Analytical Translator https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/xpheres/AndroidAnalyticalTranslator/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Natural language translator Science & Education 1432598400000 1476144000000
Anchr for Android https://github.com/muety/anchr-android/tree/HEAD 62 9 github.com Anchr is a manager for all your important bookmarks and link collections Development, Internet 1616976000000 1642896000000
AndBible: Bible Study https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible 621 201 github.com Read the Bible, study commentaries or dictionaries, or read books offline. Reading 1345680000000 1738837122000
AndIodine https://gitlab.com/andiodine/andiodine 31 8 gitlab.com Data connection through DNS tunneling Connectivity 1393977600000 1526083200000
AndStatus https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus 311 71 github.com Multiple accounts client for multiple social networks Internet 1345680000000 1734797821000
Andhrystone https://github.com/teknoraver/andhrystone 7 1 github.com Dhrystone benchmark System 1439856000000 1439856000000
Andor's Trail https://github.com/AndorsTrailRelease/andors-trail 95 33 github.com Quest-driven RPG Games 1317513600000 1734797466000
AndrOBD https://github.com/fr3ts0n/AndrOBD 1523 324 github.com Connect to your car's OBD system Connectivity 1432598400000 1736779309000
AndrOBD GpsProvider https://github.com/fr3ts0n/AndrOBD-Plugin 76 27 github.com Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's GPS data to AndrOBD Connectivity 1568851200000 1632268800000
AndrOBD MQTTPublisher https://github.com/fr3ts0n/AndrOBD-Plugin 76 27 github.com Plugin extension for AndrOBD to publish OBD measurements to MQTT home automation Connectivity 1521417600000 1632268800000
AndrOBD SensorProvider https://github.com/fr3ts0n/AndrOBD-Plugin 76 27 github.com Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's accelerometer sensor dat Connectivity 1569369600000 1632268800000
AndroDNS https://github.com/gryphius/androdns 46 10 github.com DNS client Internet 1548547200000 1691664725000
AndroFish https://svn.code.sf.net/p/feri/svn/trunk/AndFish svn.code.sf.net Simple game Games 1386547200000 1439769600000
Android 2 Linux Notifications https://github.com/patri9ck/a2ln-app 93 8 github.com A way to display Android phone notifications on Linux Connectivity, System 1644105600000 1723449047000
Android Explorer https://github.com/iamtrk/Device-Explorer 40 12 github.com Get device information System 1474502400000 1474502400000
Android Permissions https://github.com/Arjun-sna/android-permission-checker-app 181 42 github.com Check requested permission details of all installed applications System 1527897600000 1527897600000
Android Resources https://github.com/alt236/Android-Drawables---Android 35 11 github.com List Android Resources Development 1347926400000 1364342400000
Android Tipitaka https://github.com/yuttadhammo/E-Tipitaka-for-Android 8 1 github.com Pali Buddhist Tipitaka Reading 1346976000000 1399593600000
Android USB Serial Monitor Lite https://github.com/ksksue/Android-USB-Serial-Monitor-Lite 162 76 github.com Simple USB-Serial Monitor Development 1372032000000 1372032000000
Android XMRig Miner https://github.com/ElijaxApps-org/android-xmrig-miner/ 109 39 github.com Mine cryptocoins with XMRig miner on your smartphone Money 1541894400000 1541894400000
AndroidCPG https://github.com/IsaNexusDev/androidcpg 0 5 github.com Upload photos and videos to coppermine Internet, Multimedia 1416873600000 1427673600000
AndroidRun https://sourceforge.net/p/androidrun/code sourceforge.net Calculate distance, instant and average speed Navigation 1411344000000 1411344000000
Androidomatic Keyer https://github.com/sussman/androidomatic-keyer 53 3 github.com Morse code keyer Multimedia 1346198400000 1346198400000
Androzic https://github.com/andreynovikov/Androzic 51 32 github.com Navigation for ozf2/3 maps Navigation 1359504000000 1409356800000
Anecdote https://github.com/HugoGresse/Anecdote 36 12 github.com Read your latest quote and feed in a lite app Internet, Reading 1480809600000 1494028800000
Anemo https://github.com/2bllw8/anemo 221 9 github.com A private local storage utility application for android. System, Writing 1646870400000 1675402131000
AniHyou - AniList client https://github.com/axiel7/AniHyou-android 370 7 github.com Another unofficial Android AniList client Internet, Multimedia, Reading 1702749362000 1722691890000
AnimeOne https://github.com/HQAnime/AnimeOne 154 4 github.com Unofficial AnimeOne client Multimedia 1643932800000 1657324800000
Anki Image Occlusion https://github.com/krmanik/Anki-Occlusion 46 0 github.com Anki Image Occlusion app used to create normal, group and combine cloze anki car Science & Education 1654732800000 1654732800000
AnkiDroid: Flashcards https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android 9130 2327 github.com Memorize anything with AnkiDroid! Science & Education 1289520000000 1735842279000
AnkiEditor https://github.com/jkennethcarino/AnkiEditor 38 8 github.com An advanced note editor plug-in for AnkiDroid Science & Education 1549324800000 1549324800000
Anode https://github.com/tarka/Anode 7 2 github.com Internode usage widget Internet 1407542400000 1407542400000
Another notes app https://github.com/maltaisn/another-notes-app/ 368 42 github.com Another notes app, like there have been tens of thousands before. Writing 1621209600000 1703938215000
AnotherMonitor https://github.com/AntonioRedondo/AnotherMonitor 1106 335 github.com Monitor and record CPU and memory usage System 1427760000000 1623974400000
Ansible Sempahore Client https://github.com/gsmlg-dev/ansible-semaphore-client 10 2 github.com Client App for Ansible Sempahore Development 1697818499000 1697818508000
Anstop https://github.com/jdmonin/anstop 8 3 github.com A simple stopwatch Time 1309737600000 1344556800000
AntennaPod https://github.com/AntennaPod/AntennaPod 6704 1438 github.com Easy-to-use, flexible and open-source podcast manager and player Multimedia 1348099200000 1736510734000
Anton Widget https://github.com/antonwolf/antons-apps 1 0 github.com Agenda on the homescreen Time 1345680000000 1345680000000
Anuto TD https://github.com/mjaun/android-anuto 216 68 github.com Another Ugly Tower Defense Games 1467504000000 1727781533000
Any Cut https://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/source code.google.com Create shortcuts for anything System 1347408000000 1347408000000
AnyMemo https://github.com/helloworld1/AnyMemo 152 53 github.com Flashcard-based Learning Science & Education 1329004800000 1635120000000
AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard 2937 838 github.com We live in a world full of languages. Why not use a multi-lingual keyboard? Writing 1348099200000 1642118400000
AnySoftKeyboard: Classic PC Theme https://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Themes/ClassicPC softkeyboard.googlecode.com Theme pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1365033600000 1365033600000
AnySoftKeyboard: Esperanto https://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/LanguagePacks/Esperanto softkeyboard.googlecode.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1364601600000 1364601600000
AnySoftKeyboard: French https://softkeyboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/LanguagePacks/FrenchXLarge softkeyboard.googlecode.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1364601600000 1364601600000
AnySoftKeyboard: Georgian https://github.com/Stichoza/AnySoftKeyboardLanguagePackGeorgian 4 1 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1369008000000 1369008000000
AnySoftKeyboard: Malayalam https://gitorious.org/amalaki/amalaki gitorious.org Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1379635200000 1379635200000
AnySoftKeyboard: NEO2 https://github.com/kertase/neo_anysoftkeyboard 13 6 github.com Neo2 Keyboard Layout for ASK Writing 1454371200000 1489104000000
AnySoftKeyboard: SSH https://github.com/pi3ch/ssh_anysoftkeyboard 24 9 github.com Language pack for ASK Writing 1363305600000 1363305600000
Anytime Podcast Player https://github.com/amugofjava/anytime_podcast_player 477 105 github.com The easy to use open-source podcast player for mobile and tablet. Multimedia 1727603365000 1729415447000
Apk Extractor https://github.com/axxapy/apkExtractor 127 42 github.com Get APK files from installed apps System 1426982400000 1522886400000
ApnSwitch https://github.com/adrian-bl/APN-Switch 20 5 github.com Switch internet on and off Connectivity 1349222400000 1349222400000
Apod Classic https://github.com/fighthawkarg/NasaApodCL 5 0 github.com NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Classic Multimedia, Science & Education 1527897600000 1527897600000
Apod MD https://github.com/fighthawkarg/NasaApodMD 5 1 github.com NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day with Material Design Multimedia, Science & Education 1527897600000 1527897600000
Apollo https://github.com/nuclearfog/Apollo-Music 97 6 github.com Apollo Music Player Multimedia 1712687181000 1727782992000
App Bundle Reporter https://gitlab.com/grote/app-bundle-reporter 5 0 gitlab.com View and report information about installed app bundles Development 1602979200000 1602979200000
App Locker https://github.com/twinone/AppLocker github.com Protect apps with a password or pattern Security 1426464000000 1434499200000
App Manager - Android package manager https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager 5359 298 github.com A full-featured open source package manager for android. System 1597017600000 1739295110000
AppList https://github.com/StarGW-net/app-list 38 2 github.com A free simple app to list all Apps System 1691665713000 1703528511000
AppListBackup https://github.com/AndroidLabs-org/AppListBackup 60 5 github.com Effortlessly create and manage backups of a list of your installed apps. System 1721725140000 1736511078000
Apple Flinger https://gitlab.com/ar-/apple-flinger 53 30 gitlab.com Funny single- and multiplayer game - Use a slingshot to shoot with apples Games 1506211200000 1687083545000
Apple UnifiedNlp Backend https://github.com/microg/AppleWifiNlpBackend 81 15 github.com UnifiedNlp location provider (Apple Wi-Fi) Navigation 1395446400000 1530489600000
Apps2Org https://github.com/pfalcon/apps2org 11 8 github.com Organize apps with labels System 1385164800000 1385164800000
AquaDroid https://github.com/z3r0c00l-2k/AquaDroid 98 42 github.com Reminds you to drink water and tracks your water intake habit Sports & Health 1559779200000 1582934400000
ArcaneChat https://github.com/ArcaneChat/android 166 5 github.com ⚡ Fast encrypted chats for the family 🎉 Internet 1726478796000 1739470154000
ArchNews https://github.com/Lesik/open-archnews 14 4 github.com Show news about Arch Linux Reading 1411344000000 1411344000000
ArchWiki Viewer https://github.com/kevinhinterlong/archwiki-viewer 76 13 github.com View Arch Linux Wiki articles Internet, Reading 1497312000000 1575417600000
ArcheryStats https://github.com/APN-Pucky/ArcheryStats 1 0 github.com App to save archery scores Sports & Health 1658966400000 1659571200000
Archlinux Forums https://gitlab.com/Kanedias/archforums-android 9 5 gitlab.com Satellite application for bbs.archlinux.org forums Internet 1606521600000 1607472000000
Arcticons https://github.com/Donnnno/Arcticons 1071 326 github.com A monotone line-based icon pack for dark themed setups. Theming 1703774444000 1738239378000
Arcticons Black https://github.com/Donnnno/Arcticons 1071 326 github.com A monotone line-based icon pack for light themed setups. Theming 1703774428000 1738239363000
Arcticons Day & Night https://github.com/Donnnno/Arcticons 1071 326 github.com A monotone line-based icon pack for dark & light themed setups. Theming 1703527490000 1738239353000
Arcticons Material You https://github.com/Donnnno/Arcticons 1071 326 github.com A line-based icon pack with a Material You color palette. Theming 1687712315000 1738239369000
Arduino Uno Communicator https://github.com/jeppsson/Arduino-Communicator 137 61 github.com Arduino Uno companion app Development 1393804800000 1393804800000
Aria for Misskey https://github.com/poppingmoon/aria 174 5 github.com Dive into the interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀 Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia 1713792868000 1729154522000
Aria2Android https://github.com/devgianlu/Aria2Android 480 32 github.com Internet 1536969600000 1697345420000
Aria2App https://github.com/devgianlu/Aria2App 1200 93 github.com An advanced download manager and aria2 client for your pocket. Internet 1541462400000 1726963200000
ArityCalc https://github.com/woheller69/Arity 130 4 github.com Scientific calculator for Android 5+ Science & Education 1675402744000 1715649107000
Arso Vreme https://github.com/pro1mantis/ArsoVreme-webapp 1 0 github.com Aplikacija za ARSO vreme. Internet 1681379393000 1681379393000
Aruba Networks Login https://github.com/mkg20001/aruba-networks-login 4 1 github.com App to automatically login into arubanetworks.com hotspots Connectivity 1542326400000 1542326400000
Arx Libertatis https://github.com/sandstranger/ArxLibertatis-android-port 28 2 github.com Android port of Arx Libertatis Games 1725612009000 1738609755000
Ask me anything meaningful https://github.com/lsubel/amam-cordova 10 0 github.com Questions for a good conversation Games 1459555200000 1467763200000
Asqare https://code.google.com/p/asqare/source code.google.com Coloured squares game Games 1343260800000 1343260800000
Aster Launcher https://github.com/neophtex/AsterLauncher 40 6 github.com minimalist productivity launcher System 1698968537000 1717028757000
Asteroid's Revenge https://github.com/Ragebreaker/asteroids-revenge 7 1 github.com Endless survival bulletHell (highscore based). Games 1714745059000 1731918704000
AsteroidOS Sync https://github.com/AsteroidOS/AsteroidOSSync 101 38 github.com Synchronize with your AsteroidOS smartwatch Connectivity 1481241600000 1695112160000
AtmosphereLogger https://github.com/lllllT/AtmosphereLogger 15 6 github.com Logs atmospheric pressure Science & Education 1397260800000 1542412800000
Atomize https://github.com/wrmndfzzy/Atomize 44 8 github.com PNG image compression with notably file size shrinking Development, Graphics 1556841600000 1556841600000
Attendance Viewer https://github.com/mavidser/attendance-viewer 1 3 github.com Attendance tracker for Indian colleges Science & Education, Time 1422403200000 1422403200000
Audile https://github.com/aleksey-saenko/MusicRecognizer 572 16 github.com Music recognition app Internet, Multimedia 1698256375000 1738073150000
Audio Notes https://github.com/certified84/AudioNote 85 8 github.com take audio notes (recordings) Multimedia 1685141371000 1685141371000
Audio Recorder https://github.com/Dimowner/AudioRecorder 805 184 github.com gives easy audio recording experience Multimedia 1626307200000 1729154107000
Audio Recorder https://gitlab.com/axet/android-audio-recorder/tree/HEAD 173 69 gitlab.com Record audio files Multimedia 1494720000000 1731160115000
Audio Share https://github.com/mkckr0/audio-share 1307 65 github.com Share Windows/Linux computer's audio to Android phone. Connectivity, Multimedia 1695611791000 1736510985000
Audio Source https://github.com/gdzx/audiosource 202 10 github.com Use an Android device as a USB microphone Multimedia, System 1727254245000 1727254245000
Audio Spectrum Analyzer https://github.com/woheller69/audio-analyzer-for-android 234 17 github.com A handy real-time audio spectrum and spectrogram analyzer Multimedia 1654387200000 1728114110000
AudioAnchor https://github.com/flackbash/AudioAnchor 227 46 github.com Audio player that tracks the listening process of your audio books and podcasts Multimedia 1551830400000 1684842856000
AudioMeter https://github.com/quaap/AudioMeter 34 10 github.com A simple VU-style audio meter Multimedia 1479686400000 1480464000000
Aurora https://github.com/FunkyMuse/Aurora 479 31 github.com Non-official Library Genesis mobile client. Multimedia, Reading 1625875200000 1630195200000
Aurora Store https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AuroraStore 1924 818 gitlab.com An unofficial FOSS client to Google Play with an elegant design and privacy System 1555113600000 1736779264000
AusweisApp https://github.com/Governikus/AusweisApp2 566 84 github.com ePerso mit dem Handy nutzen Internet 1550534400000 1730056966000
Auth Token https://github.com/markmcavoy/androidtoken 75 30 github.com OATH software tokens System 1382313600000 1494806400000
AuthPass - KeePass compatible Password Manager https://github.com/authpass/authpass 2358 259 github.com Keep your passwords safe across all platforms and devices. Security 1569628800000 1707219016000
Authorizer https://github.com/tejado/Authorizer 524 57 github.com Password Manager with USB Keyboard emulation Security 1538092800000 1683906236000
Auto Auto-Rotate https://gitlab.com/juanitobananas/auto-auto-rotate 27 3 gitlab.com Automatically remembers your auto-rotate setting for every app System 1600905600000 1721061356000
Auto Off Bluetooth https://github.com/Mystro256/autooffbluetooth 12 1 github.com Automatically turn off bluetooth if disconnected Connectivity 1611532800000 1611532800000
Auto-Away https://github.com/DizzyThermal/Auto-Away 9 4 github.com Auto respond calls and messages Phone & SMS 1365292800000 1507852800000
AutoAnswer https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://auto-answer.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Auto-answer phone calls Phone & SMS 1330128000000 1330128000000
AutoDND https://github.com/dic1911/android_AutoDND 51 4 github.com A simple tool to toggle DND automatically when using specified apps. System 1637020800000 1713352701000
AutoDark https://github.com/0ranko0P/AutoDark 84 5 github.com Utility to schedule system dark mode. System 1597968000000 1643932800000
AutoNotify https://github.com/zehuanli/AutoNotify 6 0 github.com Relay notifications of any apps to Android Auto System 1692685798000 1692685798000
Automation https://git.server47.de/jens/Automation git.server47.de Automate stuff on your device by creating rules. System 1615420800000 1717028480000
Autostarts - Block apps from starting automaticall https://github.com/miracle2k/android-autostarts 212 89 github.com See what launches at boot System 1357084800000 1603497600000
Auxio https://github.com/OxygenCobalt/Auxio 2349 158 github.com A simple, rational music player Multimedia 1625443200000 1730057359000
Avare https://github.com/apps4av/avare 160 122 github.com Aviation map Navigation 1407801600000 1728282945000
Average data usage widget https://github.com/TrianguloY/Average-data-usage-widget 35 1 github.com Check your data usage and compare it with an indicator of the average usage. Connectivity, Internet 1639526400000 1730292061000
Aves Libre https://github.com/deckerst/aves 3112 113 github.com Gallery and metadata explorer Graphics, Multimedia 1669717883000 1739103976000
AwesomeWallpaper https://github.com/vvolas/Awesome-Live-Wallpaper 18 9 github.com Live wallpaper with a happy llama Theming 1468713600000 1478476800000
BARIA https://gitlab.com/easwareapps/BARIA/tree/HEAD 6 4 gitlab.com Backup And Restore Installed Apps System 1479686400000 1479686400000
BBS https://github.com/asksven/BetterBatteryStats 628 156 github.com Monitor battery behaviour with Better Battery Stats System 1370304000000 1688119508000
BF Interpreter https://github.com/segin/BFInterpreter 18 2 github.com Brainfuck language interpreter Development 1406937600000 1623974400000
BFBAN Assistants https://github.com/cabbagelol/bfban-app-mobile 12 2 github.com Report players on your phone with mobile app for BFBAN Internet 1735842118000 1735842126000
BG2BangleJS https://codeberg.org/phrogg/BG2BangleJSApp 1 0 codeberg.org With this app you can get your BG values onto the BangleJS! Connectivity, System 1689019356000 1689019356000
BILIBILIAS https://github.com/1250422131/bilibilias 1065 61 github.com An auxiliary tool for Bilibili video caching, providing one-click caching Internet, Multimedia 1723209015000 1730538232000
BLE Radar https://github.com/Semper-Viventem/MetaRadar 637 31 github.com A tool to monitor, analyze and find BLE devices around you. Connectivity, Security 1705318170000 1738073251000
BLExplorer https://github.com/ligi/BLExplorer 56 22 github.com Bluetooth Low Energy Explorer Development 1431388800000 1478476800000
BMI Calculator https://github.com/characterdog/bmi-calculator 12 18 github.com Simple BMI calculator Sports & Health 1536969600000 1542844800000
BMI Calculator https://github.com/zikalify/BMI_Calculator 18 6 github.com Body Mass Index calculator Sports & Health 1391644800000 1606176000000
BOINC https://github.com/BOINC/boinc 2084 466 github.com Use your device to advance scientific research. Science & Education 1614556800000 1718792897000
BRouter https://github.com/abrensch/brouter 526 126 github.com Get elevation-aware cycling directions Navigation 1429056000000 1721986024000
BTC Map https://github.com/teambtcmap/btcmap-android 70 28 github.com See where you can spend your sats Internet, Money, Navigation 1653436800000 1738073284000
BVD https://github.com/KafuuNeko/BiliDownload 214 16 github.com bilibili video resource downloader Internet, Multimedia 1656028800000 1736779207000
BabbyPaint https://github.com/alexjyong/BabbyPaint/ 5 0 github.com Simple little paint application for kids. Games, Graphics 1730538421000 1734086944000
Baby Books https://github.com/babydots/babybook 19 7 github.com Make your own picture books using images and words from Wikipedia Reading, Science & Education, Writing 1644105600000 1724242085000
Baby Dots https://github.com/babydots/babydots 44 10 github.com Soothe and calm young babies Multimedia 1602547200000 1721383106000
Baby Phone https://github.com/babydots/babyphone 20 8 github.com A pretend phone app for little ones who want to practice. Phone & SMS 1633910400000 1722330506000
BabyName https://github.com/mdecorde/BABYNAME 9 8 github.com Findout your future baby name Science & Education 1465689600000 1465948800000
Backup (PFA) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-backup 45 7 github.com (SECUSO) Backup Application for Privacy Friendly Apps System 1659398400000 1733741278000
Bacon - Bluetooth Controller https://github.com/jerameel/bacon 59 3 github.com A customizable Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) controller. Connectivity 1654387200000 1672948154000
Bad Pixel Detector https://github.com/SibDev/BadPixels 1 2 github.com Check your device on pixel failures by plain screens in 8 colors, black & white System 1476144000000 1476144000000
Badge Magic https://github.com/fossasia/badge-magic-android 1896 222 github.com Create Symbols and Text on LED Name Badges using Bluetooth Connectivity 1559520000000 1582934400000
Badreads https://github.com/fenimore/badreads 50 6 github.com Book tracking for logging books and looking them up at OpenLibrary Reading 1616716800000 1636070400000
Bagatur Chess Engine https://github.com/MetatransApps/Android_APK_ChessEngineBagatur 9 0 github.com Offline chess play with 16 strength levels. Chess Engine with its own GUI. Chess Games, Sports & Health 1673336776000 1682854540000
Balance https://github.com/scheich/Balance 4 1 github.com Widget that shows the value of a given ussd code System 1487548800000 1487548800000
Balance https://codeberg.org/PrivacyBlog/Balance 1 0 codeberg.org This app shows buddhistic wise sayings each day. Science & Education 1609200000000 1609200000000
Balance the Ball https://github.com/baturkey/Balance-the-Ball 2 0 github.com A dexterity testing toy Games 1608768000000 1609804800000
Balanduino https://github.com/TKJElectronics/BalanduinoAndroidApp 35 27 github.com Controller for a robot Development 1389657600000 1430524800000
BaldPhone https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone 284 68 github.com Replace your phone's interface with a big, simple and friendly one System 1564790400000 1602460800000
Ball2Box https://github.com/dulvui/ball2box/ 45 5 github.com Swipe to shoot the ball in over 120 Levels. Can you collect the 3 stars? Games 1676924379000 1736153340000
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge 1035 404 codeberg.org Android companion app for Bangle.js built on top of the Gadgetbridge project. Connectivity, Navigation, System 1660003200000 1735842188000
Bangumi https://github.com/czy0729/Bangumi 4004 139 github.com A third-party client for Bangumi Internet, Multimedia 1655683200000 1676720724000
Barcode Box 2 https://github.com/ucam-cl-dtg/barcodebox 5 5 github.com Barcode scan history Multimedia 1344816000000 1383004800000
Barcode Buddy https://github.com/Forceu/barcodebuddy-android 25 7 github.com App for Barcode Buddy Connectivity 1609632000000 1725612738000
Barcode Scanner https://gitlab.com/Atharok/BarcodeScanner 124 30 gitlab.com An open-source app that allows you to read and generate barcodes. Multimedia, System 1662249600000 1735842096000
Barcode Scanner https://github.com/zxing/zxing 33055 9375 github.com Scan barcodes on products, or barcodes containing URLs, contact info, and so on Multimedia 1349222400000 1537401600000
Barcodegen https://gitlab.com/muelli/barcodegen/tree/HEAD 5 1 gitlab.com Generates barcodes with the zbar library Graphics 1474588800000 1474588800000
Based Cooking https://github.com/Binabh/based-cooking-app 17 3 github.com Simple, ad free, open source recipe app. Internet, Reading 1642464000000 1689845215000
Basque for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1486598400000 1624492800000
Batch Uninstaller https://github.com/sarbajitsaha/Batch-Uninstaller 71 16 github.com Uninstall multiple applications at once System 1526601600000 1669300474000
Bats! HIIT https://github.com/kwantam/batsHIIT 16 9 github.com Practice high intensity interval training Sports & Health 1487894400000 1487894400000
Battery Circle https://github.com/adrian-bl/bl-battstatus-android 17 9 github.com Battery info in the status bar System 1345680000000 1345680000000
Battery Dog https://sourceforge.net/p/andbatdog/code sourceforge.net Battery level logger System 1301702400000 1301702400000
Battery Notification https://github.com/TylerWilliamson/BatteryNotification 33 4 github.com Battery stats at a glance! System 1650240000000 1724242003000
Battery Tool | Hibernate Unused Apps https://github.com/Domi04151309/BatteryTool 115 13 github.com Automatically stop apps running in the background. Free, no ads and open source. System 1609977600000 1658016000000
Battery Widget https://github.com/hmrocha/batterywidget 16 2 github.com Battery info Theming 1346976000000 1346976000000
Battery Widget https://github.com/yanchenko/droidparts-battery-widget 7 2 github.com Show battery level System 1344816000000 1344816000000
BatteryBot https://github.com/darshan-/Battery-Indicator-Free 27 6 github.com Battery monitoring tool, "free" version System 1460678400000 1642982400000
BatteryBot Pro https://github.com/darshan-/Battery-Indicator-Pro 114 28 github.com Battery monitoring tool, "pro" version System 1389052800000 1638835200000
BatteryFu https://github.com/tobykurien/BatteryFu 69 17 github.com Battery saving System 1393977600000 1537488000000
Battle for Wesnoth https://sourceforge.net/projects/wesnoth-on-android/files/ sourceforge.net A turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme Games 1565481600000 1565481600000
Beacon Locator https://github.com/vitas/beaconloc 105 42 github.com Interact with Bluetooth beacons System 1456531200000 1548806400000
BeamControl for Smart Interface https://sourceforge.net/p/oapc/code/ci/master/tree/AndroidBeamControl sourceforge.net Control / notification application for smart factory/industry 4.0 applications Connectivity 1541894400000 1541894400000
Beat Feet https://github.com/beat-game/beat-game 70 7 github.com Jump through cities generated to the beat of the music. Games 1613520000000 1722330515000
Beauty Clock https://github.com/shakalaca/BeautyClockLiveWallpaper 22 14 github.com Pictures of people with the time Theming 1386547200000 1386547200000
BedrockStation (Pro) https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/BedrockStation git.owlcode.tech Connect your PlayStation's Minecraft to third party servers. Connectivity, Games 1727782689000 1728113719000
BeeCount https://github.com/knirirr/BeeCount 17 4 github.com Knitting row counter Writing 1402963200000 1737566925000
BeepMe https://github.com/nebulon42/beepme github.com Experience sampling (ESM/DES) Science & Education 1396137600000 1397779200000
Behat Reporter https://github.com/headrevision/BehatReporter 7 2 github.com Display server output Internet 1389052800000 1389052800000
BendyStraw https://codeberg.org/mm-dev/bendy-straw 6 0 codeberg.org An app for managing NewPipe databases Multimedia 1702045664000 1738837177000
Best-Before https://codeberg.org/BeoCode/Best-Before 12 3 codeberg.org App for monitoring the best-before date of products Sports & Health 1653436800000 1657584000000
Beta Updater for WhatsApp https://github.com/javiersantos/WhatsAppBetaUpdater 197 57 github.com Update WhatsApp to latest beta release Internet 1453075200000 1517184000000
Better Internet Tiles https://github.com/CasperVerswijvelt/Better-Internet-Tiles 191 17 github.com Bring back Wi-Fi and mobile data tiles on Android 12 or higher Connectivity, Internet, Security, System 1664475767000 1732884387000
Better Schedule (Bakaláři) https://gitlab.com/vitSkalicky/lepsi-rozvrh 10 6 gitlab.com A faster schedule for Bakaláři. For students, by students. Internet, Science & Education 1573516800000 1737894049000
Better Wifi on/off https://github.com/asksven/BetterWifiOnOff 26 14 github.com Manage the use of Wi-Fi to save battery Connectivity 1386547200000 1386547200000
BetterCounter https://github.com/albertvaka/bettercounter 148 17 github.com A simple, multi-purpose counter app Sports & Health, Time 1611187200000 1737111720000
BetterUntis https://github.com/SapuSeven/BetterUntis 248 35 github.com An alternative mobile client for the Untis timetable system. Internet 1576800000000 1700396663000
Bewegungsmelder https://github.com/arnef/bewegungsmelder-android 3 3 github.com Get event information for Hamburg, Germany Time 1481500800000 1510012800000
Bhagavad Gita https://github.com/WirelessAlien/BhagavadGitaApp 64 9 github.com A Simple Android App for Bhagavad Gita Reading 1691665304000 1707999282000
Bhagavad Gita https://github.com/niccokunzmann/bhagavad-gita-android/ 8 0 github.com Internet, Reading 1549065600000 1549065600000
Bibel-Kapitel-Losung https://gitlab.com/y1273/bibelkapitellosung 1 1 gitlab.com Draws randomly a bible chapter by touching a button Reading 1693043736000 1693043736000
Bible Notify https://github.com/BibleNotify/BibleNotify 33 8 github.com Free and open-source, offline daily Bible verse notification app for Android Reading 1641513600000 1734456699000
Bible Verse App https://github.com/joshuabeny1999/BibleVerseApp 5 0 github.com Daily Bible verses from BibleGateway.com with widgets & notifications Reading, Science & Education 1699918610000 1720870942000
Bibledit https://github.com/bibledit/android 4 1 github.com Enables translation teams to edit Scripture on any device Reading, Writing 1619136000000 1721238343000
Bibleside https://github.com/Correct-Syntax/bible_side 9 2 github.com Offline Bible app featuring the OET (Open English Translation) Reading, Science & Education 1729154035000 1736153222000
Bide et Musique https://github.com/odrevet/bide_et_musique_flutter 12 2 github.com Listen and consult the "Bide et Musique" web radio. Multimedia 1615161600000 1723733420000
Bienvenido a Internet https://github.com/Renard1911/BaiApp 2 2 github.com Bienvenido a Internet text/image board browser Internet 1462924800000 1553472000000
Bierverkostung https://bitbucket.org/jufickel/bierverkostung/src bitbucket.org Document and manage your personal beer tastings Writing 1492387200000 1545868800000
BiglyBT, Torrent Downloader https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT-Android 457 53 github.com Ad-free, open source torrenting for phone, tablet, Chromebook, & Android TV Internet 1507852800000 1696461852000
BikeComputer https://gitlab.com/Nulide/BikeComputer 6 2 gitlab.com BikeComputer Navigation, Sports & Health 1598659200000 1680775877000
BikeSharingHub https://github.com/francoisfds/BikeSharingHub 19 10 github.com Shared bikes availability in your city Navigation 1627689600000 1731681564000
BiliDownOut https://github.com/10miaomiao/bili-down-out 224 3 github.com Export videos downloaded from the Android version of Bilibili App Multimedia 1730291951000 1730291961000
Bimba https://git.apiote.xyz/Bimba.git git.apiote.xyz FLOSS public transport passenger companion; a timetable in your pocket. Navigation 1682423991000 1737732240000
BinEd - Hex Editor https://github.com/exbin/bined-android 39 7 github.com Editor for binary data (hex viewer/editor) Development 1728814368000 1731681608000
Binary Eye https://github.com/markusfisch/BinaryEye 1619 127 github.com Yet another barcode scanner Multimedia 1550707200000 1732662441000
Binary Kitchen Doorlock https://github.com/binary-kitchen/doorlock-app 13 5 github.com Binary Kitchen's Open Sesame Internet, Security 1536624000000 1543968000000
Binaural Beats https://gitlab.com/axet/android-binaural-beats 26 9 gitlab.com Meditation helper Sports & Health 1526601600000 1648512000000
BinderFuzzy - Pentest Android Services https://github.com/ChickenHook/BinderFuzzy 92 17 github.com An App intended for fuzzing the Binder interface and System Services of Android. Security 1610150400000 1610150400000
Birday - Birthday Manager https://github.com/m-i-n-a-r/birday 944 81 github.com A simple yet useful birthday manager. Birday is free and ad-free! 🥳 Time 1599436800000 1724241938000
BirthDayDroid https://gitlab.com/tmendes/BirthDayDroid 27 9 gitlab.com This application will help you remember all the birthdays of your friends Time 1487894400000 1639612800000
Birthday Adapter https://github.com/PrivacyApps/birthday-calendar 98 29 github.com Birthday Calendar Adapter Time 1333584000000 1478044800000
Birthday Calendar https://github.com/saschpe/BirthdayCalendar 72 20 github.com Creates birthday events from all other calendar's data System 1489708800000 1584921600000
Birthday Countdown https://git.tjdev.de/DrMaxNix/birthdaycountdown git.tjdev.de An App counting down to your next birthday! Time 1658361600000 1728113344000
Birthdroid https://github.com/rigid/Birthdroid 14 6 github.com Keep track of birthdays Time 1363564800000 1420934400000
BitAC - Bitcoin Address Checker https://gitlab.com/ademar111190/BitAC 2 2 gitlab.com An easy and quick way to check the balance of bitcoin addresses. Money 1615680000000 1721985977000
BitBanana https://github.com/michaelWuensch/BitBanana 108 12 github.com Lightning Node Management for Android Money 1693043050000 1736779193000
Bitcoin Wallet https://github.com/bitcoin-wallet/bitcoin-wallet 3839 2112 github.com Store digital currency Money 1330300800000 1738239484000
Bitcoin Wallet [testnet3] https://github.com/bitcoin-wallet/bitcoin-wallet 3839 2112 github.com Testing version of Bitcoin Money 1333756800000 1738239488000
Bitcoinium Prime https://github.com/veken0m/bitcoinium 47 32 github.com Monitor Bitcoin prices Money 1365465600000 1385942400000
Bites https://code.google.com/p/bites-android/source code.google.com Recipes cookbook Reading 1349827200000 1349827200000
Bitmask https://0xacab.org/leap/bitmask_android 0xacab.org Encrypted communication for mere mortals(superheroes welcome, too). Connectivity, Internet, Security 1518480000000 1728285126000
Bits & Bäume 2022 Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan/tree/bitsundbaeume-2022 32 5 github.com The conference for digitization and sustainability Time 1541980800000 1663459200000
BlackCandy https://github.com/blackcandy-org/android 17 2 github.com Black Candy for Android Multimedia 1717295608000 1717295608000
BlackSCREENremote https://github.com/Cherubin7th/BlackSCREENpREsENtAtIONremote 4 1 github.com Screen off remote control Multimedia 1394841600000 1394841600000
Blackjack https://gitlab.com/RafferGames/Blackjack/android gitlab.com Games 1628380800000 1632268800000
BlastOff https://github.com/Ranger-NF/BlastOff 13 2 github.com Casual endless runner featuring vector graphics Games 1719833493000 1721061597000
BleOta https://github.com/vovagorodok/ble_ota_app 52 6 github.com Upload firmware over Bluetooth Development 1717294663000 1729414285000
Blink Comparison https://github.com/proninyaroslav/blink-comparison 266 27 github.com Simplifies comparing photos of tamper-evident seals using your eyes Multimedia, Security 1730057362000 1730057369000
Bliss Launcher https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/BlissLauncher gitlab.e.foundation Launcher originally designed for /e/ Theming 1558569600000 1582329600000
Blitz: Fischer Chess Clock https://github.com/ldeso/blitz 19 2 github.com A minimalist Fischer chess clock for Android. Games, Time 1709145331000 1726153168000
BlitzMail https://github.com/grote/BlitzMail 54 11 github.com Share content and notes via email Internet 1364601600000 1559174400000
Blitzortung Lightning Monitor https://github.com/wuan/bo-android 114 32 github.com Get an overview of the current thunderstorm situation Science & Education 1549152000000 1738073279000
Block Puzzle Stone Wars https://github.com/SoltauFintel/blockpuzzle 41 13 github.com Addicting classic game, completely free, with multi-player mode Games 1602028800000 1619136000000
Block'Buster https://github.com/asafonov/blockbuster.apk 2 0 github.com Simple HTML5 arkanoid-type game Games 1670890739000 1715648703000
Block6 https://github.com/travistynes/block6 5 2 github.com Block6 is an SMS app that makes it easy to block messages from numbers you don't Phone & SMS 1569369600000 1569628800000
Blocker https://github.com/lihenggui/blocker 1572 67 github.com A component controller for Android applications System 1657324800000 1727007901000
Blokish https://github.com/scoutant/blokish 102 71 github.com Board game Games 1314230400000 1729816621000
Blood pressure monitor https://github.com/derdilla/blood-pressure-monitor-fl 78 16 github.com Save, analyze and export your blood pressure! Sports & Health 1685719960000 1738836829000
Blue Line Console https://github.com/nhirokinet/bluelineconsole 212 17 github.com Keyboard based launcher Theming 1609027200000 1737732155000
Blue Mono Sound https://github.com/soynerdito/BlueSound 37 13 github.com Redirect audio to bluetooth headset Multimedia, Phone & SMS 1424217600000 1428278400000
Blue Square Speedometer https://github.com/nhirokinet/bluesquarespeedometer 32 6 github.com Simple speedometer & GPS viewer Navigation 1642118400000 1736511072000
BlueChat https://github.com/AlexKang/blue-chat 52 26 github.com Chat locally over Bluetooth Connectivity 1415577600000 1428796800000
BlueGps https://sourceforge.net/p/bluegps4droid/git sourceforge.net Connect a GPS via bluetooth Navigation 1345680000000 1380240000000
BluePass https://github.com/boon-code/bluepass 21 1 github.com BluePass extracts 2FA tokens from SMS and forwards them via Bluetooth Connectivity, Phone & SMS, Security, System 1635811200000 1638403200000
Bluemoon https://gitlab.com/ngrob/bluemoon-android 12 4 gitlab.com Open source, privacy friendly menstruation tracking app. Your period, your data! Sports & Health 1703527318000 1715941699000
Bluetooth LE Spam https://github.com/simondankelmann/Bluetooth-LE-Spam 4206 336 github.com Impersonate Bluetooth Low Energy devices, causing pop-ups on receiving devices. Connectivity, Development, Science & Education 1703666608000 1737732120000
Bluetooth Remote https://gitlab.com/Atharok/BtRemote 53 10 gitlab.com Bluetooth remote control for Android TV. Connectivity, Multimedia 1715291323000 1738836821000
Bluetooth Viewer (LITE) https://github.com/janosgyerik/bluetoothviewer 200 108 github.com Bluetooth connection debugging tool Development 1389052800000 1463184000000
Bluez IME https://github.com/kenkendk/android-bluez-ime 13 4 github.com Set up bluetooth controllers Games 1345680000000 1466380800000
BluezIME HID Enabler https://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/source code.google.com Addon for Bluez-ime Games, System 1352332800000 1352332800000
Blurred Lines https://github.com/ghisguth/sunlight/tree/HEAD/blurredlines 40 14 github.com Live wallpaper Theming 1357776000000 1468972800000
BmiCalc https://sourceforge.net/p/androidbmicalc/code/ci/master/tree/ sourceforge.net BmiCalc is a software to calculate the body mass index (BMI). Sports & Health 1609632000000 1609632000000
BoB https://gitlab.com/LaBaude32/bob 5 3 gitlab.com Baby on Board is an application of pregnancy tracking that respect your privacy Sports & Health 1692027364000 1716198332000
BoardGameGeek https://github.com/ccomeaux/boardgamegeek4android 231 47 github.com Search boardgame data Games 1403654400000 1421884800000
Boardgame Clock (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-boardgame-clock 7 4 github.com (SECUSO) Boardgame Clock offers timers for boardgame time tracking Games, Time 1549324800000 1696790836000
BobBall https://github.com/bobthekingofegypt/BobBall 20 7 github.com Jezzball style clone Games 1438041600000 1725148231000
Bodha Converter https://github.com/dillbyrne/Bodha-Converter 5 2 github.com Convert binary, octal, decimal, hex and ASCII Science & Education 1405900800000 1405900800000
Bodhi Timer https://github.com/yuttadhammo/BodhiTimer 52 10 github.com Elegant Meditation Timer Time 1411603200000 1672438236000
Boilr https://github.com/drpout/boilr 128 67 github.com Pricealarm for Bitcoin, altcoins, assets & futures Money 1412726400000 1483315200000
BoltOn https://gitlab.com/Hague/bolton 3 2 gitlab.com An open-source bluetooth file manager for the Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt. Sports & Health 1622246400000 1738836871000
Bomber https://github.com/sophiehuiberts/Bomber-for-android 15 11 github.com Single player arcade game Games 1341878400000 1341878400000
BombusMod https://github.com/BombusMod/BombusMod 27 15 github.com Messaging client Internet 1369958400000 1720872280000
BonjourBrowser https://github.com/wellenvogel/BonjourBrowser 38 9 github.com Browse Bonjour services for http Internet 1609459200000 1714745771000
Book Listing App https://github.com/Darshpreet2000/BookListingApp 6 1 github.com A simple app which lists all books from Google Books API Connectivity, Development 1607299200000 1607817600000
Book's Story https://github.com/Acclorite/book-story 627 32 github.com Dive into the world of adventure as you discover your favorite book's story! Reading 1722942891000 1739104178000
BookWorm https://github.com/charlieCollins/and-bookworm 7 4 github.com Book collection manager Reading 1296086400000 1304467200000
BookWyrm https://github.com/PrivacyDragon/Bookwyrm_Android 33 1 github.com A BookWyrm client for Android. Reading 1682598658000 1737894169000
Bookaccio Book Tracker https://github.com/bugsdev2/bookaccio 10 2 github.com Your Personal Book Tracker Reading 1732884427000 1737731923000
Bookland https://github.com/dhvl5/Bookland 40 4 github.com Bookland is an android app where you can track all of your book readings. Reading 1667859712000 1667859712000
BootBoi https://github.com/BootBoi/android-app 90 3 github.com Turn on/off your remote machine without leaving your couch! Connectivity, Internet 1625875200000 1625875200000
Botifier https://github.com/grimpy/Botifier 62 18 github.com Send notifications via Bluetooth Connectivity 1386720000000 1414108800000
Box Smasher https://github.com/rollerozxa/boxsmasher 14 1 github.com Shoot balls to smash boxes into the void! Games 1738837185000 1739295200000
Box Stacker https://gitlab.com/box-stacker/box-stacker-mobile 1 0 gitlab.com Box Stacker is a physics-based construction puzzle game. Games 1691426764000 1692686295000
Box, Box! https://github.com/BrightDV/BoxBox 111 11 github.com Unofficial app for Formula 1 and Formula E fans! Internet 1664709483000 1737111705000
Boxcars https://code.rocket9labs.com/tslocum/boxcars-android code.rocket9labs.com Play backgammon online via bgammon.org Games, Internet 1698968525000 1739294945000
Brailliac: Braille Keyboard https://github.com/Brailliac/BrailleKeyboard 9 2 github.com System keyboard based on a Braille cell! Science & Education, System, Writing 1705952839000 1705952839000
Brainf https://github.com/fredhappyface/android.brainf 27 2 github.com Interpreter for the ‘Brainf’ programming language Development 1623369600000 1725146957000
Brainstonz for Android https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/BrainstonzForAndroid 1 0 github.com Brainstonz is a board game for two players Games 1549324800000 1549324800000
Brazilian Portuguese for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1499990400000 1624492800000
Break.Down.Timer https://github.com/jenspfahl/BDT 91 4 github.com A timer with in-between notifications Time 1665849486000 1724242316000
Breathly https://github.com/mmazzarolo/breathly-app 529 71 github.com A simple way to focus on your breathing Sports & Health 1571011200000 1698968453000
Breezy Weather https://github.com/breezy-weather/breezy-weather 6322 193 github.com A powerful, open-source Material Design weather app. Internet 1712396411000 1739295152000
Brethap https://github.com/jithware/brethap 54 11 github.com Control your breathing during meditation. Sports & Health 1631145600000 1722692202000
Briar https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar code.briarproject.org Secure messaging, anywhere Connectivity, Internet, Security 1534204800000 1725613419000
Briar Mailbox https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar-mailbox code.briarproject.org Receive encrypted messages while Briar is offline Connectivity, Internet, Security 1712918216000 1723449455000
Broccoli: The Green Recipe App https://github.com/flauschtrud/broccoli 91 10 github.com Recipe manager, cooking assistant, seasonal calendar: the eco-friendly cookbook. Sports & Health 1687881806000 1737389882000
Broker 1961 https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/Broker-1961-for-Android 7 2 github.com Very attractive board game which was created in 1961 for trading shares Games 1707620182000 1707620182000
Brony Live Wallpaper https://github.com/frankkienl/BronyLiveWallpaper 19 4 github.com Animated ponies Theming 1389657600000 1389657600000
Brume Wallet https://github.com/brumewallet/wallet 96 12 github.com The private Ethereum wallet Money 1709663583000 1738836992000
Bubble https://github.com/woheller69/level 192 15 github.com Spirit level and ruler Science & Education 1634860800000 1717029838000
Buckwheat: Budget manager https://github.com/danilkinkin/buckwheat/ 627 43 github.com App that helps you spend money wisely System, Theming 1710341351000 1719400008000
Buddha Quotes https://github.com/BanDev/Buddha-Quotes 40 20 github.com A Free and Open Source Buddha Quotes app with a focus on privacy. Science & Education 1602028800000 1683445463000
Bulgarian Phonetic Layout - Ext. Keyboards https://github.com/marfl/android-bulgarian-phonetic-layout 5 3 github.com Bulgarian phonetic layout for h/w keyboards Writing 1416268800000 1416268800000
Bullseye https://gitlab.com/x653/bullseye 6 3 gitlab.com Scoreboard for tournament dart x01 Games 1487548800000 1556150400000
Bummerlzähler https://github.com/Elektropepi/bummerlzaehler 5 1 github.com Fetziger Bummerlzähler für jeden der nicht überall einen Zettl hat Games 1627689600000 1627689600000
Bunny Media Editor https://gitlab.shinice.net/pixeldroid/bunny gitlab.shinice.net Media editor: edit images and videos on your phone Internet 1711965214000 1733740934000
Bura https://github.com/davidtakac/bura/ 266 28 github.com Modern weather app with graphs and thoughtful data visualization Internet 1715941937000 1738409589000
Buran https://github.com/Corewala/Buran 110 10 github.com Simple Gemini browser for Android Internet 1656288000000 1668276263000
Burger Party https://github.com/agateau/burgerparty 18 12 github.com Are you fast enough to put together the burgers ordered by your customers? Games 1687712227000 1720266159000
BusTO https://gitpull.it/source/libre-busto/ gitpull.it Turin (Italy) public transport Navigation 1415664000000 1735470298000
Buses https://github.com/billthefarmer/buses 7 0 github.com Navigation 1631145600000 1703528550000
Bushido Blocks https://github.com/sandeel/Bushido-Blocks 56 20 github.com Block-matching game Games 1367971200000 1367971200000
BusyBox https://github.com/meefik/busybox 1510 263 github.com Install a compact but feature-complete version of basic Linux command line utils System 1458086400000 1647648000000
BusyBox Installer https://github.com/SmartPack/BusyBox-Installer 203 50 github.com A one-click BusyBox installation utility for Android! System 1617926400000 1647216000000
Butterfly https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly 1221 88 github.com Powerful, minimalistic, cross-platform, opensource note-taking app Writing 1635724800000 1737111586000
BwareArea https://github.com/X-Ryl669/BwareArea 7 2 github.com An offline GPS based POI alerter with overlay Navigation 1533254400000 1536969600000
Bépo clavier externe https://github.com/anisse/bepo-android 18 6 github.com bépo pour clavier externe System 1549929600000 1549929600000
CALCVAC-VACLINE https://codeberg.org/kollo/Calcvac-Android 2 0 codeberg.org Calculate logitudinal one-dimensional pressure profiles in vacuum pipes Science & Education 1539216000000 1622246400000
CAPod - Companion for AirPods https://github.com/d4rken-org/capod 586 59 github.com CAPod is a companion app for AirPods on Android. System 1676522105000 1731279597000
CAdroid https://github.com/bitfireAT/cadroid github.com Certificate importer Internet 1407628800000 1431216000000
CBTAndroid https://gitlab.com/copoer/CBTAndroid/tree/HEAD 4 2 gitlab.com Seven column CBT thought journal Sports & Health, Writing 1551916800000 1688865047000
CCDroid https://github.com/shubhamchaudhary/ccdroid 7 3 github.com Monitor build systems and individual builds Development 1433721600000 1433721600000
CDLC Player https://github.com/tilk/cdlc_player 31 6 github.com A player for guitar tabs in CDLC format Games 1629504000000 1658016000000
CEToolbox https://github.com/cetoolbox/cetoolbox 6 5 github.com Medical tool Science & Education 1386547200000 1720459747000
CIDR Calculator https://github.com/rmceoin/cidrcalculator 21 5 github.com Network engineer IP calculator Science & Education 1327104000000 1466985600000
CIFS Documents Provider https://github.com/wa2c/cifs-documents-provider 312 28 github.com Provides access to shared network storage. Connectivity, System 1630195200000 1715942427000
CKPool Watcher https://bitbucket.org/Aliceww/ckpoolwatcher/src bitbucket.org Check status of CKPool's Bitcoin miners Internet, Money 1428537600000 1428537600000
CMIS Browser https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://android-cmis-browser.googlecode.com/hg//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Enterprise CM browser System 1331337600000 1331337600000
CPU Info https://github.com/kamgurgul/cpu-info 725 106 github.com Information about device hardware and software System 1538956800000 1737389924000
CPU Spy https://github.com/bvalosek/cpuspy 71 41 github.com Display CPU info System 1345680000000 1345680000000
CPU Stats https://github.com/takke/cpustats 134 25 github.com Compact CPU Usage Monitor System 1416787200000 1721383604000
CTU Menza https://github.com/Lastaapps/menza 48 3 github.com Dish menus from CTU cafeterias, offers a modern UI and functionality. Science & Education 1655424000000 1739295007000
CUPS Printing https://github.com/BenoitDuffez/AndroidCupsPrint/ 236 69 github.com Print directly from your handset Connectivity, Multimedia 1465603200000 1583625600000
Cache Cleaner https://github.com/bmx666/android-appcachecleaner 475 35 github.com Clean cache of installed user and system apps using Accessibility System 1669717578000 1728471825000
Caffeinate https://github.com/abdalmoniem/Caffeinate 57 2 github.com keep your phone's screen On while developing System 1718196411000 1735469920000
CalEF (Calendar Entry Formatter) https://github.com/k3b/CalEF 9 1 github.com Create and send Appointment-Confirmation-Message from Android-Calendar-Entry. System, Time 1642723200000 1701728304000
CalcYou https://github.com/you-apps/CalcYou 168 11 github.com Privacy Focused Calculator app built with MD3 Science & Education 1713793538000 1729816483000
Calculate https://codeberg.org/jonas-l/rechnen-android 10 6 codeberg.org train mental calculation Games 1597017600000 1653177600000
Calculator https://github.com/belelaritra/Neumorphic_Calculator 41 7 github.com A Soft UI Calculator Science & Education 1642464000000 1643328000000
Calculator Notification https://github.com/tananaev/calculator-notification 26 8 github.com Move your Calculator into the notification drawer Science & Education 1549324800000 1654387200000
Calculator You: Math & Units https://github.com/forzzzzz/Calculator-You 188 3 github.com Calculator You is a beautiful calculator for solving simple tasks. Science & Education 1726152189000 1737566937000
Calculator++ https://git.bubu1.eu/Bubu/android-calculatorpp git.bubu1.eu Scientific calculator with sleek interface and powerful capabilities System 1584316800000 1700039483000
Calculator-inator https://github.com/prathameshmm02/calculator-inator 147 15 github.com Calculator & Converter Money, System 1656288000000 1679313387000
Calendar Color https://github.com/pascalfree/calendar-color 4 1 github.com Change the calendar color Time 1416787200000 1722941140000
Calendar Import-Export https://github.com/SufficientlySecure/calendar-import-export 88 27 github.com Import, Export & Backup your calendars using ics files Time 1442275200000 1727009040000
Calendar Trigger https://github.com/rparkins999/CalendarTrigger 13 6 github.com Trigger actions on calendar events System, Time 1475884800000 1623974400000
Call Counter https://github.com/Webierta/call-counter 6 0 github.com Control of the Plan of outgoing calls and sent sms Phone & SMS 1612051200000 1634515200000
Call Recorder https://gitlab.com/axet/android-call-recorder/tree/HEAD 225 89 gitlab.com Simple call recorder, no ads, open-source System 1498176000000 1691052706000
CallerDetails https://bitbucket.org/sarfraznawaz2005/android-app-callerdetails/src bitbucket.org Show additional caller details on calls Phone & SMS 1401580800000 1401580800000
CallerID https://gitorious.org/callerid-for-android/mainline gitorious.org Caller identification Security 1362614400000 1362614400000
Calliope mini https://github.com/calliope-edu/Calliope-Android-App 9 4 github.com Hacking, tinkering, coding - create your programs on the go! Connectivity 1560470400000 1736153138000
Calorimeter https://git.justquitstudios.de/marco/calorimeter git.justquitstudios.de Track your calories! Sports & Health 1734797645000 1737732124000
Calyx VPN https://gitlab.com/CalyxOS/bitmask_android 14 5 gitlab.com Free VPN Service offered by The Calyx Institute Connectivity, Internet, Security 1689330435000 1729816494000
CamCov https://github.com/renyuneyun/CamCov 32 8 github.com Use your camera as background System 1470096000000 1482624000000
CamTimer https://github.com/dozingcat/CamTimer 27 15 github.com Camera timer Multimedia 1369094400000 1452470400000
Camera Color Picker https://github.com/tvbarthel/CameraColorPicker 225 75 github.com Capture colors using the camera in realtime Multimedia 1441324800000 1441324800000
Camera Date Folders https://gitlab.com/AndreasK/camera-date-folders 7 1 gitlab.com Sort photos from camera folder into a date specific subfolder structure Multimedia 1658188800000 1735470069000
Camera Folder https://github.com/k3b/CameraFolder 39 4 github.com Allows all jpg apps to take a photo from the camera and process it. Graphics, Multimedia, System 1620691200000 1699178425000
CameraAlign https://github.com/JS-HobbySoft/CameraAlign 47 3 github.com Align your phone with a previously taken photo Graphics 1682855519000 1701255900000
CameraFileCopy https://github.com/sz3/cfc 619 80 github.com use your camera to transfer data – even in airplane mode Multimedia 1654387200000 1710003669000
Camp 2023 https://github.com/EventFahrplan/EventFahrplan 242 103 github.com Schedule app for the Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Time 1566432000000 1689584796000
Cams https://github.com/vladpen/cams 147 22 github.com Simple RTSP viewer for IP cameras Multimedia 1648166400000 1736510719000
Can I Drive https://github.com/VincentAudibert/CanIDrive 11 3 github.com Alcohol blood rate computer for driving Sports & Health 1616112000000 1652832000000
CanZE https://github.com/fesch/CanZE 127 73 github.com Take a closer look at your ZE car Connectivity 1626739200000 1626739200000
Candle https://gitlab.com/cosmosapps/candle 20 6 gitlab.com Real-time stock market watcher. Internet, Money 1627257600000 1690054951000
Candle https://github.com/elastic-rock/Candle 26 3 github.com A display flashlight System 1698256104000 1730816129000
Candy Memory https://github.com/tube42/candymem 17 3 github.com Match-two memory game Games 1430611200000 1530835200000
Canta https://github.com/samolego/Canta 1724 35 github.com Uninstall any app without root! System 1697346446000 1738239604000
Captive Portal Controller https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/CaptivePortalController 119 9 github.com Control how Android detects captive portal. System 1682855277000 1682855277000
CaptivePortalLogin https://github.com/jsparber/CaptivePortalAutologin/ 56 11 github.com Automatically log into networks with captive portal Connectivity, Internet 1491609600000 1492905600000
CaptureSposed https://github.com/99keshav99/CaptureSposed 130 8 github.com Add support for blocking the Screenshot Detection API introduced in Android 14! System 1718411750000 1739470203000
Capy Reader https://github.com/jocmp/capyreader 347 18 github.com A smallish RSS reader Internet, Reading 1722691921000 1739294830000
Car Bus Interface https://github.com/theksmith/CarBusInterface 283 78 github.com Connect to car computers via Bluetooth Connectivity 1416787200000 1433462400000
Caramelos https://github.com/luarca84/Caramelos 6 2 github.com Casual game made with Libgdx Games 1507420800000 1507420800000
Card Game Scores Track game score Games 1422489600000 1422489600000
Cardabase https://github.com/GeorgeYT9769/cardabase-app 8 0 github.com Cardabase is an app that lets you save your loyalty club cards to your phone. Money 1724241740000 1736779314000
Cardboard Museum https://gitlab.com/ForgottenUmbrella/cardboardmuseum 3 3 gitlab.com Periodically change wallpaper using Danbooru Theming 1547337600000 1712135255000
Cards Score Keeper https://github.com/ThaChillera/CardScore 0 2 github.com App for keeping score in card games Games 1576800000000 1576800000000
Cards With Cats https://github.com/dozingcat/CardsWithCats 21 2 github.com Play Hearts and Spades against computer-controlled cats. Games 1647907200000 1693043305000
Carnet https://github.com/CarnetApp/CarnetFdroid 34 5 github.com Powerful note taking app with sync and online editor Writing 1533772800000 1695611334000
Carrion https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/carrion 22 2 gitlab.com Block spoofed calls Phone & SMS 1706303920000 1733741293000
Cartes IGN https://github.com/IGNF/cartes-ign-app 61 3 github.com Discover France another way and witness the land's evolution Navigation 1720267046000 1737390100000
Carts Bus Boarding https://github.com/carts-uiet/cartsbusboarding 4 1 github.com Detect bus boarding event Navigation, Science & Education 1415923200000 1434585600000
Casio G-Shock Smart Sync https://github.com/izivkov/CasioGShockPhoneSync 130 14 github.com Add smart functions to your Casio square BT G-Shock (B5600, B5000, B2100) Time 1657324800000 1736511081000
Cat Avatar Generator https://github.com/agateau/cat-avatar-generator-app 31 9 github.com Generate cat avatars Multimedia 1481673600000 1676720651000
CatShare https://github.com/kmod-midori/CatShare 259 3 github.com App for Mutual Transmission Alliance Connectivity 1737894155000 1737894155000
Catalan for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1368230400000 1624492800000
Catan Dice Game https://git.bubu1.eu/Bubu/android-dice-game git.bubu1.eu Resource dice game Games 1395964800000 1500336000000
Catima — Loyalty Card Wallet https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android 981 163 github.com For your barcodes, memberships, loyalty programs, coupons and tickets. Money 1605312000000 1737390285000
Catverbs https://github.com/bpeel/catverbs 4 1 github.com More than 8000 Catalan verbs fully conjugated Science & Education 1452816000000 1452816000000
Cavity https://github.com/ninjinskii/Cavity 7 2 github.com Wine cellar manager for Android Connectivity, Multimedia 1725612449000 1739103876000
Cb_app: Client for using CommonBooking websites https://github.com/printpagestopdf/cb_app 3 0 github.com View sites that are driven by CommonsBooking and manage your bookings Internet, Sports & Health 1708156748000 1708156748000
Celestia https://github.com/celestiamobile/AndroidCelestia/ 108 8 github.com 3D interactive planetarium Science & Education 1716630184000 1738610053000
Ceno Browser: Share the Web https://gitlab.com/censorship-no/ceno-browser 22 14 gitlab.com Access any website, then share it peer-to-peer. Internet 1674747146000 1727008458000
Chairlock https://bitbucket.org/oF2pks/chairlock/src/HEAD/ bitbucket.org Complete onboard _permissions explorer & summary. System 1568851200000 1646006400000
Chaka Book Reader https://github.com/elementdavv/chaka 40 4 github.com Dedicated to book reading experience Internet, Reading 1730057313000 1734457063000
Chalachithram https://github.com/VivekThazhathattil/Chalachithram/ 6 1 github.com Quiz app based on dialogues from Malayalam movies Games 1626307200000 1657324800000
Chaldea https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea 404 31 github.com Material Planner for Fate/GO Games 1653782400000 1736153146000
Chance https://github.com/jameshnsears/Chance 8 2 github.com Assign outcomes to randomness Games 1726479174000 1739294855000
Change Detection https://github.com/bernaferrari/ChangeDetection 715 100 github.com Automatically track website changes in background Internet 1549324800000 1583625600000
Changjie Input Method https://github.com/wanleung/ChangjieIME 17 1 github.com Chinese keyboard Writing 1387065600000 1389744000000
Character Recognition https://gitlab.com/character-recognition/character-recognition/tree/HEAD 10 3 gitlab.com Extract text from images Graphics, Multimedia 1401062400000 1536624000000
ChartDroid Core https://github.com/kostmo/chartdroid 8 7 github.com Chart engine Multimedia 1296086400000 1296086400000
ChatLaunch for WhatsApp https://github.com/theolm/WhatsAppNoContact 154 7 github.com Start WhatsApp chats without adding numbers to contacts. Connectivity, Internet 1715942654000 1738073249000
Checkers (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-dame 22 10 github.com (SECUSO) Strategy board game for 2 players. Play against an AI or each other! Games 1527897600000 1683036907000
Checkey https://gitlab.com/guardianproject/checkey 18 13 gitlab.com Info on local apps Development 1422748800000 1422748800000
ChemistryLab https://gitlab.com/flxholle/ChemistryLab 3 0 gitlab.com A chemical laboratory simulation app for Android Multimedia, Science & Education 1695111090000 1695111090000
Cheogram https://git.singpolyma.net/cheogram-android git.singpolyma.net Chat on the Jabber network (XMPP protocol); focus on features for gateway users Internet, Phone & SMS 1647648000000 1737731967000
Cherry https://github.com/gsantner/cherrymusic-android github.com Wrapper for CherryMusic Internet, Multimedia 1434326400000 1512345600000
Chess https://github.com/jcarolus/android-chess 405 264 github.com Chess program and FICS client Games 1409443200000 1737390273000
Chess Clock https://github.com/ChessCom/android-chessclock 68 31 github.com Adjust your favorite timer to play chess online with friends! Games 1658102400000 1737389850000
Chess Walk https://gitlab.com/chesswalk/chesswalk 4 1 gitlab.com Chess game and FICS client Games 1326326400000 1385164800000
ChessWatch https://github.com/esahekmat/ChessWatch 7 5 github.com Simple chess clock Games, Time 1403913600000 1405209600000
Chiaki https://git.sr.ht/~thestr4ng3r/chiaki git.sr.ht PlayStation 4 Remote Play Client Games 1598054400000 1693043543000
Chibe https://github.com/raatmarien/chibe 33 6 github.com Vibrates to remind you of the time Time 1480464000000 1489536000000
Child Monitor https://github.com/enguerrand/child-monitor 45 10 github.com Child Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. Connectivity 1609200000000 1713106544000
Child Resus Calc https://gitlab.com/bloosberg/child-resus-calc 0 2 gitlab.com Sports & Health 1560729600000 1560729600000
Chinese Checkers Board game Games 1359072000000 1359072000000
Chinese French Dictionary https://github.com/Nilhcem/frcndict-android 11 4 github.com French/Chinese dictionary Reading, Science & Education 1364256000000 1388620800000
ChineseTtsTflite https://github.com/benjaminwan/ChineseTtsTflite 330 49 github.com Chinese TTS Engine Based On Tensorflow TTS System 1693043229000 1693043229000
Ching Machine https://github.com/dlbeswick/kreuung-ching 0 0 github.com Automatic "ching" for Thai music. Multimedia, Science & Education 1691235188000 1691235188000
Chip Defense https://github.com/ochadenas/cpudefense 149 9 github.com A tower defense game with a microprocessor theme Games 1678526081000 1737894052000
Chip8 https://github.com/dkanada/chip-emulator 11 1 github.com Chip8 emulator Games 1518739200000 1519257600000
Chiver https://github.com/anegrin/chiver 4 2 github.com Minimalistic theCHIVE galleries browser Internet 1608249600000 1641859200000
Chooser https://github.com/UrAvgCode/Chooser 89 4 github.com Select random fingers on the screen Games 1707619890000 1720014734000
Chord Shift https://code.launchpad.net/android-chord-shift code.launchpad.net Shift plain text notes Multimedia 1428537600000 1429920000000
ChordReader 2 https://github.com/AndInTheClouds/chordreader2 40 8 github.com A digital music book to fetch online and store locally chords and lyrics Multimedia, Science & Education 1655164800000 1734457113000
Chroma Doze https://github.com/pmarks-net/chromadoze 96 15 github.com Noise generator Multimedia 1346198400000 1711965515000
Chrono https://github.com/vicolo-dev/chrono 685 29 github.com Modern and powerful clock, alarms, timer and stopwatch. Time 1711814510000 1736510714000
ChronoSnap https://github.com/nathan-osman/chronosnap 43 19 github.com Take photos in intervals Graphics, Multimedia 1431388800000 1431475200000
Chubby Click - Metronome https://codeberg.org/agrigolo/chubby-click 9 1 codeberg.org FOSS Metronome with the gigging musician in mind. Multimedia 1566604800000 1702385657000
Cifras o letras https://github.com/pacoandres/cifrasoletras 1 0 github.com A simplified version of Countdown UK game-show. Games, Science & Education 1734797838000 1738409830000
Cigaló https://codeberg.org/retiolus/Cigalo 2 1 codeberg.org Introducing Cigaló: The Open Source Android Drinking Game App! Games 1692686330000 1712918156000
CineCat https://github.com/jordhi/CineCat 0 1 github.com Get information about Catalan movies Multimedia 1433808000000 1433808000000
CineLog https://github.com/Alcidauk/CineLog 50 13 github.com Rate and review movies and series you saw. Build your own review database ! Multimedia, Writing 1718411993000 1718411993000
Circles https://github.com/circles-project/circles-android 36 4 github.com Secure social sharing for friends and families Internet 1706637537000 1722331381000
Circo https://github.com/MalcolmScruggs/CircoIconPack 25 5 github.com Simple colorful icon pack Theming 1583107200000 1595980800000
Circuit Training (PFA) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-circuit-training-exercises 15 5 github.com A timer for circuit training with custom exercises Sports & Health 1569888000000 1699179515000
Cirrus https://github.com/woheller69/omweather 450 18 github.com Weather and rain radar for any location - worldwide Internet 1677151836000 1735470531000
Citrine https://github.com/greenart7c3/Citrine 86 3 github.com Nostr relay for Android Internet, Security 1725147046000 1737732000000
CityZen https://github.com/CityZenApp/AndroidApp 75 29 github.com City navigation app Navigation 1507680000000 1562198400000
Ciyue https://github.com/mumu-lhl/Ciyue 302 12 github.com A simple mdict dictionary Reading 1724242875000 1739295168000
Clash Meta For Android https://github.com/MetaCubeX/ClashMetaForAndroid 19220 1413 github.com A rule-based tunnel Internet 1657584000000 1739470187000
Clash of Balls https://github.com/bkueng/clash_of_balls 13 9 github.com 2-player accelerometer game Games 1389052800000 1389052800000
Classical Music Scanner https://gitlab.com/AndreasK/mediascanner 6 2 gitlab.com Auxiliary program for the Unpopular Music Player and Opus 1 Music Player Multimedia 1550275200000 1701858132000
Classical Music Tagger https://gitlab.com/AndreasK/classical-music-tagger 7 2 gitlab.com A plain audio file metadata editor especially for classical music Multimedia 1546473600000 1729816356000
ClassyShark3xodus - Scan apps for warnings https://bitbucket.org/oF2pks/fdroid-classyshark3xodus/src bitbucket.org Checks apk(s) for known trackers (provided by Exodus) +other warnings and specs. Security, System 1543622400000 1704449643000
Clauncher https://github.com/mlm-games/CLauncher 16 4 github.com Yet Another Olauncher Fork, But With All Apps Hidden Navigation, System, Theming 1732359999000 1739103781000
Clean Status Bar https://github.com/emmaguy/clean-status-bar 886 82 github.com Tidy up your status bar before taking screenshots Development 1444780800000 1444780800000
Clean Timer https://github.com/mzhang/cleanTimer 15 2 github.com A simple timer for speedsolving Rubik's cubes and other twisty puzzles. Time 1610150400000 1633305600000
CleanSlate https://github.com/khalifarsm/botox-android 1 1 github.com Protect your data anywhere anytime Security 1738836830000 1738836830000
Clear List https://github.com/douzifly/clear-todolist 57 18 github.com Add todo items and alarms Time, Writing 1453507200000 1456531200000
ClearClipboard https://github.com/amnesica/ClearClipboard 29 3 github.com Clear the clipboard with just one tap on the app icon System 1685719904000 1685719904000
Clementine Remote https://github.com/clementine-player/Android-Remote 200 80 github.com Music player remote control Multimedia 1386720000000 1582934400000
Click Switch https://github.com/cuadratico/Click_Switch 6 1 github.com A game where you will have to hit the correct button. Games 1724698979000 1725612087000
Clima https://codeberg.org/Lacerte/clima 60 8 codeberg.org Beautiful, minimal, and fast weather app Internet 1609459200000 1716418712000
Clipboard Beam https://github.com/felixb/clipboard-beam 6 2 github.com Share clipboard between devices System 1371859200000 1371859200000
Clipboard Cleaner https://github.com/DeweyReed/ClipboardCleaner 145 16 github.com Check and clean your clipboard System 1549324800000 1665849672000
Clipeus https://github.com/x13a/Clipeus 50 7 github.com Clipboard cleaner System 1643846400000 1658793600000
Clipious https://github.com/lamarios/clipious 1066 34 github.com Client for Invidious, the privacy focused YouTube front end. Internet, Multimedia 1707218406000 1738609827000
Cloak https://github.com/cbeuw/Cloak-android 250 33 github.com A Shadowsocks plugin to enhance censorship circumvention Connectivity, Internet 1721061290000 1721061290000
Clock https://github.com/BlackyHawky/Clock 363 20 github.com Alarm, clock, timer, stopwatch and bedtime mode Time 1643846400000 1734456689000
Clock Live Wallpaper https://github.com/ssaurel/android-clock-livewallpaper 51 33 github.com LiveWallpaper featuring a clock Multimedia, Theming 1411430400000 1411430400000
Clock Screensaver https://github.com/schorschii/FsClock-Android 98 43 github.com Fullscreen Analog- and Digital Clock with Event View Graphics, Theming 1702750747000 1717935911000
Clock You https://github.com/you-apps/ClockYou 515 34 github.com Privacy focused clock app build with MD3 System 1692685347000 1739294828000
Clock31 https://github.com/adolfintel/Clock31 26 3 github.com Clock + Calendar combo widget for Android Theming, Time 1670890142000 1676210723000
Closet-Archive https://github.com/bahaaTuffaha/Project-ClosetArchive 17 2 github.com Organize clothes, log events, track laundry, and recall last week's outfit. Time, Writing 1706636636000 1717934533000
Cmus Remote https://github.com/jatwigg/cmus-android-remote 12 5 github.com Remotely control CMUS instances Internet, Multimedia 1497398400000 1497398400000
Code Rain Wallpaper https://gitlab.com/_zagura/code-rain-wallpaper 3 1 gitlab.com A live wallpaper inspired by the matrix falling code effect Theming 1725148205000 1725148205000
Code Word https://github.com/Peace-Ray/Code-Word 13 1 github.com Guess the secret Code Word Games 1723448682000 1734797564000
CodeCatcher https://github.com/headersalreadysent/tinycodecatcher 24 4 github.com Filter Sms Messages and Automate Your Device Phone & SMS, System 1732179053000 1738239330000
Coffee https://github.com/mueller-ma/Coffee 345 31 github.com Keep display awake System 1605139200000 1715942075000
Cofi - Brew Timer https://github.com/rozPierog/Cofi 371 29 github.com Open-source coffee timer. Easy-to-use interface. Perfect cup every time! Time 1637193600000 1716419185000
Coin Collection https://github.com/anwilli5/coin-collection-android-US 10 5 github.com Coin Collection helps people organize their U.S. coin collections Money 1687517889000 1708350209000
CoinTrend: Private Crypto Tracker https://github.com/CoinTrend/CoinTrend 222 32 github.com Lightweight, fast and private cryptocurrencies monitor Money 1667653166000 1727601807000
Colemak Mod-DH Keyboard https://github.com/ColemakMods/mod-dh 698 126 github.com The Colemak Mod-DH layout for physical keyboards connected via USB System, Writing 1719594472000 1719594472000
Color Clock https://github.com/NightlyNexus/Color-Clock 11 6 github.com Clock widget Theming 1382227200000 1382227200000
Color Namer https://github.com/kaytdek/ColorNamer 26 42 github.com Names for colours System 1386547200000 1390262400000
ColorBlendr https://github.com/Mahmud0808/ColorBlendr 1127 22 github.com Express yourself with colors System, Theming 1705952554000 1737389876000
Colorful https://github.com/suve/LD25 28 10 github.com Simple 2D side-view shooter Games 1709145891000 1737111763000
Coloring Book https://github.com/niccokunzmann/coloring-book 34 15 github.com Coloring book - pictures from examples and photos Graphics 1601683200000 1676721303000
Coloring for Kids https://github.com/androidsoft-org/androidsoft-coloring 31 34 github.com Coloring game for kids Graphics 1346976000000 1429488000000
Colors Overflow https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/ColorsOverflow 6 4 github.com Puzzle game Games 1449964800000 1449964800000
Colour Clock https://github.com/gringer/ColourClock 4 4 github.com Tell the time using colours Science & Education, Time 1407801600000 1407801600000
Com-Phone Story Maker https://github.com/communitymedia/mediaphone 21 8 github.com Create, tell, share and enjoy multimedia digital stories Multimedia 1603497600000 1732884383000
Coma Phone https://github.com/yardenac/comaphone 9 0 github.com Auto-answers calls on speakerphone. Always hear your friends talk, even while in Phone & SMS 1615939200000 1616112000000
Comfort Reader https://github.com/mschlauch/comfortreader 43 8 github.com Streams text directly to your eyes Reading 1492041600000 1578009600000
Comics Reader https://dev.kervala.net/projects/comicsreader/repository dev.kervala.net Comic and image viewer Reading 1360195200000 1478476800000
Commons https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons 1051 1249 github.com Upload images to wikimedia.org Internet 1473897600000 1737390097000
Community compass https://bitbucket.org/alekseyt/compass bitbucket.org Feature Compass Navigation 1384300800000 1414713600000
Compass https://github.com/Kr0oked/Compass 379 51 github.com Simple and beautiful compass Navigation 1617926400000 1733740535000
Compass https://gitlab.com/danielmeek32/compass 2 0 gitlab.com Compass with a range of styles Navigation 1602979200000 1636934400000
Compass Keyboard https://github.com/gsimon75/compass-keyboard 7 3 github.com International keyboard Writing 1349654400000 1479686400000
Complica4 https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/Complica4 5 4 github.com Puzzle game Games 1449273600000 1469404800000
Compose Stopwatch https://github.com/JustDeax/ComposeStopwatch 13 0 github.com Stopwatch in the Material You theme, designed for ease of use and best features Time 1728813240000 1730816175000
Computational Demonology https://github.com/quaap/ComputationalDemonology 47 9 github.com Battle Lovecraftian horrors with this set of algorithms Games 1482278400000 1482278400000
Conceal https://github.com/mrahimygk/conceal 15 4 github.com Concealing WAVE audio files inside images Multimedia 1610409600000 1610409600000
Concentric Clock https://github.com/gringer/ConcentricClock 4 0 github.com Tell the time using concentric arcs Science & Education, Time 1407801600000 1407801600000
Concurseiro https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/leonardoraele/concurseiro/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Helps you studying Science & Education 1463529600000 1463529600000
Connect You https://github.com/you-apps/ConnectYou 542 21 github.com Privacy focused contacts and SMS messenger app build with MD3 System 1695610654000 1707218195000
ConnectBot https://github.com/connectbot/connectbot 2590 639 github.com SSH and local shell client Internet 1368403200000 1705318592000
Conscrypt Provider https://github.com/mendhak/Conscrypt-Provider 13 2 github.com Conscrypt Provider provides TLS 1.3 to apps supporting older Android devices System 1658102400000 1658620800000
Constellations https://github.com/Kent1/Manille 0 1 github.com Show star charts and data Science & Education 1433721600000 1433721600000
Contact Diary https://github.com/apozas/contactdiary 45 13 github.com Keep track of the people you have recently been with Sports & Health, Writing 1602547200000 1695610627000
Contact Merger https://github.com/rtreffer/ContactMerger 18 11 github.com Index and merge contacts with Lucene System 1405641600000 1407542400000
Contact Owner https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://contactowner.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Contact info on lock screen Theming 1325980800000 1325980800000
Contacts https://github.com/StarGW-net/contacts 3 0 github.com Contacts Organised by Group System 1692028403000 1692686336000
Contacts Import https://github.com/StarGW-net/contacts-import 10 0 github.com Import your CSV contacts from a desktop client without any cloud syncing. Phone & SMS 1692028405000 1692028405000
Content Provider Helper https://github.com/k3b/ContentProviderHelper 64 9 github.com Discover, view and query data of content providers Development, System 1477958400000 1494547200000
Controlloid https://github.com/experiment322/controlloid-client 111 14 github.com Turn your phone into a real game controller for PCs Connectivity, Games 1555459200000 1574121600000
Conversations https://codeberg.org/iNPUTmice/Conversations 186 41 codeberg.org Encrypted, easy-to-use XMPP instant messenger for your mobile device Internet 1400544000000 1739104004000
Converter NOW: Unit Converter https://github.com/ferraridamiano/ConverterNOW 418 65 github.com A simple, immediate and fast unit converter! Science & Education 1657843200000 1736153276000
Cooky https://github.com/AlbanDAVID/cooky-app 16 0 github.com Recipe manager: import or create your favorite recipes. Sports & Health 1703527383000 1703774322000
Cool Mic https://github.com/CoolMicApp/CoolMicApp-Android 73 37 github.com Icecast source client Multimedia 1539129600000 1632268800000
Cooper https://github.com/losttime/cooper 13 1 github.com Remote file editing Development 1387065600000 1387065600000
Coordinate Joker https://github.com/siggel/coordinatejoker 8 3 github.com A geocaching add-on – generates waypoints from formulas with up to 2 variables Navigation 1613347200000 1737731981000
Copy SMS Code - OTP Helper https://github.com/jd1378/otphelper 476 33 github.com an open-source app that can detect and copy any code for you System 1696065800000 1725147984000
Copy to Clipboard https://github.com/johanhil/copy-to-clipboard 28 13 github.com Copy via the share menu System 1299715200000 1299715200000
Core Simple game Games 1382659200000 1382659200000
Corporate Addressbook https://code.google.com/p/corporateaddressbook/source code.google.com Lookup Exchange GAL for contacts System 1347148800000 1373241600000
Cosmic IDE https://github.com/Cosmic-Ide/Cosmic-IDE 543 61 github.com A full fledged Java and Kotlin IDE for Android devices. Development 1697346253000 1697346253000
Countdown Timer https://github.com/willianveiga/CountdownTimer 6 3 github.com Set up a countdown timer Time 1429660800000 1440460800000
Counter https://github.com/gentlecat/counter/ 108 54 github.com Tally counter Writing 1436832000000 1736511033000
Cover Fetcher https://github.com/vanilla-music/vanilla-music-cover-fetch 11 2 github.com Vanilla Music player Cover Fetch plugin Multimedia 1486598400000 1589500800000
Cow's Revenge https://github.com/Dariasteam/Cows-Revenge 37 8 github.com Games 1535500800000 1536105600000
Cowsay https://github.com/rorist/Cowsay-android 20 1 github.com Cowsay port Development 1349827200000 1394841600000
Crates.io unofficial https://github.com/TheUberCatman/crates-io-android 13 3 github.com Rust crates.io browsing app Development 1511827200000 1566950400000
Crazyflie Client https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-android-client 106 119 github.com Control your Crazyflie quadcopter from your mobile device Connectivity, Games, Science & Education 1550620800000 1702223326000
Crescent Cash https://gitlab.com/pokkst/crescentcash 6 8 gitlab.com Send coins to a Cash Account or Bitcoin Cash address with Crescent Cash Money 1585699200000 1592611200000
Cricket's Alarm https://github.com/alijc/CricketsAlarm 3 0 github.com Pet medication alarm Time 1385078400000 1385078400000
Critical Maps https://github.com/CriticalMaps/criticalmaps-android 137 27 github.com Critical mass location sharing and chat Internet 1438473600000 1694505640000
Critical Velocity https://gitlab.com/alaskalinuxuser/app_critical_velocity 2 1 gitlab.com Side scrolling arcade style game Games 1497312000000 1499558400000
CrocodileNote https://github.com/Groomiac/crocodilenote/ 17 4 github.com Take notes and encrypt them Security, Writing 1412121600000 1426204800000
CrossWords http://xwords.sourceforge.net/source.php xwords.sourceforge.net A Scrabble-like game Games 1326412800000 1735842809000
Crossword https://github.com/billthefarmer/crossword 34 5 github.com Games 1485820800000 1700663764000
Cryptfs Password https://github.com/nelenkov/cryptfs-password-manager 95 18 github.com Disk encryption password changer Security 1401062400000 1461024000000
Crypto Prices https://gitlab.com/cl0n30/cryptoprices 15 1 gitlab.com Track all of your favorite crypto prices Money 1626912000000 1655164800000
CryptoPass https://bitbucket.org/zeac/cryptopass/src bitbucket.org Strong passwords for different websites using a single secret key Security 1496102400000 1496102400000
CryptoTerminal https://github.com/samotari/crypto-terminal 97 57 github.com Secure Point of Sale cryptocurrency payment terminal Internet, Money 1562976000000 1562976000000
Cryptocam - encrypting camera app https://gitlab.com/cryptocam/cryptocam 25 8 gitlab.com Take encrypted photos and video to protect sensitive information. Multimedia, Security 1602460800000 1659225600000
Cryptographic ID https://gitlab.com/cryptographic_id/cryptographic-id-flutter 5 3 gitlab.com Attest the trustworthiness of a device using asymmetric cryptography Security 1670569809000 1715942853000
Cryptomator https://github.com/cryptomator/android 817 137 github.com Put a lock on your cloud: Take the security of your data into your own hands Internet, Security 1682423614000 1735842805000
Cuberite https://github.com/cuberite/android 99 6 github.com A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft Java Edition Games 1596844800000 1711622618000
Cuppa - Tea Timer https://github.com/ncosgray/cuppa_mobile 73 6 github.com Time your tea as it steeps Time 1646870400000 1735469972000
Currencies: Exchange Rate Calculator https://github.com/sal0max/currencies 263 23 github.com An exchange rates currency converter for Android Money 1609632000000 1734086928000
Currency https://github.com/billthefarmer/currency 86 32 github.com Money 1481500800000 1699693541000
Current Wallpaper https://github.com/elsewhat/com.elsewhat.android.currentwallpaper 5 4 github.com Display wallpapers as standalone Multimedia, Theming 1387065600000 1387065600000
CurrentWidget https://github.com/rmanor/currentwidget 27 10 github.com Battery current draw widget Theming 1371254400000 1426118400000
Cuscon https://github.com/MiepHD/cuscon 61 8 github.com This icon pack adds variety and dynamism to your Home screen Theming 1704135134000 1736510514000
Custom Riddle Generator [small, no ads] https://github.com/TrianguloY/NumericRiddleGenerator 11 0 github.com A tool app to create your own custom riddle apps (number->text/image). Development, Games, Writing 1647820800000 1647820800000
Custom Uploader https://github.com/SrS2225a/custom_uploader 51 4 github.com Upload files to a file host of your choice Internet 1687712584000 1739470230000
CuteMusic https://github.com/sosauce/CuteMusic 315 19 github.com Multimedia 1739294955000 1739294955000
CycleStreets https://github.com/cyclestreets/android 217 216 github.com UK cycling navigation Navigation 1346198400000 1718978013000
Cyrillic to Latin https://github.com/michaeltroger/latintocyrillic-android 1 0 github.com Transliterator for Latin to Cyrillic and vice versa. Science & Education 1635638400000 1699177121000
Czech Diacritic Keyboard https://github.com/vitSkalicky/klavesnice/ 3 0 github.com with caron and acute keys Writing 1556755200000 1560902400000
DAAP https://github.com/chrismiceli/daap-client 10 5 github.com DAAP (Music/media sharing) Client Multimedia 1296086400000 1727782987000
DAPNET https://github.com/DecentralizedAmateurPagingNetwork/DAPNETApp 33 10 github.com Send and read calls to and from DAPNET Connectivity 1495238400000 1609200000000
DAVx⁵ https://github.com/bitfireAT/davx5-ose/ 1717 84 github.com CalDAV/CardDAV Synchronization and Client Internet 1381622400000 1738836761000
DBZ Battery Widget https://github.com/rosenpin/DBZ-Battery-Widget 5 0 github.com View your battery status with your favorite DBZ character Theming 1506211200000 1506470400000
DCC++Throttle https://github.com/Aleksandr-ru/dccppthrottle 3 1 github.com Application to drive DCC-EX command station via Bluetooth Connectivity 1737111765000 1737894231000
DEMOCRACY https://github.com/demokratie-live/democracy-client 141 28 github.com Dein virtuelles Bundestagsmandat Science & Education 1543795200000 1561248000000
DEfO ECH Apps https://github.com/defo-project/defo-ech-apps 18 4 github.com Experimental fork of F-Droid to use TLS ECH with Cloudflare as the default host System 1638835200000 1734456923000
DIYgenomics https://github.com/lablogga/DIYgenomics_Android 16 7 github.com Comparison of genomic services Science & Education 1358899200000 1358899200000
DJ Edertech https://gitlab.com/edertech/dj_edertech 1 1 gitlab.com This app is invites you to relive the nostalgic curated sets of DJ Edertech. Multimedia 1717293863000 1717293863000
DNG Processor https://github.com/amirzaidi/DNGProcessor 135 18 github.com Process DNG images into JPEGs Multimedia 1573862400000 1573862400000
DNS Hero https://github.com/devgianlu/DNSHero 97 14 github.com Inspect DNS zones like a superhero Internet 1533859200000 1720871199000
DNS man https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/otakuchiyan/DNSman/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Set DNS lookup server Connectivity, System 1440979200000 1462060800000
DNS66 https://github.com/julian-klode/dns66 2159 208 github.com Block ads/hosts via DNS Internet 1476921600000 1616716800000
DNSNet https://github.com/t895/DNSNet 217 6 github.com Lightweight ad and content blocker Connectivity, Internet 1734456902000 1738836989000
DNSSetter https://github.com/bparmentier/DNSSetter 37 9 github.com Change DNS servers of your mobile connection Connectivity 1415491200000 1430179200000
DO Swimmer https://github.com/yassirh/digital-ocean-swimmer 229 58 github.com DigitalOcean droplet manager Internet 1451779200000 1580774400000
DOI to SciHub https://gitlab.com/sigmarelax/doi_to_scihub 3 2 gitlab.com Quickly download research Science & Education 1552867200000 1607299200000
DPC https://github.com/jakubslaby09/dpc 11 0 github.com Digital pedigree and chronicle Connectivity, Reading, Writing 1698443951000 1737894044000
DPI Tunnel https://github.com/nomoresat/DPITunnel-android 556 31 github.com DPI Tunnel is tool for bypass DPI (anticensorship) Internet 1580774400000 1617580800000
DPI Tunnel v2 https://github.com/nomoresat/DPITunnel-android 556 31 github.com Free, simple and serverless solution against censorship for Android Internet 1647216000000 1655164800000
DPixel https://github.com/matt-allen/dpixel github.com Convert density-independant/normal pixels Multimedia, System 1414368000000 1414368000000
DSA Assistent https://github.com/phrogg/DSAAssistant 8 2 github.com Ein Helfer für das Schwarze Auge Games 1559779200000 1633737600000
DSC Auto Rename https://github.com/ciubex/dscautorename 12 6 github.com Rename pictures based on date Multimedia 1490745600000 1623974400000
DSU Sideloader https://github.com/VegaBobo/DSU-Sideloader 1564 110 github.com Easily install GSIs using Android's DSU feature System 1689019990000 1689019990000
DSub https://github.com/daneren2005/Subsonic 583 160 github.com Play music across the network Multimedia 1364256000000 1648944000000
DSub2000 https://github.com/paroj/DSub2000 34 1 github.com Android client for Subsonic servers. Multimedia 1729154965000 1729154965000
DadosD https://gitlab.com/tmendes/DadosD 0 0 gitlab.com Generate Brazilian test IDs for development/test Development 1487894400000 1487894400000
Daedalus https://github.com/iTXTech/Daedalus 1414 204 github.com No root required Android DNS modifier and Hosts/DNSMasq resolver Internet 1656028800000 1656028800000
Dagger: Dota 2 Stats https://github.com/nikolajakshic/dagger 14 3 github.com Stay up-to-date with the latest Dota 2 matches, watch streams, and more. Games 1599523200000 1725612516000
Dahdidahdit - the Morse Trainer https://github.com/matthiasjordan/dahdidahdit 25 2 github.com An actual Morse code trainer, not just a Morse code generator Science & Education 1729816308000 1736153326000
Daily Diary https://github.com/Voklen/Daily-Diary 62 3 github.com A diary that starts with a blank page every day Sports & Health, Writing 1670246605000 1705953057000
Daily Dozen https://github.com/nutritionfactsorg/daily-dozen-android 278 97 github.com Keep track of the foods that Dr Greger recommends in his book How Not to Die Sports & Health 1518739200000 1728473101000
Daily Pill — Medication Reminder https://github.com/hugomg/DailyPill 21 8 github.com Reminder app for your daily medication. Easy to use and respects your privacy. Sports & Health 1597968000000 1625616000000
DailyAL https://github.com/JICA98/DailyAL 155 2 github.com Full featured MyAnimeList client made with flutter Internet 1707999600000 1726152937000
DailyLog https://github.com/madCode/dailylog 7 1 github.com A quick-logging notes app with customizable shortcut buttons. Writing 1707619256000 1707619256000
Dalvik Explorer https://code.google.com/p/enh/source code.google.com System info Development 1352678400000 1389052800000
DanXi https://github.com/DanXi-Dev/DanXi/tree/foss-build 259 38 github.com Maybe the best all-rounded service app for Fudan University students. Internet, Science & Education 1655683200000 1738409734000
Danish for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1365033600000 1624492800000
DankChat https://github.com/flex3r/DankChat 280 40 github.com A simple app to chat on Twitch.tv Internet 1564444800000 1739294840000
Dark Mode Live Wallpaper https://github.com/cvzi/darkmodewallpaper 186 11 github.com Live wallpaper that respects dark theme mode Theming 1616544000000 1727007636000
Dark theme https://github.com/phstudio2/Darktheme 35 1 github.com Activate dark theme on your device. Theming 1640476800000 1722692344000
Darkness Immunity https://gitlab.com/axet/android-darkness-immunity 3 3 gitlab.com Darkness Immunity Digital Amulet Theming 1549152000000 1557100800000
Darkness Map https://github.com/ercanpinar/app-android github.com Crowd-sourced mapping Navigation 1386547200000 1386547200000
Dart Checker https://gitlab.com/onestepb/dart-checker 4 13 gitlab.com Dart scoreboard/counter for physical dart matches Games, Sports & Health 1549324800000 1737111333000
DartsTrainer https://gitlab.com/p-fruck/DartsTrainer 0 0 gitlab.com Cross-Platform app for all darts players Games 1640476800000 1640476800000
Dash Wallet https://github.com/HashEngineeringSolutions/dash-wallet 5 1 github.com Keep Dash in your pocket, on your own phone Money 1581465600000 1724242503000
Dashchan https://github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan 402 51 github.com Client for imageboards Internet 1607817600000 1625616000000
Dasher https://github.com/acl33/AndroidDasher 24 6 github.com Text input method (IME) Writing 1371340800000 1371340800000
Data Monitor https://github.com/itsdrnoob/DataMonitor 633 51 github.com Track all your data usage - at one place Internet, System 1666947770000 1704135082000
DataBackup https://github.com/XayahSuSuSu/Android-DataBackup 4414 166 github.com Back up/Restore your data. System 1720460139000 1737111479000
DataStats https://github.com/takke/DataStats 34 12 github.com View bandwith usage System 1423958400000 1721383606000
DataStopwatch https://github.com/seoulcodingcafe/DataStopwatch 4 0 github.com Stopwatch, but for data usage Connectivity, Internet 1609027200000 1609027200000
Databag https://github.com/balzack/databag 973 56 github.com A federated chat client designed for privacy and selfhosting. Internet 1688864633000 1719225592000
Datenspuren 2024 https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Schedule for the Datenspuren conference at Zentralwerk Dresden Time 1569369600000 1726480089000
DbCleaner for Whatsapp https://github.com/tserumula/DbCleanerforWhatsapp 14 3 github.com Remove Whatsapp database files from external storage System 1657411200000 1667985013000
De-Bloater https://github.com/sunilpaulmathew/De-Bloater 519 27 github.com Use the power of Magisk/Kernel SU to de-bloat system applications systemless-ly System 1608249600000 1726479609000
DeadHash https://github.com/CodeDead/DeadHash-android 38 4 github.com Hashsum calculation utility Security, System 1615939200000 1702539779000
DeadPixel https://github.com/SrpMtt/DeadPixel github.com Spot dead pixels Graphics 1425859200000 1425859200000
Deadlines https://github.com/EmmanuelMess/DeadlinesApp 7 3 github.com Simple app for managing deadlines Time 1617926400000 1617926400000
Dealing Sheet https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/mvernon/dealing_sheet gitlab.wikimedia.org An app to make dealing hands of cards for games like bridge easy. Games 1658188800000 1668163201000
DebianDroid https://github.com/uberspot/DebianDroid 35 4 github.com Tools for Debian project members Development 1387065600000 1413763200000
Debitum https://github.com/marmo/debitum 90 7 github.com keep track of lent money and items Money 1623024000000 1669300922000
DebtCalc https://gitlab.com/pvcodes/debtcalc 0 1 gitlab.com Calculating the debt at your finger tips. Money 1631836800000 1632268800000
DecSync CC https://github.com/39aldo39/DecSyncCC 244 10 github.com Sync contacts, calendars and tasks without a server using DecSync System 1543795200000 1641081600000
Decimal Time Clock Widget https://github.com/lucasdnd/decimal-clock-widget 7 2 github.com Shows decimal clock as a widget Time 1444608000000 1444608000000
Decisions https://github.com/markusfisch/Libra 112 19 github.com Helps in decision making by weighing arguments Sports & Health 1617926400000 1705953161000
Deckerino https://github.com/efarraro/deckerino 2 0 github.com Build/manage your Hearthstone decks Games 1416614400000 1418083200000
Decred Address Scanner https://github.com/decred/dcraddrscanner 5 5 github.com Scans Decred addresses for available funds and notifies of changes. Money 1616112000000 1622505600000
Deep Links for LabCoat https://gitlab.com/nomadlabs/deeplinks 13 30 gitlab.com Open links to self-hosted GitLab instances in LabCoat Development 1562284800000 1562284800000
Deep Rock Galactic Assistant https://github.com/vladrip/drgassistant 2 0 github.com Assistant for Deep Rock Galactic - game about dwarves in space. Rock and Stone! Games 1658016000000 1675401854000
Deep Scratch https://github.com/brillenheini/DeepScratch 11 0 github.com Scratch audio samples Multimedia 1433376000000 1433376000000
DeepL https://github.com/sakusaku3939/DeepLAndroid 411 22 github.com Unofficial Android App for DeepL Translator Reading, Science & Education 1622851200000 1737111367000
Defendo https://github.com/HassanHeydariNasab/defendo 46 13 github.com A tower defense game Games 1505088000000 1508284800000
Deine Rechte https://0xacab.org/jfriedli/your-rights-bern 0xacab.org Deine Rechte im Kanton Bern Reading, Science & Education 1598832000000 1598832000000
Deku SMS https://github.com/deku-messaging/DekuSMS-Android 397 23 github.com Deku is an SMS app that supports end to end encryption and photo sharing Phone & SMS 1698968047000 1737566844000
Delist https://github.com/ramzan/delist 17 0 github.com Focus on the task at hand Writing 1626307200000 1630540800000
Delta Chat https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-android 1180 156 github.com Chat over e-mail. Elegantly Retro, Decentralized and Open. Privacy by Design. Internet 1485993600000 1738609784000
Delta Icon Pack https://github.com/Delta-Icons/android/ 638 121 github.com Minimalistic pastel icon pack for Android Theming 1678002212000 1738610064000
DeltaCamera https://github.com/upost/DeltaCamera 21 1 github.com Record movement (deltas) in one single image Multimedia 1544572800000 1544572800000
Demo Musix https://github.com/NimaKhajehpour/DemoMusix 5 0 github.com Listen to short demo version of any song you want. Internet, Multimedia 1674746807000 1674746807000
Democracy Droid https://github.com/fenimore/DemocracyDroid 25 3 github.com Watch "Democracy Now The war and peace report" Multimedia, Reading, Science & Education 1485648000000 1665314740000
Der Die Das https://github.com/machiav3lli/DerDieDas 23 8 github.com Android app for learning German nouns genders. Science & Education 1609200000000 1695111367000
Derandom https://gitlab.com/asnelt/derandom 2 1 gitlab.com Pseudo random number predictor Security 1421020800000 1721383736000
DesktopLabel https://code.google.com/p/desktoplabel/source code.google.com Custom desktop label widgets Theming 1343260800000 1343260800000
Destination Sol https://github.com/MovingBlocks/DestinationSol 336 124 github.com 2D space arcade/RPG with seamless open world & planets Games 1649116800000 1681145192000
Destiny https://github.com/LeastAuthority/destiny 269 13 github.com Send files with end-to-end encryption without revealing your identity Internet 1669717661000 1675401561000
DetermApp https://gitlab.com/determapp/determapp-android/tree/HEAD 0 0 gitlab.com use determination keys easily Science & Education 1558396800000 1721061782000
DetoxDroid: Digital Detoxing as Your New Default https://github.com/flxapps/DetoxDroid 330 18 github.com Get rid of attention-grabbing and manipulative features. Sports & Health 1609459200000 1706888453000
DeuFeiTage https://codeberg.org/MicMun/deufeitage 5 2 codeberg.org Find the German public holidays per state and year Time 1549065600000 1678526107000
DevQS https://github.com/louie-velarde/DevQS 22 3 github.com Quick Settings tiles for developers Development, System 1726153104000 1727433820000
Device Connect https://github.com/cyanomiko/dcnnt-android 228 6 github.com Yet another tool to connect Android phone with desktop Connectivity, System 1592611200000 1709145309000
Devinettes https://github.com/fenimore/devinettes-android 12 7 github.com A collection of riddles in verse Games 1471737600000 1495843200000
Dew Point https://codeberg.org/kollo/Taupunkt 2 0 codeberg.org Calculate the dew point Science & Education 1471564800000 1609459200000
DiVOC Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com DiVOC Schedule Time 1597968000000 1649635200000
Diab https://github.com/bvlj/diab github.com Smart diabetes manager, log your blood sugar and insulin doses, optional export Sports & Health 1548720000000 1585699200000
Diaguard: Diabetes Diary https://github.com/Faltenreich/Diaguard 115 26 github.com Diabetes diary and food database Sports & Health 1589155200000 1730056939000
Dialer for Pebble https://github.com/matejdro/PebbleDialer-Android 29 16 github.com Client for the PebbleDialer watchapp Connectivity 1444867200000 1621036800000
DialogMusicPlayer https://github.com/VishnuSanal/DialogMusicPlayer 86 4 github.com A simple and minimal music player dialog :) Multimedia 1642723200000 1700521192000
Diary https://github.com/billthefarmer/diary 286 57 github.com Writing 1494028800000 1710342683000
Diary https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/diary.git git.savannah.gnu.org Personal diary Writing 1382572800000 1382572800000
Dib2Calc https://gitlab.com/dibdib/dib2calc/tree/HEAD 7 1 gitlab.com The crazy calculator. Once you get used to it, you will love it :-) Science & Education 1576800000000 1721237399000
Dib2Qm https://gitlab.com/gxworks/Dib2Qm/tree/HEAD 12 4 gitlab.com Messenger for secured chats and groups (end-to-end encrypted) Internet 1521072000000 1718197364000
Diccionario Chileno https://github.com/edwardoyarzun/diccionariochilenoandroid github.com Chilean word dictionary Reading, Science & Education 1391126400000 1394150400000
Diccionario castellano https://github.com/javierllorente/adc 4 1 github.com Browse Castilian dictionary Reading, Science & Education 1453766400000 1453766400000
Dice Gainz https://github.com/ramzan/dicegainz 12 1 github.com A random workout generator. Sports & Health 1607126400000 1623974400000
Dice Game (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-dice-game 14 11 github.com Play dice game with 5 dice Games 1478217600000 1698444657000
Dice Overflow https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/DiceOverflow 3 0 github.com Simple board game Games 1546819200000 1546819200000
Dicer https://gitlab.com/kas70/Dicer 1 0 gitlab.com Roll dice Games 1419724800000 1430697600000
Dicer (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-dicer 19 15 github.com Roll dices Games 1451865600000 1736511107000
Diceware Password Generator https://github.com/jeffisaak/diceware-pass-gen 12 6 github.com Generate diceware passwords Security 1547510400000 1547510400000
Dicio assistant https://github.com/Stypox/dicio-android 875 80 github.com Voice assistant: multilanguage, configurable and free Internet, System 1672249667000 1727783078000
Diconfinement https://github.com/Flinou/Dico 5 1 github.com French dictionary. Science & Education 1638403200000 1645574400000
Did I Take My Meds? https://github.com/CorruptedArk/did-i-take-my-meds 185 16 github.com An app to manage and track medication doses Sports & Health, Time 1626912000000 1673337234000
Did I? https://github.com/blaztriglav/did-i 31 4 github.com Recurring todo list Writing 1370390400000 1370390400000
DigiAgriApp https://gitlab.com/digiagriapp/digiagriapp_mobile 2 1 gitlab.com DigiAgriApp is a software aimed at farmers and anyone with cultivated land Science & Education 1726480495000 1739295160000
DigiPaws - Digital Wellbeing and App Blocker https://github.com/nethical6/digipaws 120 21 github.com Monitor and Cut Down Your Screen Time Effectively System 1727254581000 1737894167000
Digits https://github.com/foxtrotdev/learn-digits 16 4 github.com App dedicated to children to learn numbers in an interactive and fun way! Games 1685720489000 1733740946000
Diktofon https://github.com/Kaljurand/Diktofon 15 3 github.com Take voice notes Multimedia 1346976000000 1437609600000
Dimmer https://github.com/giraffine/Android-Project 32 11 github.com Lower brightness System 1423526400000 1449100800000
Dinomail https://github.com/nanoy42/dinomail_app 2 0 github.com App to interact with DinoMail. Internet 1628380800000 1628380800000
DioLite https://framagit.org/bec3/Diolite-android framagit.org Client for BeC3 Development 1465603200000 1466812800000
Diolinux https://github.com/renancunha33/DiolinuxApp 10 5 github.com View www.diolinux.com.br Internet, Reading 1443571200000 1446681600000
Direct Dictaphone https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/herverenault/DirectDictaphone/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Record short audio notes Multimedia 1420243200000 1445212800000
Disable Battery Warnings https://github.com/pR0Ps/DisableBatteryWarnings 13 2 github.com Disable the annoying low battery warning popup and sound System 1494547200000 1610150400000
Disable Manager https://github.com/75py/DisableManager 18 4 github.com Assists the disabling of pre-installed apps System 1420588800000 1424649600000
Disabler https://github.com/aceventura82/AppsDisabler 49 8 github.com Disable any applications, and easily enable it with a pretty customisable launch Security, System, Theming 1589500800000 1614988800000
DisasterRadio https://github.com/beegee-tokyo/disaster-radio-android 34 3 github.com Connectivity, Internet, Navigation 1583107200000 1583625600000
Discord Timestamp Inserter https://github.com/quicksc0p3r/discordtimestampinserter 12 2 github.com Input method for quickly inserting Discord timestamps System 1711815294000 1711815294000
Discreet Launcher https://github.com/falzonv/discreet-launcher 235 41 github.com Enjoy a clean home screen while accessing everything in an instant System, Theming 1614297600000 1736510716000
Discuz Hub https://github.com/kidozh/DiscuzHub 104 33 github.com Lightweight Discuz! Android app Internet 1660694400000 1660694400000
DiskUsage https://github.com/IvanVolosyuk/diskusage 375 64 github.com Disk usage explorer System 1296432000000 1702222137000
Disroot app https://git.disroot.org/Disroot/disapp git.disroot.org Disroot app is like your Swiss Army knife to the Disroot platform Internet 1538092800000 1715292744000
DoF Calculator http://code.webface.bg/dof-calculator.html code.webface.bg Depth of field calculator Science & Education 1380240000000 1380240000000
Docspell Share https://github.com/docspell/android-client 14 3 github.com Share documents with your Docspell server Science & Education 1599955200000 1654041600000
Document Viewer https://github.com/PrivacyApps/document-viewer 527 155 github.com A highly customizable viewer for PDF, DjVu, XPS, cbz, fb2 for Android. Reading 1372896000000 1596844800000
Doda The Exploda https://github.com/quaap/DodaTheExploda 11 4 github.com Hidden objects game for kids and adults Games 1490745600000 1531612800000
Dodge https://github.com/dozingcat/dodge-android 4 1 github.com Guide a ball to safety avoiding swarms of enemies. Games 1345680000000 1650153600000
Dog sports diary https://github.com/maocypher/dogsportsdiary 2 0 github.com A diary to keep track of your trainings in dog sports. Sports & Health 1732179281000 1737567075000
Dogecoin Wallet https://github.com/langerhans/dogecoin-wallet-new 192 107 github.com Store digital currency Money 1617753600000 1617753600000
Dokuwiki Android https://github.com/fabienli/DokuwikiAndroid 65 6 github.com Access in local to your dokuwiki Internet 1589328000000 1725612208000
DoliDroid https://github.com/DoliCloud/dolidroid 53 17 github.com Use Dolibarr ERP & CRM Internet 1482278400000 1722941695000
Dollphone Icon Pack https://gitlab.com/haleyhalcyon/dollphone 7 1 gitlab.com Cute icon pack that isn’t overly hyperactive Theming 1708791405000 1738609955000
Dolphin Emulator https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin 13372 2724 github.com Nintendo console emulator Games 1382918400000 1737732174000
Don du Sang https://git.mob-dev.fr/Schoumi/BloodDonation git.mob-dev.fr Locate French Blood Donation Center of French Establishment of Blood (EFS) Sports & Health 1503532800000 1553990400000
Donate your voice: CV Project https://github.com/Sav22999/common-voice-android 108 18 github.com This app permits you to contribute to Common Voice from your smartphone. Science & Education 1580774400000 1684666006000
Dongsa https://github.com/dbravender/korean_conjugation github.com Shows Korean verb conjugations for learners of Korean. Science & Education 1330992000000 1442448000000
DontKillMyApp ✌️ Make apps work https://github.com/urbandroid-team/dontkillmy-app 447 72 github.com The official DontKillMyApp app is here - make apps finally work properly even if System 1596412800000 1596412800000
Doodle Dudette https://gitlab.com/ar-/doodle-dudette 4 0 gitlab.com Doodle, drawing and painting for children in an Android App Games 1711621271000 1731572142000
Doodle: Live Wallpapers https://github.com/patzly/doodle-android 711 38 github.com Colorful live wallpapers with auto dark mode and power-efficient animations Theming 1635638400000 1730816560000
Doors of Doom https://github.com/msx80/DoorsOfDoomOmicron 12 4 github.com Adventure into the dungeon of infinite doors! Behind each, a monster awaits! Games 1717606180000 1726677204000
Dooz https://github.com/yamin8000/Dooz 95 8 github.com A Tic-Tac-Tao clone, a simple pen-and-paper game Games 1675402268000 1717606920000
Dot-Race https://bitbucket.org/przemekr/dot-race/src bitbucket.org 1 or 2 player game. Touch-control a spaceship and win all stars from the openent Games 1418428800000 1420675200000
DotDash Keyboard https://github.com/agwells/dotdash-keyboard-android 32 6 github.com Morse code keyboard Writing 1333670400000 1450051200000
Dots & Squares https://github.com/endeepak/dotsnsquares 1 1 github.com Casual game for two players Games 1414022400000 1414022400000
Dots'n'Boxes https://github.com/StefanOltmann/Kaesekaestchen 7 5 github.com Classic puzzle game Games 1348617600000 1693607497000
Dotty https://github.com/easytiger/dotty github.com Am open source multi touch demonstration app and debugger. Development 1393804800000 1393804800000
Download Navi https://github.com/TachibanaGeneralLaboratories/download-navi 872 90 github.com Download Navi is a free and Open Source download manager for Android 4.4+ Internet 1555718400000 1647648000000
DownloadFilesWeb https://gitlab.com/ismo/DownloadFilesWeb/tree/HEAD 0 1 gitlab.com Download files referenced within a website Internet 1442361600000 1442361600000
DozeOff https://github.com/adolfintel/DozeOff 42 3 github.com Disable Doze on your rooted Android device Connectivity, System 1615680000000 1666122907000
DozenCalc https://gitlab.com/dgoodmaniii/dozencalc/tree/HEAD 0 0 gitlab.com A dozenal (duodecimal, or base twelve) calculator Science & Education 1588377600000 1588377600000
Dozenal Clock https://gitlab.com/dgoodmaniii/android_DozenalClock/tree/HEAD 0 1 gitlab.com A dozenal (duodecimal, or base-twelve) clock and homescreen/lockscreen widget. Science & Education 1572307200000 1572307200000
DragonGoApp https://github.com/cerisara/DragonGoApp 30 10 github.com Go game for DGS Games 1397260800000 1427846400000
Drawpile https://github.com/drawpile/Drawpile 1085 137 github.com A collaborative drawing program Graphics, Internet, Multimedia 1731160258000 1731160277000
Drawterm https://git.sr.ht/~sirjofri/drawterm-fdroid git.sr.ht Access your Plan 9 machines from your phone or tablet using Plan 9 standards. Development, Internet, Science & Education, System 1664476753000 1664476753000
Drinkable https://github.com/MOIMOB/drinkable 129 29 github.com Explore and create cocktails with ingredients from home. Science & Education 1664708922000 1738409620000
Droid Dicom Viewer https://code.google.com/archive/p/droid-dicom-viewer/source code.google.com View medical image formats Sports & Health 1422835200000 1422835200000
Droid Draw https://bitbucket.org/XatikGroup/droiddraw/src bitbucket.org Automated drawing Graphics 1347062400000 1347062400000
Droid Pad https://github.com/umer0586/DroidPad 68 2 github.com Create control interfaces for BLE, WebSocket, MQTT, TCP, and UDP protocols. Connectivity 1737111402000 1738073133000
Droid-ify https://github.com/Droid-ify/client 4449 94 github.com Material-ify with Droid-ify. System 1634860800000 1735842306000
DroidAtomix https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://droid-atomix.googlecode.com/hg//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Puzzle game Games 1299024000000 1299024000000
DroidCrypt https://github.com/umutcamliyurt/DroidCrypt 26 1 github.com A file and text encryption tool for Android Security 1728813364000 1730057021000
DroidFS https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/DroidFS forge.chapril.org Store & access your files securely Security 1616544000000 1722331825000
DroidFish https://github.com/peterosterlund2/droidfish 340 110 github.com Chess program Games 1349049600000 1709664248000
DroidLife https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://droidlife.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Conway's Game of Life Games 1322352000000 1334793600000
DroidSat https://github.com/mkfuchs/droidsat 6 2 github.com Satellite viewer Science & Education 1345680000000 1420934400000
DroidShows https://github.com/ltGuillaume/DroidShows 92 20 github.com TV series browser and tracker Internet, Multimedia 1433116800000 1730292153000
DroidTR IME https://gitlab.com/droidtr/org.droidtr.keyboard 3 3 gitlab.com DroidTR IME (Turkish F/Q keyboard) System 1536969600000 1661040000000
DroidUPnP https://github.com/trishika/DroidUPnP 151 62 github.com Play files off the network Multimedia 1386547200000 1628380800000
DroidZebra https://github.com/alkom/droidzebra 25 7 github.com Reversi game Games 1345680000000 1466208000000
Droidentify https://github.com/onyxbits/Droidentify 16 6 github.com Generate a device summary sheet System 1429833600000 1430179200000
Droidgain https://github.com/beide/Droidgain 20 10 github.com Normalizer for audio files Multimedia 1374969600000 1374969600000
Drowser https://gitlab.com/juanitobananas/drowser/tree/HEAD 15 3 gitlab.com Simple background app killer System 1541808000000 1721237464000
Drudgery https://github.com/onyxbits/Drudgery 5 0 github.com Widget-based game Games 1386547200000 1386892800000
Drum On! https://github.com/tube42/drumon 95 13 github.com Use your smartphone as a virtual drum Multimedia 1431820800000 1682423922000
DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser https://github.com/duckduckgo/Android 3964 939 github.com Privacy, simplified Internet 1387065600000 1738409599000
Dudo https://github.com/Eco80/dudo 1 0 github.com Dudo game Games 1372982400000 1425340800000
Dumbphone Assistant https://github.com/yeriomin/DumbphoneAssistant 29 14 github.com Copy contacts to SIM card and back Phone & SMS, System 1452816000000 1469664000000
DumpSeeker https://github.com/woheller69/dumpseeker 6 0 github.com DumpSeeker shows sanitary dump stations for camper vans listed in OpenStreetMap Navigation 1695612405000 1719226968000
Dumpsys Packages Copycat https://github.com/rubenpgrady/dpcopycat 11 1 github.com Provides a detailed summary of all installed packages Development, Security, System 1738239603000 1738609996000
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup https://github.com/crawl/crawl 2447 1431 github.com A roguelike adventure through dungeons in a quest to find the Orb of Zot Games 1673420369000 1729414958000
Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup for Android https://github.com/michaelbarlow7/dungeon-crawl-android 40 6 github.com An ASCII port of Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. Games 1696941773000 1696941773000
Duorem https://github.com/fralik/Duorem 28 8 github.com Wake up or shutdown remote computer from your phone/tablet. Internet, Multimedia, System 1495929600000 1584316800000
Duress https://github.com/x13a/Duress 365 23 github.com Duress password trigger Security 1647820800000 1721725036000
Dutch for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Dutch Language Pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1624492800000 1624492800000
Dynamic Night Light https://github.com/quaddy-services/DynamicNightLight 6 4 github.com Low brightness clock Time 1414886400000 1623974400000
Déjà Vu - A local RF based back end for the µg Pro https://github.com/n76/DejaVu 104 18 github.com Mobile/cell and WLAN/Wi-Fi based network provider for UnifiedNlp and microG Navigation 1513296000000 1566432000000
DékaDico https://github.com/vivekthazhathattil/dekadico 14 3 github.com Spoken numbers memory trainer Games, Science & Education 1625443200000 1665314290000
E numbers https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org/projects/ua/uaraven/enumbers.html bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org Food additives reference Science & Education 1330992000000 1377388800000
E6B Flight Computer https://github.com/j05t/e6b 1 0 github.com E6B Flight Computer Navigation, Science & Education 1726479333000 1733740660000
EBT New Note https://github.com/marv42/EbtNewNote 3 1 github.com Submit Euro bill note data to EuroBillTracker.com Games, Internet, Money 1571702400000 1728113088000
EDS Lite https://github.com/sovworks/edslite 289 64 github.com Virtual disk encryption Security 1532736000000 1615420800000
ED_Tool https://github.com/SmokeyMcBong/ED_Tool 7 4 github.com Companion tool for Elite:Dangerous Games 1428796800000 1428796800000
EHHelper https://github.com/thiagooo0/EHHelper 0 1 github.com Ehang helper to use Douyin Multimedia 1702925742000 1702925742000
EP Mobile https://github.com/mannd/epmobile 23 7 github.com Medical tools Sports & Health 1345680000000 1734457074000
ESBDirect https://notabug.org/fynngodau/DSBDirect notabug.org Access substitution plans Internet 1550275200000 1713793285000
ESUP-NFC-TAG-DROID https://github.com/EsupPortail/esup-nfc-tag-droid 6 11 github.com ESUP-NFC-TAG-DROID works as a client of an ESUP-NFC-TAG server. Android 5 (or +) Security 1700868333000 1703079985000
ETH & UZH canteens Zürich https://github.com/famoser/Mensa 29 7 github.com Daily menu of the canteens of ETH & UZH. Internet, Sports & Health 1609200000000 1739294819000
EVE Mining Calc https://github.com/Somethingweirdhere/Mining-Helper-for-EVE-Online 5 3 github.com Mining Helper for EVE Online Games 1549929600000 1549929600000
EVIL SPIN!! https://github.com/Eve-146T/EVILSPIN/ 13 2 github.com Evil Spin is a free, fun and open source App for spinning a wheel. Games 1722330836000 1735842642000
EVMap - EV chargers https://github.com/ev-map/EVMap 212 56 github.com Find electric vehicle charging stations Navigation 1660176000000 1722942462000
EZ Wifi Notification https://github.com/ET-CS/EZ-Wifi-Notification 11 8 github.com Show connected Wi-Fi in notification tray Connectivity, Theming 1416787200000 1416787200000
Earmouse https://gitlab.com/pklinken/earmouse 3 1 gitlab.com Train your musical ear by practising intervals and chords! Multimedia 1414800000000 1532736000000
Earth Live Wallpaper https://code.google.com/p/earth-live-wallpaper/source code.google.com Rotating planets wallpaper Theming 1368144000000 1420502400000
Earth Live Wallpaper: Map Pack https://code.google.com/p/earth-live-wallpaper/source code.google.com Map Pack for the live wallpaper Theming 1369440000000 1369440000000
Earth View for Muzei https://github.com/RafhaanShah/Earth-View-Muzei 12 0 github.com Google Earth View plugin for Muzei Theming 1669717730000 1707999176000
Easer https://github.com/renyuneyun/Easer 832 95 github.com User-defined explicit automation for Android System 1491609600000 1650931200000
Easer (beta) https://github.com/renyuneyun/Easer 832 95 github.com User-defined explicit automation for Android System 1560643200000 1662508800000
Easter Eggs https://github.com/hushenghao/AndroidEasterEggs 752 38 github.com Collections the Android release Easter Egg. Games, Graphics, System 1687517584000 1736153233000
Easy Diary https://github.com/hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary 458 124 github.com 📘 A diary application optimized for user experience. Writing 1549152000000 1738837117000
Easy Dice https://github.com/pejic/EasyDice 14 3 github.com RPG dice roller Games 1391299200000 1736153528000
Easy Ear Trainer for Chord Progressions https://gitlab.com/mx.tom/easy-ear 5 0 gitlab.com Simple ear training for musicians to recognize different chords. Multimedia, Science & Education 1622505600000 1628899200000
Easy Launcher - Minimal launcher https://github.com/DroidWorksStudio/EasyLauncher 200 9 github.com EasyLauncher - Minimal and Clutter Free Android launcher System, Theming 1715941597000 1733740407000
Easy Noise https://github.com/cliambrown/EasyNoise 89 9 github.com A simple Android app to play white noise. Multimedia, Sports & Health 1633910400000 1663113600000
Easy Notes https://github.com/Kin69/EasyNotes 552 37 github.com Private, Material, Markdown supported notes app. Writing 1717028506000 1734797516000
Easy Open Link https://codeberg.org/marc.nause/easyopenlink 10 2 codeberg.org Open links without cumbersome copy & paste! System 1393027200000 1717294772000
Easy Repost and Downloader for Instagram https://github.com/sschueller/easyrepost 18 5 github.com Repost and download Instagram posts by clicking "Copy Share URL" in Instagram. Multimedia 1600387200000 1603843200000
Easy Watermark https://github.com/rosuH/EasyWatermark 1625 132 github.com Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. Multimedia 1602288000000 1720872157000
Easy Xkcd https://github.com/tom-anders/Easy_xkcd 170 41 github.com Easy xkcd is an Open Source reader for xkcd Reading 1438041600000 1696790092000
Easy-phone https://github.com/handyopensource/HOSDVK-EasyPhone 7 2 github.com Accessibility helper for the elderly or visually impaired. System, Theming 1630195200000 1630195200000
EasyRPG Player https://github.com/EasyRPG/Player 1038 199 github.com RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter Games 1613865600000 1613865600000
EasyRSS https://github.com/Alkarex/EasyRSS 124 13 github.com RSS reader compatible with Google Reader API Internet, Reading 1432598400000 1589155200000
EasySSHFS https://github.com/bobrofon/easysshfs 110 17 github.com Sshfs with ssh client and interface for Android. Internet, System 1651881600000 1731279700000
EasySync https://github.com/phpbg/easysync 120 9 github.com Synchronize your phone with your WebDAV server, the easy way. Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia, System 1701728140000 1732550515000
Eat Poop You Cat https://github.com/JamesOsborn-SE/eat-poop-you-cat-android 30 1 github.com Eat Poop You Cat is a bit like telephone with writing and drawing. Games 1687882247000 1722330786000
Echo https://github.com/mafik/echo 103 24 github.com Record audio in the background Multimedia 1414713600000 1633305600000
Eddy Malou https://github.com/F0x06/EddyMalou github.com Eddy Malou sound board Multimedia 1396828800000 1397001600000
Edifier RC10D1 https://github.com/norbicki/Edifier-RC10D1 3 0 github.com Unofficial remote control for Edifier R2730DB speakers Connectivity, Multimedia, Phone & SMS 1705318400000 1705318400000
Edifier RC10E https://github.com/norbicki/Edifier-RC10E 5 0 github.com Connectivity, Multimedia, Phone & SMS 1703331791000 1703331791000
Edifier RC18A https://github.com/norbicki/Edifier-RC18A 1 0 github.com Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1855DB speakers Connectivity, Multimedia, Phone & SMS 1703331794000 1703331794000
Editor https://github.com/billthefarmer/editor 497 87 github.com System, Writing 1500768000000 1712686997000
Effects Pro https://github.com/yaa110/Effects-Pro github.com Apply filters to images Graphics 1416873600000 1416873600000
Egyptian Mouse Pounce https://github.com/dozingcat/MousePounce 10 3 github.com Play Egyptian Rat Screw against humans or cats. Games 1609200000000 1672437436000
Eidetic https://github.com/hathibelagal-dev/Eidetic-Memory-Trainer 4 1 github.com A simple Android app that helps you improve your working memory Games 1738409737000 1738837101000
EinkBro https://github.com/plateaukao/einkbro 1333 96 github.com lightweight, fast, but powerful browser designed for Eink devices. Internet 1617926400000 1737567071000
Electrum Bitcoin Wallet https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum 7734 3178 github.com Fast and self-custodial wallet for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network Money 1729155383000 1730057348000
Element - Secure Messenger https://github.com/vector-im/element-android 3427 759 github.com Group messenger - encrypted messaging, group chat and video calls Internet, Phone & SMS 1594857600000 1738837064000
Element X - Secure Chat & Call https://github.com/vector-im/element-x-android 1183 180 github.com Sovereign. Seamless. On Matrix Internet 1718197076000 1738837099000
Elements https://github.com/vendelin8/elements-flutter 0 1 github.com Chinese zodiac five elements as a pageable calendar Graphics, Time 1698969028000 1698969031000
Elfeed Mobile https://github.com/areina/elfeed-cljsrn 115 5 github.com Mobile client for Elfeed, an extensible web feed reader for Emacs Internet, Reading 1696941810000 1696941810000
Elpe Efpe https://github.com/m0ppers/ElpeEfpeAndroid 2 1 github.com Manage health and focuspoints of your Splittermond characters Games 1467936000000 1473897600000
Emacs https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/ git.savannah.gnu.org The extensible self-documenting text editor Development, Writing 1675973759000 1737567139000
Email Popup https://github.com/baolongnt/EmailPopup 4 0 github.com Display a popup for new mail Theming 1386547200000 1386547200000
Emerald Dialer https://github.com/HenriDellal/emerald-dialer 100 21 github.com Make calls, view call log Phone & SMS 1536624000000 1717296262000
Emotic https://github.com/FuturisticGoo/emotic 33 0 github.com Reignite the love for emoticons Games, Writing 1727939221000 1738609930000
EnRecipes A Simple, Offline Recipe Manager Sports & Health 1628553600000 1634860800000
EncPassChanger https://github.com/kibab/encpasschanger 15 5 github.com Use a stronger disk password Security 1349740800000 1359417600000
Enchanted Fortress https://github.com/subchannel13/EnchantedFortress 59 10 github.com Build, manage and defend your castle Games 1496016000000 1597017600000
Encointer Wallet https://github.com/encointer/encointer-wallet-flutter 23 16 github.com Interact with the Encointer Blockchain Money 1602547200000 1708791575000
Encrypt Text https://github.com/JanmanX/EncryptTextApp 34 9 github.com Minimalistic application to encrypt plain text using AES 256. Security 1527897600000 1598140800000
Endless Sky https://github.com/thewierdnut/endless-mobile 121 9 github.com Android port of endless-sky space trading game. Games 1663200000000 1738239400000
Endoscope https://github.com/hypeapps/Endoscope 684 186 github.com Live video streaming between android devices over Wi-Fi Multimedia 1470441600000 1489708800000
Energize https://codeberg.org/epinez/Energize/ 50 9 codeberg.org Track your food and nutrition easily and fast. Internet, Science & Education, Sports & Health 1647820800000 1737111377000
EnforceDoze https://github.com/farfromrefug/EnforceDoze 146 7 github.com Enable Doze mode immediately after screen off and turn off motion sensing System 1726478862000 1738609752000
EngineDataLogger-Dashboard https://github.com/techie66/EngineDataLogger---Dashboard 8 1 github.com Companion app to EngineDataLogger ECU software. Connectivity, System 1609200000000 1708791478000
Enhanced Music Controller Lite https://github.com/mkulesh/onpc 141 23 github.com Remote controller for Onkyo devices Connectivity, Multimedia 1551830400000 1734086815000
Ente Auth https://github.com/ente-io/ente/ 17894 972 github.com Auth is a FOSS authenticator app that provides end-to-end encrypted backups for Security 1678526360000 1738239520000
Ente Photos - Open source, end-to-end encrypted al https://github.com/ente-io/ente 17894 972 github.com Ente Photos is an open source photos app, that provides end-to-end encrypted bac Multimedia 1653004800000 1739470404000
Enthusiast Tea Timer https://github.com/Sesu8642/InfusionTimer 12 2 github.com Tea timer for Gong Fu and western style brewing for true enthusiasts. Time 1636329600000 1710787077000
Episodes https://github.com/red-coracle/episodes 43 10 github.com Keep track of which episodes you’ve watched of your favourite TV shows. Multimedia 1580774400000 1739294940000
Epistolaire https://gitlab.com/hydrargyrum/epistolaire 25 16 gitlab.com SMS and MMS backup Phone & SMS, System 1580774400000 1588377600000
Epoch Launcher https://github.com/mirasmithy/epochlauncher github.com Homescreen and launcher Theming 1386720000000 1386720000000
Equate https://github.com/EvanRespaut/Equate 67 17 github.com Convert units Science & Education 1428192000000 1591228800000
Equipe RSS https://github.com/damiengo/WebsiteRSS 4 2 github.com A RSS reader for l'équipe website. Reading 1570838400000 1688012446000
Er ríkið opið? https://github.com/binary-is/alcoholnow 6 1 github.com Opening hours and locations for alcohol stores in Iceland Internet 1624147200000 1628380800000
Escapepod - Podcast Player https://codeberg.org/y20k/escapepod 24 1 codeberg.org Escapepod is a simple and lightweight app for listening to podcasts. Multimedia 1569888000000 1726678583000
Etar - OpenSource Calendar https://github.com/Etar-Group/Etar-Calendar 2132 399 github.com Etar is a material designed open source calendar, for everyone! Time 1443830400000 1731442704000
EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer https://github.com/EtchDroid/EtchDroid 2052 156 github.com Write operating system ISO images to USB drives, no root required System 1537833600000 1728813873000
EteSync - Secure Data Sync https://github.com/etesync/android 307 34 github.com Secure, private and end-to-end encrypted calendar, contacts and tasks sync Internet, Security, System 1488153600000 1710002330000
EteSync Notes - End-to-end Encrypted Notes https://github.com/etesync/etesync-notes 90 12 github.com Secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting note taking. Internet, Security, System 1602720000000 1615680000000
Eternity https://codeberg.org/Bazsalanszky/Eternity 217 18 codeberg.org An Lemmy client for Android, forked from the Infinity for Reddit project. Internet, Multimedia, Reading 1698666259000 1723733402000
Etheric Synthesizer https://sourceforge.net/p/ethersynth/code/ sourceforge.net Theremin-like synthesizer Multimedia 1474934400000 1474934400000
Etherwake https://gitlab.com/derSchabi/Etherwake-app 2 0 gitlab.com Wake computers on the same network System 1440288000000 1441238400000
Euro konverter https://github.com/vbresan/eurokonverter 4 1 github.com Calculator for converting Croatian kunas into euros at a fixed exchange rate Money 1671023561000 1674292520000
Eve-control https://github.com/e-venement/eve-control 0 0 github.com Control eVenement instances Connectivity, Development 1463443200000 1518739200000
Eve-control https://github.com/e-venement/eve-control 0 0 github.com Control your e-venement tickets Connectivity, Development 1510617600000 1510617600000
Everest https://github.com/mwageringel/everest 77 11 github.com Mathematical puzzle game Games, Science & Education 1660003200000 1707620315000
Evergreen Wishlist https://github.com/asommer70/evergreen-wishlist github.com Lookup books on Amazon wishlists at local library Internet, Reading, Science & Education 1441843200000 1441843200000
Every Door https://github.com/Zverik/every_door 437 36 github.com Mobile OpenStreetMap editor for POI & micromapping Navigation 1672338275000 1738409727000
Every Locale https://github.com/sweetiepiggy/Every-Locale 4 1 github.com Change the locale quickly System 1347235200000 1373500800000
Everyday Tasks https://github.com/jenspfahl/EverydayTasks 119 8 github.com Manage your tasks, everyday Time 1659225600000 1739470325000
Everyone's Timetable https://gitlab.com/asmith15/EveryonesTimetable 0 0 gitlab.com Looking for a prof's or friend's school timetable? Look in here! Time 1610582400000 1612051200000
Evil Insult Generator https://github.com/EvilInsultGenerator/android-app 57 26 github.com This is the greatest insults app you can get! Games 1622246400000 1725146923000
EweSticker https://github.com/fredhappyface/android.EweSticker 92 9 github.com EweSticker: Sticker Keyboard for using custom stickers in messaging Multimedia 1627689600000 1739294843000
ExHale https://codeberg.org/retiolus/ExHale 0 1 codeberg.org Track the time since you last smoked and see the progress you've made. Sports & Health 1737390289000 1737390294000
Exalted Dicer https://github.com/Yonjuni/ExaltedDicer 6 0 github.com Dicing app Games 1400803200000 1453852800000
Exceer https://github.com/oaken-source/exceer 3 0 github.com Supporting your Exercise Progressions Sports & Health 1435363200000 1437177600000
Exclave https://github.com/dyhkwong/Exclave 774 49 github.com Proxy client Internet 1735842212000 1738836851000
Exercise Reminders https://github.com/ChristopherRogers1991/ExerciseReminders 2 0 github.com Notifications to do simple exercises at regular intervals. Sports & Health 1690795361000 1719226625000
Exfilac https://github.com/io7m-com/exfilac 17 2 github.com Simple, reliable, automated S3 uploads for Android. Connectivity, Development, Internet 1727602077000 1734797506000
Exif Thumbnail Adder https://github.com/tenzap/exif-thumbnail-adder 34 9 github.com Add thumbnail in the EXIF tag of JPEG picture not having one (batch processing) Graphics 1617580800000 1715291462000
Exodus https://github.com/Exodus-Privacy/exodus-android-app 763 59 github.com Exodus show you trackers and permissions in apps installed on your device. Security 1523664000000 1722331333000
ExprEval https://github.com/gianluca-nitti/android-expr-eval 22 4 github.com Math expression calculator with variables and functions support Science & Education 1482278400000 1484611200000
Expression Evaluator https://sourceforge.net/p/mathexpressionevaluator/code sourceforge.net Expression Evaluator (calculator) Science & Education 1423612800000 1423612800000
Extended emulator of МК 61/54 https://github.com/xvadim/pmk-android 21 3 github.com Emulator of "Electronika МК 61/54" RPN programmable calculators. Science & Education 1646870400000 1646870400000
Extirpater https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/extirpater 29 2 gitlab.com A free space eraser System 1625184000000 1733741294000
Eyes-Free Shell https://code.google.com/p/eyes-free/source code.google.com Alternative homescreen System 1368057600000 1368057600000
Eylca https://github.com/mbmb5/Eylca 14 2 github.com Control a lumix camera remotely Multimedia 1486339200000 1486339200000
F-Droid https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient 2373 891 gitlab.com The app store that respects freedom and privacy System 1295222400000 1737894188000
F-Droid Basic https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient 2373 891 gitlab.com The minimal client app for the app store that respects freedom and privacy System 1680776466000 1737894183000
F-Droid Build Status https://codeberg.org/pstorch/F-Droid_Build_Status 39 4 codeberg.org Shows and monitors build status from F-Droid Development 1727008259000 1732041571000
F-Droid Classic https://git.bubu1.eu/Bubu/fdroidclassic git.bubu1.eu F-Droid client with the classic UI System 1599955200000 1654041600000
F-Droid Nearby https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-nearby 7 5 gitlab.com Exchange free software apps locally, device-to-device, even without internet! System 1626048000000 1632268800000
F-Droid Privileged Extension https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension 145 129 gitlab.com Services to allow F-Droid to securely install and update apps System 1441843200000 1642723200000
F-Droid Privileged Extension OTA https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension 145 129 gitlab.com Services to allow F-Droid to securely install and update apps System 1574553600000 1642896000000
F2L https://gitlab.com/f2l-flap-2-lock/f2l-flap-2-lock 1 0 gitlab.com Lock Phone using proximity sensor Connectivity 1403568000000 1410912000000
FFShare https://github.com/caydey/ffshare 738 35 github.com Compress image, video and audio files through ffmpeg before sharing them Multimedia, System 1662076800000 1734086734000
FFUpdater https://github.com/Tobi823/ffupdater 789 34 github.com Updater for privacy friendly browsers Internet 1436400000000 1733314121000
FIND3 Scanner https://github.com/schollz/find3-android-scanner 126 56 github.com Scan Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for FIND3 Navigation 1534723200000 1534723200000
FLARE https://github.com/flareteam/flare-engine 1124 189 github.com An action RPG with gameplay alike to the games in the Diablo series Games 1699343746000 1699343746000
FLock https://github.com/renyuneyun/FLock 5 3 github.com Floating lockscreen button System 1470096000000 1490745600000
FOSDEM 2025 Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Conference program app for the FOSDEM conference Time 1602028800000 1738609941000
FOSDEM Companion https://github.com/cbeyls/fosdem-companion-android 148 94 github.com Schedule browser for the FOSDEM conference Time 1390780800000 1737893893000
FOSS Browser https://codeberg.org/Gaukler_Faun/FOSS_Browser 33 4 codeberg.org A fully free (as in freedom) open source browser with a focus on a privacy Internet 1481500800000 1739103951000
FOSS Warn https://github.com/nucleus-ffm/foss_warn 129 7 github.com Get emergency alerts from warnung.bund.de or alert.swiss Internet, Sports & Health 1645488000000 1739103956000
FOSS4G 2024 Schedule https://github.com/Smarzaro/Foss4g2024Schedule 1 0 github.com Conference program app for the FOSS4G 2024 conference in Belém, Brazil Time 1730538177000 1731442457000
FOSS4G Europe 2024 https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Program app for the FOSS4G conference Time 1629504000000 1717935195000
FOSSGIS 2024 Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Conference program app for the FOSSGIS conference Time 1710003283000 1710003283000
FREE Browser https://github.com/woheller69/browser 217 31 github.com Privacy browser with Greasemonkey style script support and Cookie Banner Blocker Internet 1700039531000 1725613758000
FS Assistant Assistant application for FootballStrategy.org Games 1590278400000 1591056000000
FTP Server (Free) https://github.com/ppareit/swiftp 755 293 github.com Access your phone wirelessly Connectivity 1349913600000 1602460800000
FTPClient https://codeberg.org/qwerty287/ftpclient 27 14 codeberg.org A simple FTP, FTPS and SFTP client for Android Internet 1652054400000 1736779515000
FaFa Runner https://github.com/fafarunner/fafarunner 30 3 github.com Enjoy smooth gameplay, stunning graphics, and endless fun Games 1734797376000 1739103825000
Fabularium https://github.com/davidar/fabularium 26 2 github.com Games, Reading 1570060800000 1736779551000
FadCam https://github.com/anonfaded/FadCam 631 45 github.com Seamless background video recording – ad-free, with customizable options. Multimedia 1724699048000 1724699048000
Fahrraddiebstahlwarnung https://github.com/RHeimb/berlin-bike-theft-warning 2 0 github.com Bicycle thefts and accidents in Berlin Security 1640822400000 1644364800000
FairEmail https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail 3421 649 github.com Fully featured email client. Neat, intuitive user interface. Privacy friendly Internet 1535587200000 1738409698000
Fairphone Checkup https://github.com/WeAreFairphone/FP2-Checkup 9 1 github.com Test various components of your device System 1536883200000 1676211238000
Fake Contacts https://github.com/BillDietrich/fake_contacts 563 18 github.com Create fake phone contacts, for data-poisoning. Security 1613347200000 1617753600000
Fake Dawn https://github.com/balau/fakedawn 4 2 github.com Gentle alarm clock Science & Education 1357084800000 1413417600000
FakeGapps https://github.com/thermatk/FakeGApps 231 49 github.com Used with µg GmsCore to enable Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and more System 1523232000000 1523232000000
FakeStandby https://github.com/JonasBernard/FakeStandby 443 30 github.com Turn off your screen while keeping apps running System 1600387200000 1680366866000
FakeTraveler https://github.com/mcastillof/FakeTraveler 809 102 github.com Fake your location Development, Navigation 1532563200000 1739470156000
Fall https://github.com/Gh05t-1337/Fall 25 2 github.com Lets your phone scream if it moves too fast Games 1649376000000 1650153600000
FallASleep - Device sleep timer https://github.com/moritzgloeckl/FallASleep 8 2 github.com Lock the screen after a timer runs out. Sports & Health, Time 1667860401000 1667860401000
Falling Blocks https://github.com/Sajeg/falling-blocks 28 3 github.com A mobile Game, where you need to collect the blocks matching your colour Games 1676721738000 1704933693000
Fancy Places https://github.com/gabm/FancyPlaces 20 9 github.com Store your FancyPlaces (geobookmarks) Navigation 1433203200000 1470268800000
Faraday https://github.com/FaradayApp/Faraday-android 10 3 github.com Secure messenger for Matrix based on Element Connectivity, Internet 1734457179000 1735842923000
FareBot https://github.com/codebutler/farebot 968 271 github.com Transport card reader Navigation 1376784000000 1376784000000
Fast Brightness Control Widget https://github.com/marin-liovic/Fast-Brightness-Control-Widget 5 1 github.com Simple brightness widget System 1389052800000 1389744000000
Fast Draw https://github.com/peterfajdiga/FastDraw 50 7 github.com A simple Android launcher with categories System 1696943024000 1721725493000
Fast N Fitness https://github.com/brodeurlv/fastnfitness 283 372 github.com Track fitness workouts Sports & Health 1560902400000 1713105972000
Fast Shopping https://github.com/Albert221/FastShopping 236 79 github.com Simple app for easy shopping list making, developed with simplicity in mind. Writing 1594857600000 1617580800000
FastLyrics https://github.com/TecCheck/FastLyrics 160 6 github.com An app that downloads lyrics for the song, you're listening to Multimedia 1687882360000 1737894146000
Fate Sheets https://github.com/ScreamingHawk/fate-sheets 6 5 github.com Manage your Fate character sheets Games, Writing 1493251200000 1498176000000
Fcitx5 https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com Thai input method for Fcitx5 System 1733741177000 1733741180000
Fcitx5 https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android System 1676924897000 1733741204000
Fcitx5 (Anthy Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android System 1686737657000 1733741155000
Fcitx5 (Chewing Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1700039299000 1734087093000
Fcitx5 (Clipboard Filter Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android System 1693607961000 1733741155000
Fcitx5 (Hangul Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1699919857000 1733741160000
Fcitx5 (Jyutping Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1699919861000 1733741168000
Fcitx5 (RIME Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1699919866000 1733741174000
Fcitx5 (Sayura Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1699919869000 1733741177000
Fcitx5 (Unikey Plugin) https://github.com/fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android 3387 194 github.com System 1699919871000 1733741183000
FediPhoto-Lineage https://codeberg.org/silkevicious/fediphoto-lineage.git codeberg.org FediPhoto-Lineage - quickly post photos to the Fediverse. Internet 1635897600000 1727432898000
Fedilab https://codeberg.org/tom79/Fedilab 255 24 codeberg.org Internet 1559520000000 1711622254000
FeedFlow - RSS Reader https://github.com/prof18/feed-flow 441 23 github.com Minimal, fast, uncluttered Internet, Reading 1727008020000 1739294938000
FeedWatcher https://github.com/zouroboros/feed-watcher 17 4 github.com Internet, Reading 1557014400000 1684123550000
Feeder https://github.com/spacecowboy/Feeder 1841 111 github.com An awesome Libre and Open Source RSS feed reader Internet, Reading 1489708800000 1739294906000
Feeel - home workouts https://gitlab.com/enjoyingfoss/feeel 95 19 gitlab.com A simple home workout/exercise app that respects your privacy Sports & Health 1528156800000 1669300272000
FeelsApp https://github.com/seras42/feels_app 9 0 github.com App for writing notes and associating them with emotions. Sports & Health, Writing 1712917128000 1712917128000
FeinstaubWidget https://codeberg.org/Starfish/Feinstaubwidget 8 1 codeberg.org Displays fine particulate matter values from the https://luftdaten.info project. Graphics 1579737600000 1715942520000
Fennec F-Droid https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/mobile/android hg.mozilla.org Browse the web Internet 1422748800000 1739104114000
Fertility Test Analyzer App: Ovulation & Pregnancy https://gitlab.com/colnix/fta 1 0 gitlab.com Track your fertility: read ovulation test strips & confirm pregnancy super early Sports & Health 1609977600000 1609977600000
FetchIt https://github.com/tharunbirla/FetchIt 205 8 github.com FetchIt download video from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Internet 1728813535000 1730816225000
Feudal Tactics https://github.com/Sesu8642/FeudalTactics 85 20 github.com Strategy game with countless unique and challenging levels. Games 1661212800000 1733740822000
FiSSH https://gitlab.com/ioanm/FiSSH-App gitlab.com SSH authentication via Fingerprint scanning over network (TLS Sockets) Security 1606608000000 1689172608000
Fiddle Assistant https://github.com/gschwind/fiddle-assistant 3 0 github.com Music tuner with tools for violin Science & Education 1612310400000 1613520000000
File Navigator https://github.com/w2sv/FileNavigator 319 12 github.com The missing link between Android and a well-sorted file system Multimedia, System 1710599969000 1736510722000
FileManagerSphere https://github.com/Ruan625Br/FileManagerSphere 143 17 github.com Make organizing, navigating and manipulating documents and media more efficient System 1690794623000 1690794623000
Filester https://github.com/roozbehzarei/filester 145 4 github.com A secure, accessible cloud storage app for android Internet 1664476175000 1733740740000
FillUp https://github.com/wdkapps/FillUp 41 28 github.com Calculate fuel mileage Science & Education 1386547200000 1425945600000
FilmChecker https://github.com/zouroboros/filmchecker 8 0 github.com Checks the status of photo orders Connectivity, Multimedia 1473033600000 1583366400000
FilmFacts https://github.com/jlynchsd/FilmFacts 1 0 github.com Fun trivia game for cinema enthusiasts Games, Multimedia 1722330371000 1723209152000
Finamp https://github.com/jmshrv/finamp 2259 142 github.com Finamp is a music player for Jellyfin. Multimedia 1657584000000 1738073223000
Finance Manager (PFA) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-finance-manager 49 22 github.com (SECUSO) Helps you keep track of your income and expenses. Money 1556323200000 1696463344000
Find My Device (FMD) https://gitlab.com/Nulide/findmydevice 355 68 gitlab.com Locate and control your device remotely Phone & SMS, Security, System 1610150400000 1739103959000
Find my IP https://github.com/maksimowiczm/find-my-ip 23 2 github.com Simple app to fetch and log your IP address Connectivity, Internet 1732360060000 1735469934000
Finder https://github.com/Seva-coder/Finder 118 22 github.com Remote mobile phone searching via SMS requests. Navigation, Phone & SMS 1559174400000 1600387200000
Findroid https://github.com/jarnedemeulemeester/findroid 2908 185 github.com Third-party native Jellyfin app Multimedia 1727602559000 1728113452000
FingerList https://github.com/sirjofri/fingerlist 4 0 github.com Finger client in a list format, suitable for microblogging and status messages. Internet 1620691200000 1621209600000
Fintunes https://github.com/leinelissen/jellyfin-audio-player 862 32 github.com Streaming audio player for Jellyfin Internet, Multimedia 1710787576000 1739104068000
Fire Strike Retro https://github.com/restorer/fire-strike 19 3 github.com An old-school 3d-shooter with cartoon graphics from creators of Gloomy Dungeons. Games 1614729600000 1614729600000
Firefly III Mobile https://github.com/emansih/FireflyMobile 331 46 github.com Mobile wrapper for Firefly III Money 1543276800000 1647820800000
Fish https://github.com/awilliams/fish 2 3 github.com Screensaver Theming 1387065600000 1387065600000
Fish Rings for Android https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/FishRingsForAndroid 7 2 github.com Puzzle game Games 1448928000000 1727782465000
Fissure https://github.com/fenimore/fissure-android 23 9 github.com Create and view GIFs Multimedia 1470700800000 1474502400000
Fit Notifications https://github.com/abhijitvalluri/fitnotifications 17 9 github.com Enable all notifications for compatible Fitbit devices Connectivity 1535846400000 1708790120000
FitBook https://github.com/brandonp2412/FitBook 63 7 github.com Track your calorie intake - Completely offline! Sports & Health 1716419275000 1739470243000
Fitness Calendar https://github.com/Inky-developer/FitnessCalendar 17 3 github.com A private and fully offline activity tracker. Sports & Health, Writing 1729154300000 1739294881000
FitoTrack https://codeberg.org/jannis/FitoTrack 277 67 codeberg.org A privacy oriented fitness tracker Sports & Health 1575936000000 1722692639000
FixMyStreet https://github.com/mysociety/fixmystreet-mobile 49 48 github.com Report street problems to FixMyStreet instances Navigation 1401408000000 1411948800000
Flame Haze Shana Animated Wallpaper https://git.launchpad.net/shanawp git.launchpad.net Anime animated wallpaper Theming 1488067200000 1488067200000
Flang https://codeberg.org/jannis/FlangAndroid 4 2 codeberg.org A board game similar to chess Games 1623369600000 1722330751000
Flash Alert - Call and Message https://gitlab.com/jnda/FlashAlert 5 8 gitlab.com Blink the terminal when receiving a call, SMS or an application notification Phone & SMS 1554940800000 1722692755000
Flash Deck https://github.com/rh-id/a-flash-deck 29 9 github.com A simple and easy to use flash card to help you study Science & Education 1640822400000 1692028184000
FlashCards https://github.com/cubei/flashcards 29 8 github.com Make cards with csv files as input to memorize things Science & Education 1549324800000 1711278342000
FlashDim - Dim your flashlight https://github.com/cyb3rko/flashdim 575 25 github.com Modern flashlight app with dim functionality on Android 13+ System 1667043913000 1732041499000
Flashback https://github.com/daj/flashback 4 1 github.com When somebody calls, Flashback shows recent calls and SMSes to/from the caller Phone & SMS 1386720000000 1390435200000
Flashlight Tiramisu https://github.com/polodarb/Flashlight-Tiramisu 168 9 github.com An application that allows you to smoothly adjust the brightness of the flashlig System 1667859968000 1669633963000
Flashy https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/Flashy 94 26 github.com Simple and Privacy-Friendly Flashlight App System 1594598400000 1715943430000
Flashy Alarm https://github.com/yahyatinani/flashy-alarm 11 2 github.com Turn on flashlight/torch when alarm goes off. System 1649376000000 1674146973000
Flask https://github.com/ComputerScienceHouse/devin 4 1 github.com A cute app to buy items from the Computer Science House vending machines! Sports & Health 1661040000000 1666742400000
Flexible Wallpaper https://gitlab.com/danielmeek32/FlexibleWallpaper 4 1 gitlab.com Use images with any aspect ratio as a wallpaper Theming 1482364800000 1484352000000
Flexify https://github.com/brandonp2412/Flexify 163 11 github.com Track gym progress, visualize graphs, enjoy offline support & timers Sports & Health 1713613398000 1739470250000
Flicky Bee https://github.com/lettucepie/flicky_bee 9 1 github.com Flick and Bumble your way through the flowers. Games 1716420163000 1716420163000
Flier https://github.com/harism/android_wallpaper_flier github.com Live wallpaper Theming 1367193600000 1367193600000
Flindex https://gitlab.com/asmw/flindex 8 2 gitlab.com Flindex is an inventory management app. Find your stuff (again). Writing 1651536000000 1655424000000
Flip 2 DND https://github.com/robinsrk/Flip_2_DND 16 0 github.com Toggle Do Not Disturb mode by flipping your phone face down Connectivity, System 1735470115000 1739295092000
Flip a coin https://gitlab.com/ecos-logic/flip-a-coin 0 0 gitlab.com Game to help you to choose between two options!!. Games 1699919842000 1728814359000
Flipper Mobile App https://github.com/flipperdevices/Flipper-Android-App 1702 202 github.com Organize data and keys on your Flipper Zero device Security 1669063294000 1733314006000
Floating Image https://code.google.com/p/floatingimage/source code.google.com Display images from galleries Multimedia 1372032000000 1372032000000
Floating Stickies https://github.com/MohammadAdib/FloatingStickies github.com Sticky notes in a mini-window Writing 1371859200000 1412553600000
Florae https://github.com/aeri/Florae 49 7 github.com Keep care of your green, leafy best friends. Time 1693606505000 1719399821000
FlorisBoard https://github.com/florisboard/florisboard 6473 418 github.com An open-source keyboard which respects your privacy. Currently in early-beta. System 1609977600000 1737111589000
Flowit https://github.com/Flowit-Game/Flowit 84 8 github.com Fill all boxes with the color of their border Games 1639612800000 1722941285000
FluffyChat https://github.com/krille-chan/fluffychat 1348 260 github.com Chat with your friends with FluffyChat. Internet, Phone & SMS 1660521600000 1738836811000
Fluffyboard https://github.com/Y0ngg4n/fluffy_board 99 17 github.com Open source Flutter Whiteboard Connectivity, Graphics, Internet, Science & Education 1629504000000 1632268800000
Flux News https://github.com/KevinCFechtel/FluxNews/tree/main 55 7 github.com Newsreader for miniflux backend Internet, Reading 1702222483000 1727433413000
Flying Carpet https://github.com/spieglt/FlyingCarpet/tree/HEAD/Android/FlyingCarpet 3742 147 github.com Cross-platform AirDrop between Android/iOS/Linux/macOS/Windows via ad hoc WiFi Connectivity, System 1711278688000 1711278688000
Flym DecSync https://github.com/39aldo39/Flym-DecSync 31 4 github.com Sync RSS without a server using DecSync Reading 1631145600000 1641081600000
FoCal https://gitlab.com/mydoli/focal 1 0 gitlab.com FoCal enables you to create your personal photo calendar Multimedia 1706636031000 1706636031000
Focal https://github.com/xplodwild/android_packages_apps_Focal 492 251 github.com Advanced camera Multimedia 1407628800000 1407628800000
FocusMastodon https://github.com/allentown521/FocusMastodon 19 0 github.com FocusMastodon is a bright and colourful Mastodon client Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia 1719832830000 1719832830000
FocusPodcast https://github.com/allentown521/FocusPodcast 62 3 github.com FocusPodcast is a quality podcast management and playback application Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia 1721236991000 1721236991000
Folderlogs https://github.com/seoulcodingcafe/Folderlogs 8 1 github.com Scan and log changes in folders System 1607126400000 1607126400000
Fon https://github.com/gjedeer/androidwisprclient 13 6 github.com Auto connect to FON network Internet 1412380800000 1481500800000
Food Restrictions https://gitlab.com/tmendes/FoodRestrictions 4 3 gitlab.com Place orders with food restrictions in multiple languages Sports & Health 1487894400000 1487894400000
Food Scale Droid https://gitlab.com/tmendes/FoodScaleDroid 2 2 gitlab.com Scale prices to common base units Money, Sports & Health 1487894400000 1487894400000
Food-Tracker (PFA) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-food-tracker 56 23 github.com Allows tracking of your daily calorie consumption Sports & Health 1562371200000 1712396692000
Footguy https://github.com/elboza/footguy 3 0 github.com Footguy widget Theming 1346198400000 1480550400000
ForPDA https://github.com/slartus/4pdaClient-plus 95 17 github.com Client for 4pda.ru Internet 1423958400000 1713107274000
Forage https://hg.sr.ht/~ser/forage hg.sr.ht A shopping list front-end to your self-hosted Mealie instance. Sports & Health 1648598400000 1681145892000
Forecastie https://github.com/martykan/forecastie 873 339 github.com A simple, copylefted libre software weather app for Android. Internet 1451433600000 1645574400000
Foreground https://github.com/bgregos/foreground 255 16 github.com Task manager app, supporting syncing with Taskwarrior. Time, Writing 1635120000000 1689330313000
ForgetMeNot https://github.com/tema6120/ForgetMeNot 397 42 github.com A flashcard app that won't let you forget anything. Science & Education 1602547200000 1681379470000
Forkgram https://github.com/Forkgram/TelegramAndroid 763 42 github.com Forkgram is a fork of the official Telegram for Android application. Internet 1642464000000 1738239590000
Forkyz https://gitlab.com/Hague/forkyz 16 5 gitlab.com Crossword puzzles application, download and play. Games 1617926400000 1738836758000
Forkyz Scanner https://gitlab.com/Hague/forkyzscanner 0 0 gitlab.com Crossword-scanning companion app to Forkyz crossword app. Games 1696789197000 1715941596000
Form-N-Fun https://github.com/Rohithkvsp/Form-N-Fun 172 49 github.com Draw a custom maze on paper and play it on your device using the accelerometer Games 1558396800000 1558396800000
Forro Lyrics https://gitlab.com/Gabor-B/ForroLyrics 2 0 gitlab.com Offline database of Forró lyrics Reading 1471219200000 1582675200000
Fortunes https://github.com/316k/android-fortune 7 1 github.com View Unix fortunes Reading 1428537600000 1475539200000
Fossify Calculator https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Calculator 179 18 github.com Simple and open-source calculator for quick and easy calculations System 1729816569000 1729816569000
Fossify Calendar https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Calendar 956 68 github.com Securely plan, schedule, and set reminders with our private calendar app. Time 1705318660000 1738073289000
Fossify Camera https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Camera 152 12 github.com Lightweight open-source camera app for quick, easy, and secure photography System 1729816573000 1729816573000
Fossify Clock https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Clock 322 16 github.com Handy, lightweight, open-source clock app with essential features. Time 1711815124000 1711815124000
Fossify Contacts https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Contacts 406 26 github.com Manage your contacts privately and efficiently with vCard support Phone & SMS 1706303473000 1730292166000
Fossify File Manager https://github.com/FossifyOrg/File-Manager 780 37 github.com Handy, lightweight, open-source file explorer with essential features. System 1705318667000 1711279153000
Fossify Gallery https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Gallery 1952 82 github.com Gallery with Photo editor. No Ads, Open-source, Private. No strings attached. Graphics, Multimedia 1704283198000 1727782873000
Fossify Keyboard https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Keyboard 328 30 github.com Simple and open-source offline keyboard with emojis Writing 1721581986000 1730292173000
Fossify Launcher https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Launcher 284 24 github.com Customize your home screen with a fast, ad-free, open-source launcher System 1729415003000 1736153572000
Fossify Music Player https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Music-Player 394 39 github.com Open-source and Ad-free Music Player with customizable widget & sleep timer Multimedia 1707999892000 1707999892000
Fossify Notes https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Notes 237 19 github.com To do list widget with a notebook organizer, checklist, simple shopping list Writing 1713614288000 1721987224000
Fossify Paint https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Paint 123 12 github.com Quick, easy and open source drawing app Graphics 1736153575000 1736153575000
Fossify Phone https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Phone 630 60 github.com Unlock a secure, open-source calling experience with Fossify Phone Phone & SMS 1705953925000 1737390349000
Fossify SMS Messenger https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Messages 690 51 github.com Open-source and Ad-free SMS/MMS messaging app Phone & SMS 1706303481000 1738837145000
Fossify Voice Recorder https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Voice-Recorder 314 27 github.com Record anything with this Open-source and Ad-free recorder Multimedia 1708791618000 1737390352000
Foto Timer https://github.com/janexner/FotoTimerAndroid 4 0 github.com App that counts, beeps, and helps with repeating tasks, such as at the gym. Sports & Health, Time 1717293890000 1739470160000
Fourth Tools https://gitlab.com/leestarb/fourthtools 3 0 gitlab.com Useful tools app Internet, Multimedia, Science & Education, Time 1664708873000 1666780006000
Foxy Droid https://github.com/kitsunyan/foxy-droid 564 45 github.com Yet another F-Droid client System 1592611200000 1597190400000
Free Fall Accelerometer-based game Games 1330300800000 1331337600000
Free Klondike https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/FreeKlondike 1 0 github.com A mixture of FreeCell and Klondike Solitaire Games 1548806400000 1548806400000
FreeCell4 https://github.com/lufebe16/freecell4maemo 3 0 github.com FreeCell4 is a patience / solitaire card game. Games 1703667181000 1712136270000
FreeDcam https://github.com/KillerInk/FreeDcam 313 45 github.com FreeDCam is an open source camera app which try to enable stuff that is forgotte Graphics, Multimedia 1549065600000 1666542984000
FreeOTP https://github.com/freeotp/freeotp-android 1466 309 github.com Two-factor authentication System 1387670400000 1738837142000
FreeOTP+ https://github.com/helloworld1/FreeOTPPlus 672 79 github.com Enhanced fork of FreeOTP-Android providing a feature-rich 2FA authenticator System 1523318400000 1707831058000
FreePaint https://github.com/pastthepixels/FreePaint 88 7 github.com A vector graphics drawing app for Android. Graphics 1700039082000 1716419755000
FreeShisen https://github.com/knilch0r/freeshisen 14 2 github.com Shisen-Sho game Games 1386028800000 1623974400000
Freebloks https://github.com/shlusiak/Freebloks-Android 70 32 github.com Strategy board game similar to the famous board game Blokus Games 1466208000000 1728113394000
FreedomBox https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/android-app salsa.debian.org A companion app for your FreedomBox server Internet, Security 1521417600000 1725148300000
Freedoom https://github.com/emileb/Freedoom-for-Android 26 4 github.com Doom engine source port bundled with Freedoom 1 & 2 Games 1613520000000 1715648553000
FreezeYou! https://github.com/FreezeYou/FreezeYou 232 22 github.com Light weight app freezer without ROOT System 1644364800000 1654387200000
Freifunk-Karte https://gitlab.com/TheRMaverick/Freifunk-Karte 2 1 gitlab.com Map for viewing the Freifunk Nodes on a OpenStreetMap Internet, Navigation 1535155200000 1693607397000
French Calendar https://github.com/caarmen/FRCAndroidWidget 13 2 github.com French Revolutionary calendar widget Theming, Time 1416355200000 1531008000000
French for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com AnySoftKeyboard French Language pack Writing 1521763200000 1624492800000
Frex https://github.com/forman/frex 6 2 github.com Fractal viewer Science & Education 1387065600000 1387065600000
Fridgey https://github.com/NielsLee/FoodRecords 124 6 github.com A Fridgey to help recording your food! Sports & Health, Writing 1717935351000 1727254477000
Friend Alert https://gitlab.com/audreanne/friend-alert 5 0 gitlab.com Nurture distant friendships with timely reminders Time 1698257347000 1699344077000
Frigoligo https://github.com/casimir/frigoligo 97 6 github.com Your articles with you Internet, Reading 1716199537000 1739295142000
Frog Password Generator https://github.com/Serverfrog/FrogPw 4 1 github.com Helps to remember passwords Internet, Security 1402617600000 1402617600000
Front Camera https://bitbucket.org/kingsimmy/frontcamera/src bitbucket.org Take photos using the frontfacing camera Multimedia 1416787200000 1416787200000
Frozen Bubble https://github.com/videogameboy76/frozenbubbleandroid 105 66 github.com Bubble shooting game Games 1293926400000 1489104000000
Frozen Bubble LevelEditor plus https://github.com/videogameboy76/FBEditPlus 6 7 github.com Edit and load custom level packs for FrozenBubble Games 1462406400000 1462406400000
Fruit Radar https://github.com/niccokunzmann/mundraub-android 33 22 github.com Find edible plants and share them online! Internet, Science & Education, Sports & Health 1534723200000 1625011200000
Fruity Game https://codeberg.org/MarshReaper/FruityGame 15 6 codeberg.org Casual Fruit Combination Game Games 1700868628000 1711815393000
Fucks Given https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/FucksGiven 116 11 github.com Self-love is the greatest middle finger of all time. Sports & Health 1726480844000 1736153630000
Fujiten https://github.com/odrevet/fujiten/ 11 2 github.com Japanese dictionary made with flutter Reading, Science & Education, Writing 1667199226000 1667199226000
Fulguris Web Browser https://github.com/Slion/Fulguris 515 49 github.com ⚡Sparkling Android Web Browser⚡ Internet 1658620800000 1711965525000
Full colemak https://github.com/diblui/fullcolemak 3 2 github.com Keyboard with International Colemak layout System, Writing 1607299200000 1607299200000
Fun With Kanji https://github.com/krille-chan/fun-with-kanji 27 7 github.com Simple app to learn Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Science & Education 1656979200000 1680776230000
Funktrainer https://github.com/meyerd/funktrainer 12 10 github.com This app will ask you the official questions of the German ham radio (amateur ra Science & Education 1530489600000 1716199075000
Funkwhale for Android https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale-android dev.funkwhale.audio The official Android client for Funkwhale Multimedia 1632700800000 1702539658000
FutharkBoard https://git.tjdev.de/DrMaxNix/futharkboard git.tjdev.de Elder Futhark keyboard for Android System 1662681600000 1727939050000
Fwknop2 https://github.com/jp-bennett/fwknop2 71 21 github.com Client to send SPA packets to a fwknopd server Internet 1434412800000 1474243200000
Föhnix https://github.com/dzmanto/foehnix 5 3 github.com The Foehnix weather widget aims at helping pilots with weather conditions Navigation, Phone & SMS 1527552000000 1728472609000
G-Droid https://gitlab.com/gdroid/gdroidclient/ 146 23 gitlab.com System 1541894400000 1663957888000
G2L https://gitlab.com/easwareapps/g2l-gesture-launcher 2 1 gitlab.com Gesture Launcher Theming 1391644800000 1479686400000
GApps Browser https://github.com/tobykurien/GoogleApps 45 17 github.com Sandbox for web apps Internet 1382659200000 1557360000000
GC-Tools https://gitlab.com/gc-tools/android 2 0 gitlab.com Collection of tools that can help solving geocaches. Science & Education 1610150400000 1610150400000
GCompris https://invent.kde.org/education/gcompris.git invent.kde.org Multi-Activity Educational game for children 2 to 10 Games, Science & Education 1564358400000 1738409772000
GCstar Viewer View and manage your collections Writing 1346976000000 1482624000000
GCstar scanner Scan items for your collections Multimedia 1346976000000 1346976000000
GIF Live Wallpaper https://github.com/redwarp/gif-wallpaper 139 10 github.com A Live Wallpaper that will display animated GIFs as your phone background. Theming 1599955200000 1675973594000
GL TRON https://github.com/Chluverman/android-gltron 86 59 github.com 3D lightbike racing game Games 1343260800000 1343260800000
GLImageViewer https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/mariotaku/imageviewer-gl/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org View local and remote images Multimedia 1451865600000 1451865600000
GLPI Agent https://github.com/glpi-project/android-inventory-agent 69 33 github.com GLPI Android Inventory Agent System 1651536000000 1734797837000
GLXY https://github.com/KaeruCT/GLXY 23 3 github.com A simplified gravity simulator for Android, built with libgdx. Games 1383177600000 1625443200000
GM Dice https://github.com/ge0rg/gamemasterdice 19 5 github.com Dice Generator Games 1334880000000 1713793082000
GMaps WV https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/maps 31 13 gitlab.com Google Maps WebView Wrapper Navigation 1623369600000 1733741296000
GNU Taler Point-of-Sale https://git.taler.net/taler-android.git/ git.taler.net Process orders and take in Taler payments Money 1600905600000 1738409778000
GPN 2024 https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com GPN Schedule Time 1651881600000 1716199346000
GPS Cockpit https://github.com/woheller69/gpscockpit 202 11 github.com GPS Cockpit & Head-Up Display Navigation 1638662400000 1718197808000
GPS Locker https://github.com/MrRar/gps_locker 23 3 github.com Keep the GPS locked at all times on an Android device. Navigation 1713613148000 1713613148000
GPSLogger https://github.com/mendhak/gpslogger 2052 610 github.com A lightweight GPS logger, battery efficient, GPX/KML, add notes, share, upload. Navigation 1362441600000 1736153307000
GPSTest https://github.com/barbeau/gpstest 1852 367 github.com An app for testing GPS and GNSS capabilities of a device Navigation 1531008000000 1735842084000
GPSTether https://code.google.com/p/gpstether/source code.google.com GPS server Navigation 1346976000000 1346976000000
GPSd Forwarder https://github.com/tiagoshibata/Android-GPSd-Client 48 23 github.com Service to forward NMEA messages to a GPSd server Navigation 1534032000000 1574380800000
GPTMobile https://github.com/Taewan-P/gpt_mobile 667 64 github.com Your all in one chat assistant - Chat with multiple LLMs at once! Development, Science & Education 1719833764000 1736510780000
GSAK for Locus https://github.com/bubendorf/LocusAddonGsakDatabase 2 1 github.com Add-on for Locus map to import geocaches from GSAK databases Navigation 1659225600000 1686736803000
GSMLocationNlpBackend https://github.com/rtreffer/LocalGSMLocationProvider 45 10 github.com UnifiedNlp location provider (OpenCellID) Navigation 1395446400000 1398729600000
GTFSOffline https://github.com/wbrenna/GTFSOffline 30 8 github.com Use with any pro-GTFS transit agency Navigation, Time 1485216000000 1485216000000
Gadgetbridge https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge 1035 404 codeberg.org Use your smart watch and other bluetooth devices and keep your data private! Connectivity, Navigation, System 1426291200000 1735842792000
Gallery https://github.com/IacobIonut01/Gallery 1548 87 github.com Light-weight Media Gallery Graphics 1698665579000 1739294835000
Gallery for PhotoPrism https://github.com/Radiokot/photoprism-android-client 459 37 github.com A convenient gallery for PhotoPrism with plenty of useful features Graphics, Multimedia 1681380322000 1739104183000
Galnet Dictionary https://github.com/xavier-gz/digalnet 3 1 github.com Multilingual dictionary with translations and synonyms for 10 languages Science & Education 1638403200000 1638403200000
Game Trader https://github.com/saladinalep/gametrader 8 0 github.com Notifications for SteamTrades.com Games, Internet 1710600518000 1710600518000
Game of Life https://bitbucket.org/przemekr/game_of_life_agg/src bitbucket.org Conway's Game of Life simulation Games, Science & Education 1387843200000 1437177600000
Gao&Blaze https://gitlab.com/la-boussole/gaoblaze/track gitlab.com Gao&Blaze is a narrative investigation game. Games, Science & Education, Security 1655164800000 1656806400000
Gardine https://github.com/yauhen-l/gardine 17 3 github.com A minimalistic one-touch app switcher System 1598832000000 1601596800000
Gas Prices https://github.com/woheller69/spritpreise 105 6 github.com Gas Prices shows the current prices at petrol stations in Germany Navigation 1650240000000 1727254917000
Gauguin https://github.com/meikpiep/gauguin 128 6 github.com A Sudoku-like logic game Games 1699179469000 1739104120000
Gcam Services Provider (Basic) https://github.com/lukaspieper/Gcam-Services-Provider 644 29 github.com fake only the absolute necessary Apis to use Gcam without Play Services System 1639008000000 1739103952000
Geddit https://github.com/kaangiray26/geddit-app 909 29 github.com An open-source, Reddit client for Android without using their API Internet, Multimedia 1690227409000 1690674149000
Geekttrss https://github.com/fbarthelery/geekttrss 53 3 github.com A Tiny Tiny RSS reader with transparent offline mode Internet, Reading 1691234685000 1711964639000
Gelli https://github.com/dkanada/gelli 534 39 github.com Native music player for Jellyfin Multimedia 1594080000000 1678525643000
Geo Bookmark https://github.com/onyxbits/geobookmark 2 4 github.com Save timestamped geo-bookmarks Navigation 1398643200000 1399766400000
Geo Share https://github.com/jakubvalenta/geoshare 68 2 github.com Open Google Maps in other map apps and create geo: links Internet, Navigation 1732179371000 1738239615000
GeoKrety Logger https://sourceforge.net/p/geokretylog/code sourceforge.net This program is used to record the movement of GeoKrety's. Navigation 1389225600000 1481673600000
GeoNotes https://github.com/hauke96/geonotes 68 11 github.com A simple app to create georeferenced notes. Navigation, Science & Education 1608249600000 1732550568000
Geological Time Scale https://github.com/tengel/GeologicalTimescale 17 3 github.com Display the geological time scale of the Earth's history. Science & Education 1597968000000 1736153615000
Geometri Destroyer https://github.com/MaTachi/geometri-destroyer 4 0 github.com Simple game Games 1389052800000 1389052800000
Geoperion https://github.com/vulnerabbity/Geoperion 6 2 github.com Geological games built using web Games, Science & Education 1656806400000 1656806400000
Georgian Fonts Installer https://github.com/herrlado/GeorgianFonts 5 1 github.com Install fonts for Georgian script System 1363824000000 1363824000000
Gerberoid https://github.com/zeldin/Gerberoid 17 9 github.com Viewer for Gerber files Science & Education 1502668800000 1705954231000
German for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1485475200000 1624492800000
Get Foreground Activity https://github.com/seguri/GetForegroundActivity 11 5 github.com Show current foreground activity System 1471737600000 1485216000000
Get ID https://github.com/basil2style/getid 106 37 github.com Get device id and information System 1426896000000 1426896000000
GetBack GPS https://github.com/ruleant/getback_gps 45 18 github.com Find your way back to a previously visited location using GPS coordinates. Navigation 1386633600000 1641513600000
GetFlow https://github.com/AdrianMiozga/GetFlow 103 17 github.com Productivity timer Time 1609027200000 1609027200000
GetMiTokens https://github.com/phrogg/GetMiTokens 10 2 github.com Development 1568851200000 1594166400000
Geto https://github.com/JackEblan/Geto 341 13 github.com Apply device settings to your apps. Development, System 1701423965000 1737893924000
Ghost Commander https://sourceforge.net/p/ghostcommander/svn/HEAD/tree/ sourceforge.net Dual-panel file manager System 1301702400000 1735842205000
Ghost Log https://github.com/jgilfelt/GhostLog 383 58 github.com Show logcat in an overlay Development 1435881600000 1435881600000
Giant Stopwatch https://github.com/arpruss/simplestopwatch 18 5 github.com Stopwatch and clock with giant digits Time 1630195200000 1636329600000
Gift Card Guard https://github.com/brarcher/gift-card-guard 15 8 github.com Manage gift cards, their current values, and an image of the most recent receipt Money 1453852800000 1512604800000
Giggity https://github.com/Wilm0r/giggity 110 96 github.com Schedule viewer for conferences and other events Time 1296777600000 1737567088000
Gilga https://github.com/n8fr8/gilgamesh 134 23 github.com Local chat via Bluetooth Connectivity 1412294400000 1413417600000
GitFox https://gitlab.com/terrakok/gitlab-client 506 234 gitlab.com GitFox is your application to manage GitLab projects Internet 1583884800000 1621036800000
GitNex for Forgejo and Gitea https://codeberg.org/gitnex/GitNex 487 36 codeberg.org Client for Gitea Internet 1551830400000 1737732186000
GitTouch https://github.com/git-touch/git-touch 1600 138 github.com An app for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitee(码云) Development 1610582400000 1614729600000
Githo https://github.com/Glitchy-Tozier/githo 68 5 github.com Gradually build long-lasting habits. Sports & Health 1628553600000 1651449600000
Glider for Hacker News https://github.com/Mosc/Glider 554 23 github.com Glider is an opinionated Hacker News client. Ad-free, open-source, no-nonsense. Internet, Reading, Writing 1620000000000 1704450207000
Gloomy Dungeons 2 https://github.com/restorer/gloomy-dungeons-2 93 42 github.com First-person shooter Games 1467590400000 1467590400000
Glucosio https://gitlab.com/glucosio/glucosio-android 12 6 gitlab.com Manage your diabetes Sports & Health 1444953600000 1478131200000
Gmote https://code.google.com/p/gmote/source code.google.com Remote control Multimedia 1348531200000 1348531200000
Go To Sleep https://github.com/KaeruCT/Go-To-Sleep-Android 14 2 github.com Count sheep until you fall asleep! Games 1625184000000 1648944000000
Gobandroid https://github.com/ligi/gobandroid 232 64 github.com Ancient Go game Games 1410307200000 1527552000000
Goblim https://git.mob-dev.fr/Schoumi/Goblim git.mob-dev.fr Share your photos Internet 1438041600000 1508284800000
Godot Editor 3 https://github.com/godotengine/godot/ 94022 21679 github.com All-in-one, cross-platform game engine Development 1675973793000 1734457093000
Godot Editor 4 https://github.com/godotengine/godot/ 94022 21679 github.com All-in-one, cross-platform game engine Development 1675973840000 1734087142000
GogoDroid https://github.com/aelmahmoudy/gogodroid 9 1 github.com Graphical frontend of gogoc Development 1388707200000 1429833600000
Goguma https://codeberg.org/emersion/goguma 34 7 codeberg.org An IRC client for mobile devices Internet 1647907200000 1719594350000
Gomoku https://bitbucket.org/przemekr/gomoku/src bitbucket.org Five in a Row Game Games 1390608000000 1447372800000
Goodtime - Minimalist Pomodoro Timer https://github.com/goodtime-productivity/Goodtime 1036 115 github.com Productivity timer designed to keep you on track and free of distractions Time 1551398400000 1718196161000
Gore Companion https://github.com/smiller393/GoreCompanion github.com Ski conditions for Gore Mountain Navigation 1414886400000 1414886400000
Gort https://sourceforge.net/p/barada/gort sourceforge.net Two factor auth client for Barada Security 1393804800000 1393804800000
Gotify https://github.com/gotify/android 1023 153 github.com A client for receiving push notifications Internet 1541462400000 1722941488000
Grabagram https://github.com/bpeel/verda-sxtelo 0 2 github.com A fast-paced game of anagrams to play online with friends Games 1687713532000 1712918688000
Graded - Grade tracker https://github.com/NightDreamGames/Graded 88 2 github.com Track and manage your school grades with ease Science & Education 1685719855000 1737731907000
Gradr https://github.com/hackathoner/Gradr 9 1 github.com Keep track of your grades Science & Education, Time 1422403200000 1422403200000
Gramophone https://github.com/AkaneTan/Gramophone 1267 66 github.com Simple offline music player with minimalistic design Multimedia 1708791500000 1730816318000
Graph 89 https://github.com/eanema/graph89 59 2 github.com A TI Graphing Calculator Emulator Science & Education 1715291441000 1730971125000
GraphHopper Maps https://github.com/boldtrn/graphhopper-maps-capacitor 21 1 github.com Online route planner and experimental GPS navigation Navigation 1639872000000 1734797468000
Gravity Defied https://github.com/gch1p/gravitydefied 7 0 github.com Trail racing game Games 1462060800000 1462060800000
Gravity Force https://github.com/MetatransApps/Android_APK_2DGravity 5 1 github.com Demonstrates Gravity in Space. Play with Asteroids Orbits. Physics. Games 1634860800000 1678525771000
Grazer Linuxtage https://github.com/linuxtage/EventFahrplan 0 0 github.com Browse the "Grazer Linuxtage" schedule Time 1714191396000 1720870911000
Greek for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1364601600000 1624492800000
Green: Bitcoin Wallet https://github.com/blockstream/green_android 222 84 github.com Blockstream Green Bitcoin wallet Money 1422489600000 1739103868000
GreenStash: Track Your Savings https://github.com/Pool-Of-Tears/GreenStash 656 56 github.com Plan, manage, and achieve your savings goals easily Money 1658188800000 1727602330000
Gridle https://github.com/billthefarmer/gridle 16 1 github.com Games 1651536000000 1703528552000
Grit https://github.com/shub39/Grit 124 11 github.com A ToDo List and Habit Tracker app that helps you visualise your progress Writing 1726479549000 1739470255000
Grocery manager https://gitlab.com/upasana-me/grocerymanager/tree/HEAD 2 1 gitlab.com Manage your groceries Time, Writing 1598832000000 1598832000000
Grocy: Self-hosted Grocery Management https://github.com/patzly/grocy-android 943 91 github.com ERP beyond your fridge, now on your phone – An awesome companion app for grocy Sports & Health 1602028800000 1735842932000
Groestlcoin Wallet https://github.com/Groestlcoin/groestlcoin-wallet 3 2 github.com Money 1568160000000 1706302818000
Groestlcoin Wallet TestNet https://github.com/Groestlcoin/groestlcoin-wallet 3 2 github.com Money 1579737600000 1706302821000
GrowTracker https://github.com/7LPdWcaW/GrowTracker-Android 149 32 github.com Help record data about growing plants Science & Education 1549324800000 1656028800000
Guerrilla Mail https://gitlab.com/TheOneWithTheBraid/guerrilla_mail 9 0 gitlab.com Quickly receive anonymous and temporary mails. Internet, Security 1632700800000 1632700800000
Guess https://github.com/zxalexis/guess 2 0 github.com Guess a number Games 1405555200000 1475712000000
GuessIron https://github.com/mobeil1/GuessIron 70 6 github.com Measure things with your cell phone System 1703666574000 1721061798000
GuessThatPokemon https://github.com/NimaKhajehpour/GuessThatPokemon 20 0 github.com A game where you guess pokemon names and you capture them. Games 1677293604000 1686064780000
Guessaday https://github.com/mo271/guessaday 7 2 github.com Guess the day of week of a random date Games, Science & Education, Time 1512950400000 1529193600000
Gugal https://gitlab.com/narektor/gugal 17 6 gitlab.com A clean and lightweight web search app. Internet 1655164800000 1736153333000
Guileless Bopomofo Keyboard https://github.com/hiroshiyui/GuilelessBopomofo 95 6 github.com A simple Bopomofo software keyboard (input method editor) for typing Hanyu System, Writing 1609804800000 1738837149000
GuitarFretboardTrainer https://gitlab.com/pandagoespoop/guitarfretboardtrainer 1 1 gitlab.com Learn the notes on the guitar fretboard. Science & Education 1664476193000 1664959292000
Gurgle https://github.com/billthefarmer/gurgle 56 19 github.com Games 1642896000000 1711279067000
GymRoutines https://codeberg.org/noahjutz/GymRoutines 39 14 codeberg.org Open-Source fitness tracker for Android. Sports & Health 1630195200000 1691665145000
GymWen https://gitlab.com/flxholle/GymWen 3 1 gitlab.com Official App for the Gymnasium Wendelstein Internet, Science & Education 1576800000000 1718976858000
HA Bluetooth Proxy https://github.com/kvj/hass_Bluetooth_Proxy_Companion 21 3 github.com Home assistant Bluetooth proxy Companion Connectivity 1701728827000 1701728827000
HACS https://github.com/ktt-ol/hacs 28 2 github.com Hackspace Access Control System Internet 1545004800000 1739295131000
HAMtrainer https://gitlab.com/Practical.Apps/ham.trainer 3 3 gitlab.com Study for the American HAM radio license exams Science & Education 1600387200000 1659571200000
HIIT https://github.com/ATryder/HIIT 6 0 github.com Interval timer Sports & Health, Time 1623369600000 1623369600000
HIIT Timer https://gitlab.com/LarsFreeSoftware/HIIT-timer/tree/HEAD 1 4 gitlab.com Timer for high intensity training Sports & Health, Time 1426982400000 1426982400000
HK Transport https://github.com/angus6b23/hk-transport 7 2 github.com An app displaying transport mode in Hong Kong with a respect to your privacy. Navigation 1699177081000 1725611825000
HN https://github.com/manmal/hn-android 490 160 github.com Read and comment on tech news Reading 1365033600000 1666947921000
HOPE 2024 https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Program app for the HOPE conference Time 1656806400000 1720015052000
HSTempo https://github.com/hsaito/hstempo_android 5 3 github.com Tempo Measurement Science & Education 1365033600000 1365033600000
HTTP Request Shortcuts https://github.com/Waboodoo/HTTP-Shortcuts 1240 117 github.com Submit HTTP Requests from Shortcuts on your Home Screen System 1599436800000 1739103794000
HUD https://github.com/woju/hud 18 2 github.com Heads-up display for your car Navigation 1394928000000 1441324800000
Habit-Maker https://github.com/dessalines/habit-maker 60 3 github.com A reward-based habit tracker for android. Sports & Health 1738073089000 1739294831000
Habits https://github.com/willbsp/habits 105 6 github.com Habits is an app for tracking and helping to maintain good habits. Sports & Health 1690227252000 1696462322000
HabsGleich https://gitlab.com/codecivil/habsgleich/ 0 1 gitlab.com HabsGleich is a mini diary with a mind test included. Science & Education, Sports & Health, Writing 1726479796000 1727433416000
Hacker Live Wallpaper https://github.com/gsingh93/hacker-live-wallpaper 42 14 github.com Cascading numerals Theming 1374796800000 1441065600000
Hacker's Keyboard https://github.com/klausw/hackerskeyboard 1943 450 github.com Four- or five-row soft-keyboard Writing 1309478400000 1544140800000
Hacki for Hacker News https://github.com/Livinglist/Hacki 1275 101 github.com Hacki is a simple noiseless Hacker News client that is just enough. Internet, Reading 1650240000000 1732360048000
Hail https://github.com/aistra0528/Hail 3148 114 github.com Freeze Android apps System 1645315200000 1726478857000
Haircomb https://bitbucket.org/watashi564/combapp bitbucket.org Haircomb crypto currency wallet, core and a blockchain syncing software. Money 1662249600000 1680776404000
Halachic Prayer Times https://sourceforge.net/p/halachictimes/git/ci/master/tree/ sourceforge.net Times for Jewish prayers Time 1386547200000 1446076800000
HalfDot for Umami https://github.com/davquar/halfdot 43 0 github.com HalfDot is a minimalistic client for Umami Analytics Internet 1672705805000 1715942902000
Halma https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/Halma 40 14 github.com Chinese checkers (Halma) to play with friends. Try this strategy board game now! Games 1683676590000 1712135019000
Haltestellenanzeige (Display Monitor) https://github.com/Stefan-Gernhardt/Haltestellenanzeige 5 0 github.com Displays the departure times of all stops in Germany (Display Monitor). Navigation 1578960000000 1578960000000
Ham https://github.com/Smerty/ham.android 11 4 github.com Amateur radio tools Science & Education 1349395200000 1349395200000
Hamburger https://github.com/livodeu/FreeHamburger 10 1 github.com An open client app for the news by the oldest German TV station. Internet 1609977600000 1725147580000
Hamfisted https://github.com/specht/hamfisted 8 1 github.com Prepare for the German HAM radio license exam Science & Education 1698969398000 1699920007000
Hammer [ALPHA] https://github.com/Wavesonics/hammer-editor 140 6 github.com A simple tool for building stories. Writing 1702925717000 1730816128000
Handy Reading https://github.com/yanus171/Handy-News-Reader 196 21 github.com Feature-rich, pure (offline) reading experience on all Your interests. Reading 1549324800000 1704450538000
HandyNotes https://github.com/atd/HandyNotes 19 4 github.com Sticky notes widget Writing 1297555200000 1536883200000
Hangar https://github.com/corcoran/Hangar 66 15 github.com Access recent and top apps System 1401062400000 1484092800000
Hangman https://github.com/darthjoey91/Hangman-Android 7 12 github.com English language Hangman game Games 1415750400000 1415836800000
Hanuman Chalisa https://github.com/niccokunzmann/HanumanChalisa 1 2 github.com Multimedia, Reading 1599436800000 1601424000000
HardWhere https://github.com/seemoo-lab/Hardwhere 8 2 github.com Asset management app for snipe-it, requires a custom setup Internet, Navigation 1659571200000 1659571200000
Harmony Music https://github.com/anandnet/Harmony-Music 1499 119 github.com An Android App for streaming Music Multimedia 1693043158000 1737893923000
Hash Droid https://github.com/HobbyOneDroid/HashDroid 75 18 github.com Verify file integrity Security 1373328000000 1591574400000
Hauk https://github.com/bilde2910/Hauk 661 63 github.com Self-hosted real-time location sharing Navigation 1566950400000 1692313794000
Hayago https://gitlab.com/biotstoiq/hayago gitlab.com A minimalist go/chess clock Games 1633910400000 1661040000000
Hdhomerun Signal Meter https://github.com/zaren678/Hdhomerun-signal-meter 9 6 github.com Signal meter for TV tuners Multimedia 1362787200000 1378512000000
Headi - Your headache diary https://github.com/MrReSc/Headi 30 1 github.com Headi (Headache Diary) is a privacy-friendly app to log your headaches Sports & Health 1617580800000 1710341518000
Heading Calculator https://github.com/eugmes/headingcalculator 0 0 github.com Flight navigation aid Navigation 1418428800000 1626307200000
Headphone detector for Vanilla Music https://github.com/vanilla-music/vanilla-headphone-detector 10 5 github.com Launch Vanilla when a headset is plugged in Multimedia 1433894400000 1556668800000
Headphone indicator https://github.com/cweiske/headphoneindicator 14 5 github.com Shows a notification icon in the status bar when headphones are plugged in Connectivity, System 1459123200000 1736510728000
Headwind MDM Agent https://github.com/h-mdm/hmdm-android 206 98 github.com Mobile Device Management (MDM) System for Android (mobile agent - launcher) Security 1715942107000 1735842266000
Healthy Battery Charging https://github.com/vbresan/HealthyBatteryCharging 75 3 github.com Prolong the life of your battery by keeping it charged between 40% and 80% System 1717933990000 1738239324000
Heart Observe https://github.com/daryldy/Heart 22 11 github.com Track pulse and blood pressure Sports & Health 1386547200000 1386547200000
Heart rate https://github.com/joeyvanderbie/android-heart-rate-monitor 15 7 github.com Heart Rate Monitor Sports & Health 1408060800000 1408060800000
HeartBeat https://github.com/berdosi/HeartBeat 80 16 github.com Calculate heart rate from camera image Sports & Health 1618358400000 1633996800000
HeartRateMonitor https://github.com/phishman3579/android-heart-rate-monitor/ 467 260 github.com Heart Rate Monitor Sports & Health 1369785600000 1369785600000
HeatCalc https://gitlab.com/a-katsarov/heatsink-calc/tree/HEAD 1 1 gitlab.com Heatsink calculator Science & Education 1455840000000 1456358400000
HeaterRC https://github.com/dynamitetuning/com.dynamite.heaterrc 3 1 github.com Remote control heater via SMS Connectivity 1437782400000 1553472000000
Hebrew for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1485302400000 1624492800000
HeliBoard https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoard 2795 120 github.com Customizable open-source keyboard System 1712396145000 1737111596000
Helio https://github.com/helio-fm/helio-sequencer 3176 114 github.com Music sequencer, designed to be used on all major platforms Multimedia, Writing 1616976000000 1726677871000
Helsinki Timetables https://github.com/w32blaster/helsinki-timetables 0 0 github.com Show timetables for public transport in Helsinki city and region Navigation 1551398400000 1554076800000
Here GPS Location https://github.com/borneq/HereGPSLocation 15 10 github.com Shows current GPS coordinates Navigation 1393545600000 1393545600000
Heriswap https://github.com/SoupeauCaillou/heriswap 12 9 github.com Match three objects to get points Games 1394582400000 1457740800000
Hertz contact https://gitlab.com/tribology/hertz 0 1 gitlab.com Hertz contact is for ball-on-flat static mechanical contact calculation. Science & Education 1645315200000 1685720157000
Het Saldo https://gitlab.com/meyskens/het-saldo 0 1 gitlab.com A cross-platform De Lijn "smart"ticket saldo checking application. Money 1706302719000 1715648254000
Hex https://github.com/Xlythe/HexGame_Android 42 15 github.com Two-player game Games 1345680000000 1370217600000
Hex Launcher https://github.com/MrMannWood/launcher 49 9 github.com A minimalist launcher that puts your apps under your thumb System, Theming 1647907200000 1682235830000
HexColorTime Wallpaper https://github.com/urtxintxa/HexColorTime 8 4 github.com Set the wallpaper color based on time hex value Theming 1486425600000 1487376000000
HexViewer https://github.com/Keidan/HexViewer/ 171 28 github.com Hexadecimal viewer for Android Development, Writing 1614124800000 1737390106000
Hey! Meditation https://github.com/ooz/HeyMeditation 3 5 github.com Helps with meditation sessions Time 1416960000000 1417132800000
Hide "running in the background" Notification https://github.com/gloomy-ghost/sysnotifsnooze 3 1 github.com Hide the annoying "running in the background" notification System 1539993600000 1539993600000
Hikar https://gitlab.com/nickw1/Hikar 15 6 gitlab.com Overlays footpaths from OpenStreetMap on the device's camera feed. Navigation 1623801600000 1626912000000
Hisn Elmoslem https://github.com/muslimpack/HisnElmoslem_App 195 51 github.com You favourite app to azkar. Reading 1706636469000 1727781877000
Holo Counter https://github.com/omegavesko/HoloCounter 8 1 github.com Simple counter Time 1358467200000 1358467200000
HoloKenMod https://github.com/queler/holokenmod 17 3 github.com KenKen game Games 1455926400000 1597968000000
Holywarsoo https://gitlab.com/Kanedias/holywarsoo-android 0 0 gitlab.com Lightweight Holywarsoo forum browsing app Internet 1598054400000 1656028800000
Home App | For Philips Hue, Arduino & more https://github.com/Domi04151309/HomeApp 118 25 github.com A little smart home app for Philips Hue, Arduino and other devices Connectivity, Internet 1589932800000 1739295096000
Home Assistant https://github.com/home-assistant/android 2512 684 github.com Control all your devices in your Home Assistant instance Connectivity 1599955200000 1736779579000
Home Medkit https://github.com/pewaru-333/HomeMedkit-App 60 7 github.com Home Medkit — medicine storage and intake reminders. Sports & Health 1732179373000 1738073324000
HomeBot https://github.com/s6joui/homebot 24 4 github.com Remap the home button long press System 1573689600000 1573689600000
Hoplite Polytonic Greek Keyboard https://github.com/jeremymarch/HoplitePolytonicKeyboardAndroid 8 2 github.com A keyboard extension which allows the user to type in Polytonic Greek System 1527465600000 1600905600000
Hot Death https://github.com/jpriebe/hotdeath 31 6 github.com Card game Games 1323129600000 1641513600000
Hourglass https://gitlab.com/alaskalinuxuser/app_hourglass 4 3 gitlab.com Set variable timers with audible alarm and vibration Time 1488412800000 1514073600000
Hourly Reminder https://gitlab.com/axet/android-hourly-reminder/tree/HEAD 33 8 gitlab.com Remind you about hours passed Multimedia 1492387200000 1707218389000
House of Cards https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/HouseOfCards 4 3 github.com Solitaire-like card game Games 1547510400000 1547510400000
How far do you swim https://github.com/bobbyrne01/howfardoyouswim-android 1 0 github.com Calculate the distance you swam Navigation 1406160000000 1406160000000
Hrm https://git.wow.st/gmp/hrm git.wow.st Simple bluetooth low-energy heart rate monitor Sports & Health 1616716800000 1616716800000
Hue Widgets https://github.com/ZiiS/huewidgets 6 0 github.com Connectivity 1557532800000 1580256000000
Human Benchmark https://github.com/printn/human-benchmark 46 0 github.com Test and compare your cognitive abilities with fun challenges Games 1731160223000 1735470246000
Hungarian Rings for Android https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/HungarianRingsForAndroid 4 1 github.com Puzzle game Games 1417305600000 1549152000000
Hungarian for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1624492800000 1624492800000
Husky https://github.com/captainepoch/husky 50 3 github.com Husky is a client for Pleroma and Mastodon social networks. Internet 1650931200000 1734087215000
Hydra https://github.com/ZeusWPI/hydra-android 27 12 github.com Hydra gives you access to Ghent University wherever you are. Internet, Science & Education 1660521600000 1737111306000
Hydra Slayer https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org/projects/da/dalb8/hydra-slayer.html bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org Adventure game Games 1373328000000 1373328000000
Hypatia https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/hypatia 101 14 gitlab.com A real-time malware scanner Security 1703667376000 1733741295000
HyperRogue https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue 596 74 github.com Top-down rogue-like adventure Games 1373241600000 1735842372000
Hypezig https://gitlab.com/intergalacticsuperhero/hypezig/tree/HEAD 4 2 gitlab.com Offline-compatible browser for cultural events in Leipzig Internet 1576281600000 1662768000000
HypnoTwister https://github.com/kostmo/android-spiral-wallpaper 3 4 github.com An animated spiral live wallpaper Theming 1332460800000 1345680000000
Hypnotoad Live Wallpaper https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org/projects/an/Ancantus/hypnotoad_live_wallpaper.html bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org Live wallpaper Theming 1387065600000 1387065600000
I2P https://github.com/i2p github.com I2P anonymous network Internet, Security 1383868800000 1738239553000
ICSx⁵ https://github.com/bitfireAT/icsx5 201 9 github.com Subscribe to Webcal (.ics) calendars Time 1440460800000 1737111300000
IED https://codeberg.org/Krixec/IED-FDroid 4 0 codeberg.org Imagine Minesweeper ... but in 3D Games 1734797174000 1738073069000
IETF 121 https://github.com/ietf/ietfsched 2 6 github.com IETF schedule application for meetings Internet 1654041600000 1734797845000
IITC Mobile https://github.com/iitc-project/ingress-intel-total-conversion 987 553 github.com Map addon for the Ingress game Games 1367539200000 1475539200000
IITC-CE Mobile https://github.com/IITC-CE/ingress-intel-total-conversion 298 109 github.com IITC-CE map for Ingress Prime game Games 1651881600000 1730057351000
IMCKTG https://github.com/achromaticmetaphor/IMCKTG 10 1 github.com Generates ringtones from strings, either as Morse code or spoken text Multimedia, Phone & SMS 1418601600000 1528588800000
INSTEAD https://github.com/instead-hub/instead 234 42 github.com Interactive fiction player Games 1382486400000 1382486400000
INSTEAD https://github.com/btimofeev/instead-launcher-android/ 26 6 github.com Interactive fiction games Games 1557878400000 1731789739000
IPCalc Android https://gitlab.com/jnda/IPCalc 2 1 gitlab.com IP tool: subnet calculations, network, broadcast, binary conversion, and geoloca Internet 1560470400000 1724242483000
IPCam Demo https://github.com/niqdev/ipcam-view 417 163 github.com MJPEG video streaming on Android Internet 1534464000000 1729816219000
IPFSDroid https://github.com/ligi/IPFSDroid 309 73 github.com IPFS Tool System 1461801600000 1499558400000
IR Remote https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/irremote 20 14 gitlab.com IR TV Remote Multimedia 1625011200000 1713987015000
IREX Mobile App https://gitlab.com/web_irex/irex-mobile 0 1 gitlab.com IREX mobile application Navigation 1709664433000 1709664433000
IVPN - Secure VPN for Privacy https://github.com/ivpn/android-app 365 56 github.com Privacy focused VPN service with WireGuard Security 1627689600000 1737732154000
IYPS https://github.com/StellarSand/IYPS 190 9 github.com Evaluate passwords, predict crack times, and get tips for stronger passwords. Security 1654732800000 1736510581000
IceCondor https://github.com/icecondor/android 7 2 github.com GPS Location recording and sharing Navigation 1419379200000 1428883200000
Ichaival https://github.com/Utazukin/Ichaival 177 13 github.com Mobile client for the LANraragi manga/doujinshi web manager Multimedia, Reading 1556755200000 1736153392000
Identiconizer! https://github.com/GermainZ/Identiconizer 55 8 github.com Identicons for your contacts System 1401408000000 1552435200000
Identify Dog Breeds Pro https://github.com/j05t/identify-dog-breeds-pro 36 3 github.com Identify over two hundred different dog breeds with your smartphone Science & Education 1656028800000 1727007814000
IdiomReplaceX Browser App https://github.com/idiomReplaceX/IdiomReplaceX-app 11 0 github.com A browser app by IdiomReplaceX that modifies web pages with literary filters. Internet 1658620800000 1658620800000
Image Meta Cleaner https://notabug.org/alimiracle/image_meta_cleaner notabug.org a cross-platform application designed to Show and Remove metadata from images Multimedia 1725146706000 1725146706000
Image Toolbox https://github.com/T8RIN/ImageResizer 5492 252 github.com Filter, Resize, Compare, Crop - do anything with your images Graphics 1678526805000 1736153650000
Imagepipe https://codeberg.org/Starfish/Imagepipe 85 2 codeberg.org removes exif data and modifies images to reduce size before sharing. Graphics 1580515200000 1736153428000
ImapNotes3 https://github.com/niendo1/ImapNotes3 53 7 github.com View, edit and synchronize HTML notes and check lists on your IMAP mailboxes Internet, Writing 1671964584000 1738836971000
ImgurViewer https://github.com/SpartanJ/ImgurViewer 119 7 github.com A little image viewer to open image and video links from external applications. Internet 1594857600000 1718196288000
Immich https://github.com/immich-app/immich 58332 3073 github.com This is a client app for the self-hostable Immich Server Multimedia, System 1649635200000 1739470118000
Impress Remote https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=impress_remote.git;a=summary gerrit.libreoffice.org Remote for presentations Connectivity 1391126400000 1694506344000
Improvement Roll https://github.com/vukani-dev/improvement-roll 29 4 github.com Create a list of productive things to do and improve yourself one task at a time Writing 1617926400000 1664959151000
Inbox Pager https://github.com/itprojects/InboxPager 66 13 github.com Read and write e-mails Internet 1474934400000 1720267352000
Indic Keyboard https://gitlab.com/indicproject/Indic-Keyboard 61 40 gitlab.com AOSP Keyboard with Indic language support Writing 1412121600000 1729155659000
IndiePass https://github.com/IndiePass/indiepass-android 105 7 github.com IndieWeb Micropub and Microsub Client Internet 1550707200000 1683252656000
Indonesian for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1532908800000 1624492800000
Inetify https://bitbucket.org/bitdode/inetify bitbucket.org Wi-Fi Internet access helper Connectivity 1346976000000 1393200000000
InfiniList https://github.com/fredx100/InfiniList 20 3 github.com Writing 1601683200000 1737390397000
Inflation Calculator https://github.com/corenting/InflationCalculator 20 4 github.com Inflation calculator for various countries Money 1597968000000 1737390090000
Infomaniak Mail https://github.com/Infomaniak/android-kMail 134 5 github.com The secure messaging service for your emails Internet 1681584946000 1739470202000
Infomaniak kDrive https://github.com/Infomaniak/android-kDrive 117 11 github.com The most secure cloud in Europe for SMEs and private individuals. Internet 1623974400000 1739470196000
Infomaniak kMeet https://github.com/Infomaniak/android-infomaniak-meet 20 1 github.com Free and secure videoconferencing solution Phone & SMS 1644105600000 1718411707000
Infomaniak kSync https://github.com/Infomaniak/android-kSync 17 0 github.com Automatically sync your contacts and calendars Internet 1575331200000 1713106138000
Information about NCBS https://github.com/NCBSinfo/NCBSinfo 5 4 github.com Information about NCBS and its surroundings. Science & Education 1589673600000 1602720000000
Init.d Light https://github.com/x1125/initd-light 11 3 github.com Add missing init.d support System 1506211200000 1514073600000
Inner Breeze https://github.com/naoxio/inbreeze 69 16 github.com A meditation app to guide and track your Wim Hof Breathing practice Sports & Health, Time 1696790364000 1734457001000
InnerTune https://github.com/z-huang/InnerTune 5286 345 github.com A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android Multimedia 1667653578000 1726152577000
Insigno https://github.com/MindsHub/insigno_frontend 13 0 github.com Report and collect garbage, earning points! Games, Navigation 1680776612000 1697818592000
InstaLate https://gitlab.com/concept1tech/instalate 15 5 gitlab.com Online dictionary - Translate content directly in your apps Internet, Reading, Science & Education 1613520000000 1639526400000
Installalogs https://github.com/seoulcodingcafe/Installalogs 7 2 github.com Installation logs: Log application installations and updates System 1606780800000 1606780800000
Instant Readme Demo https://github.com/mofosyne/instantReadmeApp 5 2 github.com Auto-include readme files in your apps Development 1440979200000 1440979200000
Insular https://gitlab.com/secure-system/Insular 166 17 gitlab.com Isolate your Big Brother apps Security, System 1607472000000 1716198786000
Intent Intercept https://github.com/k3b/intent-intercept 210 22 github.com Dev tool to view inter-app communication Development 1513296000000 1708350389000
IntentRadio https://github.com/smblott-github/intent_radio 20 10 github.com Intent-driven internet radio player Internet 1394841600000 1444608000000
Inter Profile Sharing https://github.com/VentralDigital/InterProfileSharing 56 2 github.com Easily share media and text between Android user profiles Security, System 1730971215000 1730971215000
Interval Timer https://github.com/randombits-dev/interval-timer 12 3 github.com The simplest interval timer you can imagine Sports & Health, Time 1705953316000 1729414537000
Interval Timer (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-interval-timer 40 21 github.com (SECUSO) Supports circuit training sessions and helps achieve training goals. Sports & Health 1527897600000 1696790840000
Intra https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/Intra 1625 275 github.com Encrypted DNS client Internet 1655164800000 1710341079000
Inure App Manager (Trial) https://github.com/Hamza417/Inure 1248 58 github.com An elegant multi-purpose app manager for all rooted and non-rooted devices. System 1674292344000 1739294815000
Inventory https://github.com/codelv/inventory 14 2 github.com A simple app for managing inventory of electronic components. Development 1687881761000 1699456699000
InventoryGUI Mobile https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/salvadorp2001/Inventory_Taker/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Development 1498176000000 1498176000000
Inventum https://github.com/qqq3/inventum 22 4 github.com Learn more about your favorite movies and TV shows Internet 1484352000000 1485302400000
InviZible Pro: increase your security, protect you https://github.com/Gedsh/InviZible 1649 110 github.com Comprehensive application for on-line privacy and security Internet, Security 1614556800000 1737111760000
Invoice Ninja https://github.com/invoiceninja/admin-portal 1647 558 github.com Invoice your clients, accept payments, track expenses & time billable-tasks Money 1617753600000 1734086797000
Ion Launcher https://gitlab.com/_zagura/ion-launcher 20 3 gitlab.com A beautiful, functional and customizable launcher System, Theming 1725148208000 1737390296000
Ionic Notes https://github.com/kurxz/Ionic_notes 14 1 github.com A simple notepad app Writing 1664959565000 1664959565000
Irregular Expressions https://github.com/MobileFirstLLC/irregular-expressions 138 9 github.com Virtual keyboard for writing expressive messages in various text styles Writing 1597017600000 1707999702000
IsMyWebsiteUp https://github.com/seoulcodingcafe/IsMyWebsiteUp 9 0 github.com Handy tool to make sure your website is up, and alert you whenever it is down. Development, Internet 1606780800000 1606780800000
IsPhoneEncrypted https://github.com/seguri/IsPhoneEncrypted 9 4 github.com Check if the disk is fully encrypted Security 1470960000000 1470960000000
Isolmoa https://github.com/valos/Isolmoa 5 0 github.com Abstract strategy board game Games 1395446400000 1398643200000
Isotopes https://github.com/chemicalappspace/Isotopes 3 2 github.com Isotope Information Science & Education 1382572800000 1382572800000
Italian for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1486857600000 1624492800000
Ithaka Board Game https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/IthakaBoardGame 11 5 github.com Puzzle game Games 1456012800000 1623974400000
Its Dicey! https://github.com/EmmanuelMess/ItsDicey 5 1 github.com Randomly select between friends. Games 1617753600000 1617753600000
IzzyOnDroid https://gitlab.com/sunilpaulmathew/izzyondroid 67 18 gitlab.com An unofficial client for IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository! System 1646870400000 1727602710000
J 拼图 https://github.com/richardchien/jigsaw-android 16 8 github.com Play a jigsaw puzzle game Games 1466726400000 1466726400000
J2ME Loader https://github.com/nikita36078/J2ME-Loader 2174 213 github.com A J2ME emulator for Android. Games 1529712000000 1723449873000
JEV 2022 Schedule https://github.com/EventFahrplan/EventFahrplan 242 103 github.com Conference program app for the JahresEndVeranstaltungen (JEV) Time 1609200000000 1671964766000
JKU App https://github.com/marunjar/anewjkuapp 16 4 github.com Provides information for the students of JKU Linz Science & Education 1428364800000 1696066290000
JMP SIM Manager https://gitea.angry.im/jmp-sim/jmp-sim-manager gitea.angry.im Companion app for the JMP eSIM Adapter Connectivity, Phone & SMS 1713351696000 1738073075000
JMdict droid https://github.com/benoitryder/jmdict-droid 6 0 github.com A Japanese to English dictionary, based on JMdict. Reading, Science & Education 1727008393000 1739104005000
JRPN 16c https://github.com/zathras/JRPN_Android 6 0 github.com Programmer's calculator similar to an HP 16c. Science & Education 1613865600000 1626912000000
JS-Dict https://github.com/petlyh/JS-Dict 56 2 github.com Japanese-English dictionary app powered by Jisho.org. Reading, Science & Education 1697818215000 1727254368000
JSettlers https://github.com/paulwedeck/settlers-remake 122 18 github.com Remake of "The Settlers 3" Games 1682598543000 1682598543000
JSlab https://github.com/fps/JSlab 14 0 github.com A simple android app for evaluating JavaScript code in a browser context. Development, Internet, Science & Education 1662249600000 1662249600000
JaMuz https://github.com/phramusca/JaMuz-Remote 7 3 github.com Multimedia 1670168539000 1676925039000
Jami https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/jami-client-android git.jami.net Share, freely and privately Internet, Phone & SMS 1454025600000 1739470319000
Japanese Name Converter https://github.com/nolanlawson/JapaneseNameConverterRoot 19 2 github.com English names in Japanese Reading 1357776000000 1357776000000
Japanese Traditional Time https://github.com/aragaer/jtt_android 13 6 github.com Clock widget System 1497312000000 1623801600000
Jargons Colombia https://gitlab.com/tulius/jergas-colombia 0 1 gitlab.com Dictionary of Colombian jargon Reading 1703527279000 1703527279000
Jass board https://github.com/simonste/jasstafel 8 2 github.com Very flexible Jass board to write points at the Schieber, Coiffeur, Molotov. Games 1706636073000 1733740426000
Java installer https://github.com/julianwi/javainstaller 37 8 github.com Install a full Java runtime Development 1396915200000 1435104000000
Jeden Tag ein Set https://gitlab.com/derSchabi/jedentageinset-android 3 1 gitlab.com A free app for the electric music side jedentageinset.de Multimedia 1586131200000 1609804800000
Jellyfin - your media in your hands! https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-android 1703 267 github.com Mobile client for Jellyfin, the free software media system Multimedia 1614556800000 1720460908000
Jellyfin for Android TV https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv 3162 525 github.com Television client for Jellyfin, the free software media system Multimedia 1680368564000 1736511099000
Jerboa for Lemmy https://github.com/LemmyNet/jerboa 1192 170 github.com An app for Lemmy, a federated reddit alternative. Internet 1643673600000 1727781917000
Jigsaw https://gitlab.com/derjosef/jigsaw 1 2 gitlab.com A Jigsaw Puzzle Game Games 1717029291000 1717029294000
JioFi Battery Notifier https://github.com/Parveshdhull/Android-JioFi-Battery-Notifier 10 2 github.com Battery Notifier for JioFi Device with battery Icon in Notification and Alerts Connectivity 1609977600000 1668772810000
Jiten Japanese Dictionary https://github.com/obfusk/jiten 108 9 github.com Japanese dictionary based on jmdict/kanjidic (offline version) Science & Education 1615420800000 1627689600000
Jiten Japanese Dictionary [Online] https://github.com/obfusk/jiten-webview 2 1 github.com Japanese dictionary based on jmdict/kanjidic (online version) Science & Education 1617926400000 1628380800000
Jitsi Meet https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet 24591 6957 github.com Instant video conferences efficiently adapting to your scale Phone & SMS 1574380800000 1727939624000
Joplin https://github.com/laurent22/joplin 47708 5174 github.com A note taking and to-do app with sync between Linux, macOS, Windows, and mobile Writing 1678526491000 1737111685000
Journal https://github.com/isaakhanimann/psychonautwiki-journal-android 104 17 github.com Keep track of substance usage to gain insights on consumption patterns Science & Education, Sports & Health 1730538250000 1738836863000
Journalize https://github.com/jan-mate/Journalize 7 1 github.com A fast to use journaling app Writing 1725612202000 1729816191000
Json List https://github.com/SlaVcE14/JsonList 56 4 github.com previewing JSON files in a user-friendly list format Development 1721581250000 1729154596000
Juggling Lab https://code.google.com/archive/p/jugglinglab/ code.google.com Animated juggling patterns Games 1387065600000 1394236800000
Jupiter Broadcasting https://github.com/ShaneQful/Jupiter-Broadcasting-Android-App 14 15 github.com Watch/listen to tech shows Multimedia 1347580800000 1421280000000
Just (Video) Player https://github.com/moneytoo/Player 1942 202 github.com Simple video player based on ExoPlayer library Multimedia 1608249600000 1734797357000
Just 24 Hours https://gitlab.com/pardomi/just-24-hours 4 0 gitlab.com A free and open source app that shows a large digital clock Time 1594857600000 1641081600000
Just Another Workout Timer https://github.com/blockbasti/just_another_workout_timer 142 29 github.com A simple timer for your workouts, built with Flutter! Sports & Health 1647820800000 1696461858000
Just Sit https://code.google.com/p/justsit/source code.google.com Meditation timer Science & Education 1343260800000 1343260800000
JustChess https://gitlab.com/alaskalinuxuser/app_JustChess 6 1 gitlab.com Chess for one or two players Games 1526428800000 1697817331000
Juvavum https://github.com/martinschneider/juvavum-android 0 0 github.com Domino Juvavum and Cram are board games which can be played against the computer Games 1632268800000 1632268800000
K-19 Player https://github.com/ulysg/k19-player 11 1 github.com A music player for OpenSubsonic Multimedia 1715941736000 1715941741000
K-9 Mail https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android 11452 2540 github.com Full-featured email client Internet 1378944000000 1734456732000
K2 https://github.com/HassanHeydariNasab/k2 5 4 github.com Catch the moon Games 1510617600000 1510617600000
KDE Connect https://invent.kde.org/network/kdeconnect-android 49 194 invent.kde.org KDE Connect integrates your smartphone and computer System 1382832000000 1737732181000
KFZ-Kennzeichen https://gitlab.com/LukeSoftware/kfz-kennzeichen 5 2 gitlab.com Find german number plates. Reading, Science & Education 1614729600000 1665849722000
KIBA https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/kiba.git/tree git.savannah.gnu.org A booth attraction app Internet 1482883200000 1502150400000
KISS Launcher https://github.com/Neamar/KISS 3065 590 github.com Blazingly fast launcher focused on search Theming 1438905600000 1727939212000
KOReader https://github.com/koreader/koreader 18328 1330 github.com Ebook reader Reading 1629504000000 1732360334000
KTrip https://invent.kde.org/kde/ktrip/ 3 14 invent.kde.org Public Transport Assistant Internet, Navigation 1580774400000 1580774400000
KUKSA Companion App https://github.com/eclipse-kuksa/kuksa-android-companion 3 1 github.com The Companion App for the KUKSA Databroker. Connectivity 1706889703000 1708350863000
Kaku https://github.com/0xbad1d3a5/Kaku 216 37 github.com Japanese OCR Dictionary Science & Education 1652486400000 1652486400000
Kakugo https://github.com/blastrock/kakugo 177 19 github.com Learn Japanese with Kakugo Science & Education 1517443200000 1717295875000
Kaleidoscope https://github.com/prrt714/Kaleidoscope 10 8 github.com Create patterns. Multimedia 1364256000000 1461715200000
Kandroid (fork) https://github.com/patrickkostjens/Kandroid 23 5 github.com Manage your projects using Kanboard Development, Internet 1580515200000 1580515200000
Kanji Dojo https://github.com/syt0r/Kanji-Dojo 328 14 github.com Learn & practice writing Japanese characters Science & Education 1676925189000 1738610055000
Kanji draw https://github.com/quen/kanjirecog/tree/android 42 15 github.com Kanji recognition Science & Education 1351555200000 1351555200000
Kanji draw https://github.com/onitake/kanjirecog 11 2 github.com A simple drawn kanji character recognition application Science & Education 1597017600000 1693966716000
Karma Firewall https://github.com/stargw-net/karma-firewall 134 11 github.com Karma Firewall blocks apps from accessing the Internet Security 1701424958000 1723974301000
Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered https://codeberg.org/fhs/katawa-shoujo-re-engineered 42 20 codeberg.org (18+) A fan-made modernization of the classic visual novel Games 1736511201000 1739470544000
Kazumi https://github.com/Predidit/Kazumi 6622 177 github.com An anime collection APP based on custom rules. Multimedia 1738836896000 1739470234000
Kechi https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/Kechi 1 0 github.com Board game for two players Games 1549324800000 1549324800000
KeePass NFC https://github.com/nfd/KeePassNFC 9 8 github.com Unlock database with tags Connectivity 1389225600000 1391558400000
KeePassDX - FOSS Password Safe https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX 5030 283 github.com Secure open-source password safe and manager Security 1511481600000 1732662396000
KeePassDroid https://github.com/bpellin/keepassdroid 1383 345 github.com KeePass-compatible password safe Security 1289606400000 1665314191000
KeePassVault https://github.com/aivanovski/kpassnotes 72 4 github.com Client app for KeePass databases Security 1666677419000 1738609842000
Keep Alive https://github.com/keepalivedev/KeepAlive 215 11 github.com Notify others if you haven't used your device in a given period of time Phone & SMS, Sports & Health 1702750209000 1727939339000
Keep Screen On https://github.com/elastic-rock/KeepScreenOn 144 4 github.com A screen timeout quick settings tile System 1689171548000 1732179073000
Keep it up https://github.com/ibbaa/keepitup 58 5 github.com Simple network monitoring Connectivity, Internet 1634256000000 1737111696000
KeepOn - Keep your screen on smartly! https://github.com/twentynine78/KeepOn 42 3 github.com Keep your screen on smartly and easily with Quick Settings. System 1613520000000 1613520000000
KeepScore https://github.com/nolanlawson/KeepScore 69 55 github.com User-friendly score keeper Games 1346198400000 1394409600000
Kepler-App https://github.com/AntonioAlbt/kepler_app 10 3 github.com App only in German! - App for the JKG Chemnitz with all important info Science & Education 1715292069000 1738836968000
Key Mapper https://github.com/keymapperorg/KeyMapper 1437 173 github.com Unleash your keys! Remap your volume buttons, Assistant & Bixby buttons! System 1573257600000 1735842707000
Key Mapper GUI Keyboard https://github.com/keymapperorg/KeyMapperKeyboard 51 8 github.com The official companion keyboard for Key Mapper. System 1609200000000 1737894143000
KeyPass https://github.com/yogeshpaliyal/KeyPass 613 77 github.com Offline, Secure, Private Security 1614556800000 1739103937000
KeyStoreViewer https://github.com/qdsfdhvh/KeyStoreViewer 22 1 github.com Quickly view MD5, SHA1, and Public Keys for App Signatures. System 1721581226000 1721581226000
Keyboard Switcher https://gitlab.com/kunzisoft/Android-KeyboardSwitcher 12 10 gitlab.com Keyboard Switcher, several ways to easily change the keyboard Writing 1529625600000 1718411758000
Keyoxide https://codeberg.org/Berker/keyoxide-flutter 55 7 codeberg.org Verify decentralized cryptographic identities on the go Security 1637020800000 1723733960000
Keypad-Mapper 3 https://github.com/msemm/Keypad-Mapper-3 22 11 github.com OSM Data Collection Navigation 1384214400000 1384214400000
Keysh https://github.com/hufrea/keysh 82 1 github.com Volume buttons handler System 1719594489000 1736510984000
Khan Academy viewer https://github.com/concentricsky/android-viewer-for-khan-academy 25 23 github.com Watch videos and lectures Science & Education 1386720000000 1386720000000
Kid3 https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kid3.git invent.kde.org Kid3 Audio Tagger Multimedia 1557532800000 1728472893000
Kill Camera https://github.com/aario/killcamera 13 2 github.com Kill camera related processes Multimedia 1491264000000 1491264000000
Kimai TimeTracker https://github.com/gsantner/kimai-android github.com Wrapper for Kimai - Time-Tracking Internet, Time 1434326400000 1523664000000
Kin Nai D https://gitlab.com/icesarut/kin-nai-d 1 0 gitlab.com Let 'Kin Nai D' help you choose what you want to eat! Games, Sports & Health 1727781883000 1728113000000
Kingdomino Score https://github.com/odrevet/kingdomino_score 3 0 github.com Calculate your "Kingdomino" and "Kingdomino Age of Giants" score easily Games 1626739200000 1733740977000
Kinoko[Manga Reader] https://github.com/gsioteam/kinoko 263 13 github.com Awesome manga reader Graphics, Reading 1626307200000 1676521553000
Kitchen Timer https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://kitchentimer.googlecode.com/hg//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Simple Timer Time 1327708800000 1327708800000
KitchenOwl https://github.com/TomBursch/kitchenowl 1465 89 github.com KitchenOwl helps you organize your grocery life. Money, Sports & Health 1664476256000 1739470293000
Kitsune https://github.com/Drumber/Kitsune 147 10 github.com Discover new anime & manga and manage your Kitsu library. Internet, Multimedia, Reading 1714746072000 1732179277000
Klaxon https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://klaxon.googlecode.com/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org SMS-based pager Phone & SMS 1328313600000 1328313600000
Klick'r - Smart AutoClicker https://github.com/Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker 2232 396 github.com Automating clicks based on what is displayed System 1620691200000 1737389848000
Klock https://codeberg.org/rootminusone8004/Klock 1 0 codeberg.org A simple chess based clock application Games 1628380800000 1723973412000
Knock on Ports https://github.com/impalex/knockonports 43 7 github.com Port knocking client Security 1536624000000 1622851200000
Knot https://gitlab.com/visnudeva/knot 0 1 gitlab.com Minimal memo/note app with only one note possible. Writing 1612310400000 1612310400000
Kodi https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc 18967 6340 github.com Media center Multimedia 1552435200000 1732179370000
Kolab Client https://gitorious.org/kolab-android/kolab-android gitorious.org Sync contacts/calendar System 1376265600000 1377216000000
Kolab Notes https://github.com/konradrenner/kolabnotes-android 70 17 github.com Write notes and sync them with Kolab Writing 1435708800000 1696942861000
Koler https://github.com/Chooloo/koler 960 135 github.com uniquely stylized phone app with customizable features Phone & SMS 1643673600000 1690423854000
Komelia https://github.com/Snd-R/Komelia 72 4 github.com Komga media client Internet, Multimedia, Reading 1732179285000 1738837107000
Kontalk Messenger https://github.com/kontalk/androidclient 573 194 github.com A new way of communicating: community-driven instant messaging network. Internet 1363737600000 1594512000000
Koofr Vault https://github.com/koofr/vault 111 8 github.com Open source, client-side, zero-knowledge encrypted storage application by Koofr System 1719226562000 1719226562000
Kore https://github.com/xbmc/Kore 663 244 github.com Kore, Official Remote for Kodi Multimedia 1426982400000 1706303806000
Kotatsu https://github.com/KotatsuApp/Kotatsu 4785 213 github.com Manga reader with online catalogues Multimedia, Reading 1619913600000 1739295173000
Kotlin Quiz https://github.com/NiranjanNlc/Kotilin-Quiz 6 1 github.com Quiz taking application about kotilin Science & Education 1705317364000 1705317364000
Kotori https://gitlab.com/isseigx/kotori 8 1 gitlab.com A simple speedmeter Navigation 1634256000000 1703528236000
KouChat https://github.com/blurpy/kouchat-android 90 26 github.com Chat Connectivity 1473033600000 1533859200000
Krautschlüssel https://gitlab.com/fiveop/krautschluessel 1 1 gitlab.com Control Krautspace's door Security 1549324800000 1549324800000
Krita https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita 68 384 invent.kde.org Professional painting program Graphics, Multimedia 1613520000000 1673856410000
KryptEY https://github.com/amnesica/KryptEY 722 33 github.com Keyboard for secure E2EE communication through signal protocol in any messenger Security, System 1685273957000 1685273957000
Kuaizi IME https://github.com/crazydan-studio/kuaizi-ime-android 30 0 github.com Kuaizi IME is an efficient and fast Chinese Pinyin input method. System 1737390325000 1739104070000
Kumquats https://github.com/dozingcat/Kumquats 10 5 github.com Place letters to create intersecting words as quickly as possible. Games 1623369600000 1681379255000
Kung Foo Barracuda https://github.com/poseidn/KungFoo 7 3 github.com Play a beat'em up arcade game Games 1453507200000 1459036800000
Kvaesitso https://github.com/MM2-0/Kvaesitso 2788 102 github.com A search-focused, free and open source launcher for Android System, Theming 1674292878000 1736510740000
Kwaak3 https://code.google.com/p/kwaak3/source code.google.com Quake 3 port Games 1372291200000 1372291200000
Kwik (ant.spl) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - Antarctica, South Pole Navigation 1620259200000 1623369600000
Kwik (eur.rus) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - Europe, Russia Navigation 1498435200000 1624147200000
Kwik (pan.arg) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - South America Navigation 1511481600000 1623369600000
Kwik (sah.jap) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - North Africa, India, Indonesia, Japan Navigation 1506211200000 1624147200000
Kwik (usa.can) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - North America, Canada Navigation 1498435200000 1624147200000
Kwik (zar.aus) https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikDEM 0 0 gitlab.com Kwik EFIS terrain data - Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand Navigation 1498435200000 1624147200000
Kwik EFIS https://gitlab.com/ninelima/kwikEFIS 12 4 gitlab.com Aviation Glass Cockpit / Electronic Flight Information System Navigation 1488412800000 1738610008000
Kõnele https://github.com/Kaljurand/K6nele 277 83 github.com Speech-to-text provider Multimedia 1435536000000 1711814728000
L9Droid https://github.com/tsapree/L9Droid 9 4 github.com L9Droid is the android port of Level 9 Interpreter v5.1 Games 1386547200000 1420502400000
LASKmobile https://codeberg.org/ibinshoid/LASKmobile 0 0 codeberg.org Writing 1550793600000 1590451200000
LASKmobile https://github.com/ibinshoid/LASKmobile 1 1 github.com Mobile part of the field catalog LASK Writing 1522022400000 1522022400000
LBalance https://github.com/lufebe16/lbalance 5 1 github.com LBalance is a clinometer or balance app offering different Layouts. Graphics, Science & Education 1693044343000 1693044343000
LCARS Wallpapers https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://lcarswallpaper.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Star Trek style background Theming 1299024000000 1345680000000
LG https://gitlab.com/basic_app/remote_lg 3 1 gitlab.com Connectivity 1602547200000 1602547200000
LG Touch LED https://github.com/mborjesson/LG-Optimus-2X-Black-Notifications 10 13 github.com LED notifications for LG phones System 1357776000000 1369699200000
LISTEN.moe https://github.com/LISTEN-moe/android-app 259 25 github.com Listen to j-pop and anime music radio 24/7 ad-free Multimedia 1516924800000 1722692971000
LLCrop (loss less) https://github.com/k3b/LosslessJpgCrop 62 10 github.com Loss Less Cropping and Rotation: Remove unwanted parts of jpg photo without qual Graphics, Multimedia 1557532800000 1676924520000
LMd - Le Monde diplomatique DE https://github.com/die-tageszeitung/taz-neo 17 4 github.com reader for the german version of "Le Monde diplomatique". Multimedia, Reading, Science & Education 1717294856000 1723973776000
LRC Editor https://github.com/Spikatrix/LRC-Editor 80 11 github.com Create and edit lyric files with ease Multimedia 1600905600000 1614988800000
LaaNo https://github.com/alexcustos/linkasanote 10 3 github.com Bind notes to links and sync them with Nextcloud Internet 1534723200000 1575936000000
Lab+ for Gitlab https://github.com/thelooter/labplus_for_gitlab 63 5 github.com Your unofficial Companion for Gitlab Development 1716199165000 1725612905000
LabCoat https://gitlab.com/Commit451/LabCoat 858 173 gitlab.com GitLab client Internet 1451779200000 1713792487000
LabLog https://github.com/jakobkreft/LabLog 21 5 github.com A digital lab notebook with MQTT Writing 1730538546000 1733314299000
LabNex for GitLab https://github.com/labnex/LabNex 145 4 github.com Android app for GitLab Internet 1727602133000 1737111406000
Ladefuchs https://github.com/Team-Ladefuchs/ladefuchs-react-native 4 0 github.com Shows the cheapest charging card - with only one swipe at the charging point. Money, Navigation 1696789201000 1738609720000
Lampshade https://github.com/prismsw/Lampshade 8 5 github.com TV tropes wrapper Reading 1346198400000 1427500800000
Lane's Lexicon https://github.com/GibreelAbdullah/LaneLexicon 9 2 github.com An Arabic English Dictionary Science & Education 1702749661000 1702749661000
Lato https://gitlab.com/ar-/lato 32 2 gitlab.com A downhill snowboard game with beautiful graphics Games 1686610635000 1687712140000
Latvian for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1486857600000 1624492800000
Launch Chat https://github.com/vinaygopinath/launch-chat 158 10 github.com Start a WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram chat without saving a number as a contact Internet, Phone & SMS 1710003968000 1731918805000
Launch on Boot https://github.com/ITVlab/Launch-On-Boot 122 37 github.com Launches an application when the device boots System 1579737600000 1579737600000
LaunchTime Homescreen https://github.com/quaap/LaunchTime 71 27 github.com An easy and customizable categorizing homescreen/launcher System 1485216000000 1567209600000
LavSeeker https://github.com/woheller69/lavatories 86 4 github.com LavSeeker shows toilets listed in OpenStreetMap Navigation 1662076800000 1728114113000
Lavabit Encrypted Proxy https://github.com/lavabit/pahoehoe 42 8 github.com Client for Lavabit‘s Encrypted Proxy Internet, Security 1620172800000 1650672000000
LayTray https://gitlab.com/neothefox/LayTray 6 3 gitlab.com Layout indicator for Blackberry phones System 1531958400000 1537488000000
LeMondeRssReader https://github.com/MBach/LeMondeRssReader 30 10 github.com Reads RSS feed from the website LeMonde.fr and fetch articles inside the App Reading 1526083200000 1719594869000
Learn Music Notes Music sight reading training game Games 1295481600000 1364601600000
Learn reading (in french) https://gitlab.com/Afrikalan/lecture_francais_android/tree/HEAD 0 1 gitlab.com Learn to read in french (or learn french), adapted for west Africa's children. Science & Education 1623024000000 1623024000000
Learning Memory https://github.com/niccokunzmann/app.memory.quelltext.eu 6 3 github.com Games, Science & Education 1598659200000 1646352000000
Lemuroid https://github.com/Swordfish90/Lemuroid 2892 179 github.com All in one emulator on Android Games 1606608000000 1720266769000
Lentil Translate https://github.com/yaxarat/lingvaandroid 102 8 github.com Privacy focused open source translator. Reading 1664709198000 1695611652000
Les Pas - Photo Album for Nextcloud https://github.com/scubajeff/lespas 465 22 github.com A photo album that saves all your precious memory in your private cloud Graphics, Multimedia 1608422400000 1716199974000
LessPass https://github.com/lesspass/lesspass 5798 332 github.com Generate unique passwords for your accounts based on a master password Security 1544832000000 1672053108000
Let Me Downgrade https://github.com/DavidBerdik/Let-Me-Downgrade 157 4 github.com Add support for downgrading apps on Android 12 through 15 QPR1. System 1662249600000 1736510463000
LetterBox https://gitlab.com/muelli/letterbox 0 0 gitlab.com LetterBox is a simple kids game for learning letters Games 1610409600000 1610409600000
Lexica https://github.com/lexica/lexica 304 95 github.com Find as many words as possible on a grid of random letters within a time limit Games 1452470400000 1722330520000
LexinProject https://github.com/cmykola/Lexin github.com Swedish dictionary for learners Reading, Science & Education 1389052800000 1389052800000
Li-Ri https://github.com/petitlapin/Li-ri 21 4 github.com Li-Ri is a arcade game where you drive a toy wood engine. Games 1702926932000 1729415093000
LibChecker https://github.com/LibChecker/LibChecker 4979 324 github.com View the third-party libraries used by applications System 1659398400000 1726151706000
Libero Vocab https://sourceforge.net/p/liberovocab/code/ sourceforge.net An app for Android to practice with vocabularies in the KVTML format. Science & Education 1596844800000 1611532800000
Library https://github.com/cgogolin/library 24 9 github.com Browse BibTeX files Reading 1485216000000 1525305600000
Library App VideLibri https://sourceforge.net/p/videlibri/code/ci/default/tree/ sourceforge.net Renews books borrowed from libraries and searchs in OPACs Reading 1658793600000 1736779489000
Libre Camera https://github.com/iakmds/librecamera 326 36 github.com Modern camera app to take pictures and record videos Multimedia 1664708827000 1686737021000
Libre Ipsum https://codeberg.org/uniqx/LibreIpsum 4 0 codeberg.org Generate non-sense texts: Lorem Ipsum Development, Writing 1576800000000 1588118400000
Libre Memory Game https://codeberg.org/quentin-bettoum/libre-memory-game 19 6 codeberg.org A memory game Games 1711279423000 1737894224000
Libre Weather https://github.com/xddq/libre-weather-rn 4 0 github.com Libre weather app used to display a weather forecast. Internet 1650240000000 1650240000000
LibreBible https://git.sr.ht/~jiglesias/librebible git.sr.ht The libre software Latin Vulgate Bible reader for Android. Reading, Science & Education 1702045765000 1702045765000
LibreHealth Cost Of Care Explorer https://gitlab.com/librehealth/toolkit/cost-of-care/lh-toolkit-cost-of-care-app gitlab.com Compare costs of medical procedures of US Hospitals Science & Education, Sports & Health 1609632000000 1623024000000
LibreHealth Essential Care For Every Baby https://gitlab.com/librehealth/incubating-projects/mhbs/lh-mhbs-eceb gitlab.com A Newborn Baby Care Support App Science & Education, Sports & Health 1630454400000 1630454400000
LibreOffice & OpenOffice document reader | ODF https://github.com/opendocument-app/OpenDocument.droid 284 37 github.com Document reader & file editor for Libreoffice & OpenOffice | ODF: ODT, ODS +more Reading 1294185600000 1730538190000
LibreOffice 2024 Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Program app for the LibreOffice Conference Time 1631318400000 1728813966000
LibreOffice Viewer https://git.libreoffice.org/core git.libreoffice.org Document Viewer Reading 1433721600000 1735470473000
LibreRandonaut https://github.com/librerandonaut/librerandonaut 8 2 github.com Randonauting - explore your surroundings with quantum randomness Science & Education 1698256178000 1700258922000
LibreSpeed https://github.com/librespeed/speedtest-android 390 132 github.com Check your Internet speed Connectivity, Internet 1569628800000 1618531200000
LibreSudoku https://github.com/kaajjo/Libre-Sudoku 477 36 github.com Sudoku app for Android Games 1683036046000 1736153295000
LibreTasks https://github.com/biotinker/LibreTasks/ 84 22 github.com Trigger actions when certain events happen System 1461110400000 1532304000000
LibreTorrent https://gitlab.com/proninyaroslav/libretorrent 317 50 gitlab.com Copylefted libre software torrent client. Internet 1476921600000 1738073322000
LibreTrack https://github.com/proninyaroslav/libretrack 288 24 github.com Private, cross-platform package tracking app. Internet 1626739200000 1736153592000
LibreTranslator https://codeberg.org/BeoCode/LibreTranslator 29 2 codeberg.org LibreTranslator a translator based on LibreTranslate Reading, Science & Education 1629504000000 1658966400000
LibreTube https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube 9055 453 github.com Alternative YouTube frontend for Android built with Piped Internet, Multimedia 1647648000000 1738239383000
Libreflix https://notabug.org/kassiano.resende/LibreflixApp notabug.org Stream and watch independent films Multimedia 1527552000000 1527552000000
Librera Reader https://github.com/foobnix/LibreraReader 3321 324 github.com Book and PDF reader Reading 1655424000000 1731160103000
Librery https://gitlab.com/harisont/Librery 4 3 gitlab.com Manage your eBooks Reading 1548374400000 1548374400000
Liedgutverzeichnis https://codeberg.org/LiedgutDatenbank/Liedgutverzeichnis 0 0 codeberg.org An app that knows which song is to be found in which book at which page. Multimedia 1632700800000 1711965154000
Life Counter https://codeberg.org/skynet2982/life-counter 0 0 codeberg.org Life Counter for Magic The Gathering Games 1713352488000 1713352488000
LifeCounter https://github.com/MarcelJurtz/LifeCounter 6 5 github.com Lifecounter for Magic The Gathering Games 1500422400000 1580256000000
LifeDots - Diary in 8 dimensions https://github.com/XilinJia/Life-Dots 18 2 github.com Diary in 8 dimensions Time, Writing 1648771200000 1666780028000
Lift https://git.sr.ht/~anjan/lift git.sr.ht Progression workout journal for multiple weight training programs Sports & Health 1569369600000 1581465600000
Light Controller https://github.com/eliotstocker/Light-Controller 62 24 github.com The best way to control your LED Bulbs, Including Home and Lockscreen widgets Multimedia 1424476800000 1424476800000
LightPlan - Reminder & Planner https://github.com/XDDK/LightPlan 17 1 github.com Remind yourself about important tasks. Plan your entire year with a countdown! Time 1622246400000 1622246400000
Lighthouse Power Management https://github.com/jeroen1602/lighthouse_pm 174 9 github.com Power management app to control the Valve Index® lighthouses from your phone. Connectivity 1614988800000 1702386030000
Lightning https://github.com/anthonycr/Lightning-Browser 2212 805 github.com Lightweight web browser Internet 1403654400000 1572652800000
Lightning Address to Invoice https://github.com/Radiokot/ln-addr-to-invoice 16 4 github.com Allows paying to email-like Lightning addresses from unsupported wallets Money 1677672344000 1725613860000
Limbo x86 PC Emulator https://github.com/limboemu/limbo 2841 472 github.com A QEMU-based emulator System 1549411200000 1648080000000
Limitless grid https://github.com/ghisguth/sunlight/tree/HEAD/limitlessgrid 40 14 github.com Live wallpaper Theming 1440979200000 1468972800000
Limpazap https://github.com/lucasew/limpazap 16 2 github.com Clean old WhatsApp backups System 1612051200000 1618704000000
LinCal https://github.com/felixwiemuth/LinCal 7 3 github.com Surprise friends with notifications Multimedia 1482710400000 1518739200000
LineageOS updater shortcut https://github.com/Rudloff/lineageos-updater-shortcut 4 0 github.com App icon for the LineageOS updater System 1588723200000 1589932800000
LinkDroid for Linkwarden https://github.com/Dacid99/LinkDroid-for-Linkwarden 53 5 github.com Companion App for Linkwarden on Android - Quickly access your Linkwarden instanc Internet, Reading 1727602291000 1735842374000
LinkHub https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/LinkHub 197 22 github.com Simple and effective link management app that can help you to mange links easily Internet 1655683200000 1727253425000
Linkora https://github.com/sakethpathike/Linkora 472 15 github.com the only link utility app you need for Android. Internet 1725612586000 1730057040000
Linphone - open source SIP client https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/linphone-android gitlab.linphone.org SIP (VOIP) phone Phone & SMS 1425081600000 1715292929000
Linux Command Library https://github.com/SimonSchubert/LinuxCommandLibrary 944 74 github.com 6056 manual pages, 22 basic categories and a bunch of general terminal tips. Reading, Science & Education 1659571200000 1736153293000
Linux Counter Updater https://github.com/alexloehner/linuxcounter.android.app github.com Companion for LinuxCounter project Internet 1431993600000 1432684800000
Linwood Butterfly Nightly https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly 1221 88 github.com Powerful, minimalistic, cross-platform, opensource note-taking app Writing 1656979200000 1737567065000
Linwood Flow Nightly https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Flow 91 7 github.com Feature rich event, group and time managment system Time 1690893586000 1732360100000
Liquid Wars OS https://github.com/xenris/liquid-wars-android 1 0 github.com Liquid War game remake Games 1398729600000 1727782239000
Lissen: Audiobookshelf client https://github.com/GrakovNe/lissen-android/ 203 7 github.com Clean Audiobookshelf Player Multimedia 1730538527000 1738837156000
List My Apps https://github.com/onyxbits/listmyaps 95 27 github.com List apps System 1378252800000 1469145600000
ListMaker https://github.com/harr1424/ListMaker 4 0 github.com A simple and easy to use list application Writing 1650240000000 1652832000000
Listen1 https://github.com/listen1/listen1_mobile 2874 507 github.com Mobile music app for multiple music platforms with play and search support Multimedia 1615420800000 1615420800000
ListenTogether https://gitlab.com/listentogether/app/ 3 2 gitlab.com Listen to podcasts or other audio files together. Multimedia 1675973484000 1675973484000
Lithuanian Layouts - Ext. Keyboards https://github.com/juodumas/android-lithuanian-layouts 3 2 github.com Lithuanian for hardware keyboards Writing 1389225600000 1389225600000
Little File Explorer https://github.com/martinmimigames/little-file-explorer 455 17 github.com Android 1.0+ mini simple file manager/explorer System 1669633893000 1711814289000
Little Music Player https://github.com/martinmimigames/little-music-player 83 31 github.com Android 1.0+ mini notification based audio player Multimedia 1656806400000 1690055233000
Live Burger Wallpaper https://gitlab.com/samsumas/LivingBurger 3 1 gitlab.com Get rid of your old boring Wallpaper and replace it with burgers and pizza Theming 1527897600000 1560643200000
LiveWallpaperIt - Muzei plugin for Reddit https://github.com/TBog/live-wallpaper-it 8 0 github.com Plugin for Muzei, live wallpaper from Reddit System, Theming 1699920166000 1702387212000
Lliga Intermunicipal https://github.com/YerayAlonso/LligaIntermunicipal 1 0 github.com Futsal (indoor soccer) in Catalunya Sports & Health 1397088000000 1397088000000
LnkShortener https://github.com/michaelachmann/LnkShortener github.com Shortens URLs using the Polr API Internet 1485993600000 1493251200000
Lobsters App https://gitlab.com/nikhiljha/lobsters-app/tree/HEAD 8 3 gitlab.com Aggregator for the correspondent social news site focused on computing topics Internet 1536883200000 1536883200000
Local GSM Location - A local cell tower based back https://gitlab.com/deveee/Local-GSM-Backend 16 12 gitlab.com µg Project UnifiedNlp location provider back end using a local GSM database. Navigation 1419033600000 1716420068000
Local NLP Backend https://github.com/Helium314/Local-NLP-Backend 69 4 github.com Location provider for UnifiedNlp and microG using only local data. Navigation, System 1662681600000 1737732141000
LocalMonero: buy XMR privately https://github.com/AgoraDesk-LocalMonero/agoradesk-app-foss 149 19 github.com Buy or sell Monero without ID verification. Cash or online. Safe, fast, easy. Money 1670084161000 1717293539000
LocalSend https://github.com/localsend/localsend 57611 3109 github.com Cross-Platform file sharing solution via WiFi. Connectivity 1674293297000 1731160298000
LocalWifiNlpBackend https://github.com/n76/wifi_backend 60 11 github.com UnifiedNlp location provider (local Wi-Fi database) Navigation 1418774400000 1529452800000
Location Map Viewer https://github.com/k3b/locationMapViewer 37 15 github.com Display geografic information from url or local gpx/kml file in a map Navigation, System 1426982400000 1625443200000
Location Share https://github.com/pR0Ps/LocationShare 86 40 github.com Share your current location Connectivity 1478217600000 1648512000000
Lock https://github.com/seguri/lock 78 24 github.com Lock the screen System 1493510400000 1642464000000
Lock Pattern Generator https://fossil.shick.xyz/lockpatterngenerator/dir fossil.shick.xyz Generate a random lock pattern Security 1340236800000 1386115200000
Lock Screen https://code.launchpad.net/lock-screen code.launchpad.net Lock the screen System 1412208000000 1413849600000
LogFox https://github.com/F0x1d/LogFox 748 37 github.com Yet another LogCat reader for Android System 1693966953000 1733314004000
LogMeIn https://github.com/DevelopFreedom/logmein-android 16 11 github.com Login to campus networks Internet 1413072000000 1415923200000
Logcat https://github.com/tananaev/rootless-logcat 197 44 github.com Android Logcat without Root System 1491609600000 1719225998000
Logcat Reader https://github.com/darshanparajuli/LogcatReader 600 109 github.com A simple app to view logs System 1523491200000 1615420800000
Logcat to UDP https://github.com/Chemik/logcatudp 37 17 github.com Wireless logging Connectivity 1345680000000 1345680000000
Logger https://github.com/Sanmeet007/logger 76 16 github.com Track, Analyze, and Manage Your Calls Phone & SMS 1737111410000 1737111410000
Logical Defence https://github.com/LukeStonehm/LogicalDefence 121 33 github.com Prepare to battle against the sophists of the world with this beautiful app. Reading 1425340800000 1492905600000
Logline - MovieApp https://github.com/Patch4Code/Logline 29 2 github.com An Android Open Source Movie App Internet, Multimedia 1738836891000 1738836891000
Logseq https://github.com/logseq/logseq 34895 2040 github.com A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration Writing 1707999062000 1714191821000
Lona https://github.com/lufte/lona 37 10 github.com A snake-like HTML5 game Games 1547510400000 1619136000000
Look4Sat: Satellite tracker https://github.com/rt-bishop/Look4Sat 725 72 github.com Radio satellite tracker and pass predictor for Android Science & Education 1592611200000 1710599864000
Loop Habit Tracker https://github.com/iSoron/uhabits 8319 980 github.com Track your habits and long-term goals Sports & Health 1457308800000 1707219559000
LoopBoard https://github.com/AlexKang/loopboard 13 13 github.com Record, play and loop sounds Multimedia 1414368000000 1623801600000
Lotus https://github.com/dn0ne/lotus 173 4 github.com Music player designed with Material You Multimedia 1737389863000 1738073100000
Loud Bang https://github.com/TheMetallists/LoudBang 55 6 github.com RX/TX capable WSPR client Connectivity 1615680000000 1714744718000
Love Game https://github.com/hackathoner/LoveGame 10 6 github.com Dating quiz Games 1421020800000 1421020800000
Ltt.rs https://codeberg.org/iNPUTmice/lttrs-android 54 1 codeberg.org Simple and maintainable Android e-mail client Internet 1584921600000 1704933809000
Luanti https://github.com/luanti-org/luanti 11119 2072 github.com Voxel-based multiplayer game platform Games 1427068800000 1731442656000
Lucia App https://codeberg.org/errhammr/Lucia-App 16 1 codeberg.org Lucia allows you to anonymously check in at events using QR code based tracing. Connectivity 1620172800000 1622505600000
Ludo (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-ludo 54 36 github.com (SECUSO) Boardgame for 4 up to 6 players (persons or computer opponents) Games 1527897600000 1710600983000
Luftlinie https://github.com/westnordost/Luftlinie 34 2 github.com Navigation for Birds Navigation 1616112000000 1698968795000
LukeLauncher https://gitlab.com/LukeSoftware/lukelauncher 8 3 gitlab.com A category based launcher System, Theming 1598918400000 1645315200000
Lumicall https://github.com/opentelecoms-org/lumicall 145 88 github.com SIP softphone Phone & SMS 1346976000000 1633996800000
Lunar Launcher https://github.com/iamrasel/lunar-launcher 490 42 github.com Feature rich android home with minimal look. System, Theming 1662336000000 1710601098000
LxReader https://gitlab.com/coolreader-ng/lxreader 14 1 gitlab.com E-book reader Reading 1727602769000 1736779572000
Lyrics 2 https://github.com/f-leoni/lyrics2 16 1 github.com Find, read and save locally your favourite songs' lyrics! Multimedia 1673720768000 1684476378000
Lyrics Grabbr https://github.com/illusionman1212/lyrics-grabbr 31 2 github.com Lyrics grabbr provides lyrics for the currently playing song Multimedia, Reading 1689018984000 1725147075000
Lyrion https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-material-app 54 8 github.com Simple webview wrapper for MaterialSkin on an LMS server Multimedia 1597968000000 1734086736000
Léon – The URL Cleaner https://github.com/svenjacobs/leon 252 17 github.com Removes tracking & other redundant parameters from web links for sharing System 1623024000000 1733314083000
M.A.L.P. https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp 80 22 gitlab.com M.A.L.P. - MPD Client Connectivity, Multimedia 1482710400000 1720267529000
M3U https://github.com/realOxy/M3UAndroid 616 58 github.com FREE stream media player for android. Multimedia 1705317597000 1726479371000
MATHTools https://github.com/aminb/mathtools 6 1 github.com Tools for highschool math Science & Education 1406678400000 1409702400000
MAXS Main https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org Main component of MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567157000
MAXS Module AlarmSet https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1391990400000 1737567158000
MAXS Module Bluetooth https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567158000
MAXS Module BluetoothAdmin https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567159000
MAXS Module Clipboard https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567160000
MAXS Module ContactsRead https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567161000
MAXS Module FileRead https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567161000
MAXS Module FileWrite https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567162000
MAXS Module LocationFine https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1391990400000 1737567163000
MAXS Module Misc https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1391990400000 1737567164000
MAXS Module NFC https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1406937600000 1737567164000
MAXS Module Notification https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1402099200000 1737567165000
MAXS Module PhonestateRead https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567166000
MAXS Module Ringermode https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567167000
MAXS Module Shell https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1392163200000 1737567167000
MAXS Module SmsNotify https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567168000
MAXS Module SmsRead https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567169000
MAXS Module SmsSend https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567170000
MAXS Module SmsWrite https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567170000
MAXS Module WifiAccess https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1391990400000 1737567171000
MAXS Module WifiChange https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org A Module for MAXS System 1391990400000 1737567172000
MAXS Transport XMPP https://bitbucket.org/projectmaxs/maxs bitbucket.org XMPP Transport for MAXS System 1381363200000 1737567173000
MBCompass https://github.com/MubarakNative/MBCompass 7 1 github.com Simple and efficient compass Navigation 1739470209000 1739470209000
MBE Style https://github.com/iAcn/MBEStyle 103 13 github.com A fun icon pack Theming 1551398400000 1560729600000
MGit https://github.com/maks/MGit 1297 178 github.com View and interact with git repositories Development 1478476800000 1672845756000
MH4U Database https://github.com/kamegami13/MonsterHunter4UDatabase 114 41 github.com Look up the MonsterHunter 4U database Games 1424995200000 1436227200000
MHGU Database https://github.com/gatheringhallstudios/MHGenDatabase 93 39 github.com An extensive, all in one, Monster Hunter Generations reference Games 1471478400000 1555718400000
MHWorld Database https://github.com/gatheringhallstudios/MHWorldDatabase 55 22 github.com Gathering Hall Studios is back with an all-new app for Monster Hunter World! Games 1598832000000 1616544000000
MIDICtrl https://github.com/MartiniMoe/MIDICtrl 33 5 github.com Simple MIDI Controller for Android. Multimedia 1483660800000 1613347200000
MIFARE Classic Tool https://github.com/ikarus23/MifareClassicTool 4932 927 github.com An NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags. Connectivity, Development 1386547200000 1725612861000
MMRL https://github.com/DerGoogler/MMRL 874 45 github.com Introducing MMRL - the ultimate manager for Magisk, KernelSU, and APatch. System 1719593599000 1727007509000
MOROway App https://github.com/MOROway/moroway-app-oc 14 1 github.com Play with the MORO model railroad… Games 1597968000000 1734456856000
MPD https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/ 2252 359 github.com A flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music Multimedia 1556064000000 1738409849000
MRMCD 2024 Schedule https://github.com/johnjohndoe/CampFahrplan 32 5 github.com Schedule for the MRMCD conference Time 1693607668000 1727008501000
MRT Buddy https://github.com/aniruddha-adhikary/mrt-buddy 351 99 github.com Check your Dhaka MRT / Rapid Pass balances and trips instantly Money 1731681587000 1734457017000
MSnake https://gitlab.com/f-droid-mirrors/msnake 0 0 gitlab.com Classic snake game Games 1383004800000 1393459200000
MTG Familiar https://github.com/AEFeinstein/mtg-familiar 285 72 github.com MTG Familiar is a collection of utilities for playing "Magic: The Gathering" Games 1346198400000 1730291990000
Mach3Pendant https://github.com/ratmole/Mach3Pendant 20 9 github.com Control your Mach3 CNC via Wi-Fi Connectivity 1476316800000 1476316800000
Mafia https://github.com/IamRezaMousavi/Mafia 9 0 github.com A Mafia party game app for Android +4.4 Games 1732884429000 1732884429000
MagiaDNI https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/magiadni.git git.savannah.gnu.org OCR reader for Spanish id cards Multimedia 1393977600000 1487894400000
Magisk https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk 50901 13180 github.com The Magic Mask System 1616716800000 1734797589000
Mahjongg Builder https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://mahjonggbuilder.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Solitaire games Games 1329004800000 1329004800000
Make Some Noise https://github.com/psa-jforestier/makesomenoise 6 1 github.com Push a button, or move your phone, to make some noise Games 1643328000000 1647216000000
Man Man https://github.com/Kaned1as/Man-Man 43 7 github.com View, download and search Linux manpages Development, System 1416009600000 1628553600000
Mancala https://github.com/Willie169/mancala-android 5 0 github.com Mancala Game Games 1729154688000 1729154688000
Mandelbrot Maps https://github.com/withad/Mandelbrot-Maps-on-Android 14 2 github.com A Mandelbrot and Julia fractal viewer, aiming to demonstrate their relationship. Science & Education 1387065600000 1387065600000
Manglish https://github.com/subins2000/manglish 34 11 github.com Reading, Science & Education, Writing 1560470400000 1622851200000
Manhood of Humanity https://github.com/c22qE/ManhoodOfHumanity github.com Materials on general-semantics. An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and Reading 1710599929000 1710599929000
Manille https://github.com/Kent1/Manille 0 1 github.com Un carnet de points pour la manille Games 1377561600000 1384646400000
MapEver https://github.com/diedricm/MapEver 10 6 github.com Offline navigation on photographed maps Navigation 1429056000000 1429056000000
Marble One https://gitlab.com/easwareapps/marbleone 3 0 gitlab.com Peg solitaire (or Solo Noble) board game Games 1413590400000 1417824000000
Marine Compass Compass Navigation 1327104000000 1327104000000
Markdown Widget https://github.com/Tiim/Android-Markdown-Widget 104 11 github.com Display markdown files as widgets on the home screen Reading, System 1661040000000 1661212800000
Markdownr https://github.com/sanzoghenzo/markdownr 116 16 github.com Converts an URL to markdown and share it Reading, Writing 1650240000000 1699457021000
Markers https://github.com/dsandler/markers 245 70 github.com Finger drawing Graphics 1346198400000 1393027200000
Markor https://github.com/gsantner/markor 4051 377 github.com Text editor - Notes & ToDo. Lightweight. Markdown and todo.txt support. Writing 1505088000000 1736153523000
Mars Live Wallpaper https://git.covolunablu.org/portaloffreedom/MarsWallpaper/tree/HEAD git.covolunablu.org Rotating red planet Theming 1536624000000 1543622400000
MarschRide https://bitbucket.org/bobbery/marschride/src/HEAD/ bitbucket.org A bike-computer with BLE-sensors, a offline map and GPX-Recording Sports & Health 1712395876000 1712395876000
Marxist Tamil https://gitlab.com/pycpim/marxist-tamil 0 0 gitlab.com Read & Listen to essays from Marxist tamil magazine Reading, Science & Education 1688865487000 1688865487000
Massive https://github.com/brandonp2412/Massive 26 0 github.com Track your reps and sets in the gym, completely offline. Sports & Health 1662076800000 1722692255000
MasterMindy https://github.com/Matteljay/mastermindy-android 4 0 github.com The customizable Mastermind clone Games 1575936000000 1575936000000
Masterwork Tools: Pathfinder Open Reference https://github.com/devonjones/PathfinderOpenReference 64 18 github.com RPG reference manual Games 1389052800000 1429056000000
Mastodon https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon-android 1788 277 github.com Where conversations happen Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia 1683253533000 1736511102000
Mat-O-Id https://bitbucket.org/bobbery/matoid/src/HEAD/ bitbucket.org Pay beverages with RFID-Tag Money 1713793072000 1713793072000
Material Files https://github.com/zhanghai/MaterialFiles 6461 439 github.com Open source Material Design file manager System 1648512000000 1720015199000
Material Flashlight https://github.com/garmax1/material-flashlight 23 6 github.com Flashlight with some cool features System 1610409600000 1656028800000
Material Notes https://github.com/maelchiotti/LocalMaterialNotes 190 9 github.com Simple, local, material design notes Writing 1734456786000 1738609870000
Material Tea Timer https://github.com/ligi/MaterialTeaTimer 44 15 github.com Time your tea with style Time 1476748800000 1499990400000
MaterialOS https://github.com/materialos/android-icon-pack 167 36 github.com Material Design icons for your homescreen Theming 1525824000000 1525824000000
Materialious https://github.com/Materialious/Materialious 626 26 github.com Modern material design for Invidious Multimedia 1726480900000 1739104193000
Materials Live Wallpaper https://github.com/Reminimalism/MaterialsLiveWallpaper 17 1 github.com A live wallpaper that renders materials Theming 1602547200000 1717934647000
Mather https://github.com/icasdri/Mather 58 7 github.com A powerful expression-based calculator, unit converter, and computation engine Science & Education 1470960000000 1483660800000
Matrix Calc https://github.com/AlexKang/simple-matrix 8 6 github.com Matrix calculator Science & Education 1415577600000 1415577600000
Mattermost Beta https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-mobile 2326 1407 github.com Secure, self-hosted workplace messaging Internet 1559952000000 1737389961000
Mauth https://github.com/X1nto/Mauth 421 18 github.com A Material You Two-factor Authentication app. Security 1664709093000 1736779442000
Mavinote https://github.com/bwqr/mavinote 20 1 github.com Simple, secure and open source note-taking application Writing 1660867200000 1690226872000
MaximaOnAndroid https://github.com/YasuakiHonda/Maxima-on-Android-AS 26 13 github.com Computer Algebra System Science & Education 1393718400000 1434326400000
Mealient https://github.com/kirmanak/Mealient 157 9 github.com Unofficial client for the self-hosted recipe manager Mealie. Internet 1677057773000 1723209663000
Mebis (Unofficial) https://gitlab.com/flxholle/MebisApp 0 1 gitlab.com Displays mobile Mebis website. Internet, Science & Education 1612051200000 1612051200000
MedTimer https://github.com/Futsch1/medTimer 174 14 github.com Med reminders and history with full offline privacy Sports & Health 1711278017000 1739103845000
MediLog https://codeberg.org/toz/MediLog 26 3 codeberg.org Log health metrics such as blood pressure, weight and quite a few others Sports & Health 1597968000000 1737566988000
Media Button Router https://github.com/harleensahni/media-button-router 27 6 github.com Map headset buttons Multimedia 1400716800000 1400716800000
Media Merger https://gitlab.com/axet/android-media-merger/tree/HEAD 15 4 gitlab.com Merge media files, open-source System 1498176000000 1718411588000
Medic Log https://github.com/rh-id/a-medic-log 11 1 github.com A simple and easy to use personal medical notes Sports & Health 1647907200000 1686065245000
MedicLog https://github.com/JohnLines/mediclog 17 1 github.com Log basic medical information Sports & Health 1521417600000 1718978319000
Meditation https://github.com/nyxkn/meditation 37 2 github.com An essential meditation timer Sports & Health, Time 1647820800000 1734086873000
Meditation Assistant https://code.rocket9labs.com/tslocum/meditationassistant.git code.rocket9labs.com Feature packed meditation session timer and recorder Sports & Health, Time 1446076800000 1729415395000
Meditation Timer https://github.com/janexner/MeditationTimerAndroid 2 0 github.com App that counts, beeps, and helps with repeating tasks, such as meditation. Sports & Health, Time 1717934248000 1717934248000
Meerkat Challenge https://github.com/jcasson/MeerkatChallenge github.com Whack-a-mole game Games 1386720000000 1386720000000
Meeting Cost Clock https://codeberg.org/kollo/MeetingCostClock 2 0 codeberg.org A Time-is-Money Stopwatch for Meetings Time 1480118400000 1622246400000
Melodeon https://github.com/billthefarmer/melodeon 13 1 github.com Multimedia 1374969600000 1706303362000
Meme Creator https://github.com/jasonycw/MemeCreator 59 16 github.com Generate meme pictures Graphics, Internet 1428969600000 1428969600000
MemeTastic https://github.com/gsantner/memetastic 322 120 github.com Meme Creator - Simple and Ad-Free Graphics, Multimedia 1489708800000 1695111896000
Memento https://github.com/yaa110/Memento github.com Take notes Writing 1481673600000 1483056000000
Memetro https://gitlab.com/openmemetro/openmemetro-android 0 0 gitlab.com App for those who suffer from the Memetro disorder Navigation 1657324800000 1664476086000
Memo Game (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-memo-game 29 25 github.com (SECUSO) Privacy friendly card game to find pairs of cards Games 1480118400000 1736153598000
MemoPad https://github.com/zaki50/MemoPad 7 1 github.com Free-hand drawing Graphics 1349049600000 1349049600000
Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud https://github.com/pulsejet/memories 3360 93 github.com Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app. Graphics, Multimedia 1710600363000 1716419685000
Memory https://github.com/sanskritbscs/memory 10 0 github.com Learn Devanagari letters (used by Sanskrit and Hindi) and develop your alertness Games, Science & Education 1589155200000 1723448726000
MemoryGuardian https://github.com/hashemi-hossein/memory-guardian 151 7 github.com Take Control of Your Clipboard Security, System 1722691772000 1722691772000
Mensa-Guthaben https://github.com/jakobwenzel/MensaGuthaben 117 27 github.com Check balance of NFC mensa cards Connectivity 1415059200000 1721986816000
MensaPlan https://github.com/csicar/MensaPlan 7 0 github.com Information for canteens at KIT, HS Pforzheim, etc Sports & Health 1556755200000 1572480000000
Mensinator https://github.com/EmmaTellblom/Mensinator 53 14 github.com Tailored Period Tracking, Total Privacy—Your Period, Your Control. Sports & Health 1725147211000 1732662397000
Menu Generator https://gitlab.com/loikki/menugenerator 1 1 gitlab.com Applications for picking meals according to the season. Sports & Health 1716419791000 1730538493000
Mercurygram https://github.com/Mercurygram/Mercurygram 293 12 github.com Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. Internet 1703666878000 1726480244000
MergedWiFiNLP https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/wlanbackend 4 0 gitlab.com A UnifiedNlp backend System 1638662400000 1733741007000
Meritous https://gitlab.com/meritous/sdl_android 3 0 gitlab.com Dungeon crawl game Games 1357084800000 1546300800000
Meshenger https://github.com/meshenger-app/meshenger-android 742 117 github.com Voice- and video phone App for off-the-grid scenarios. Connectivity, Internet, Phone & SMS 1534723200000 1738073241000
Meshtastic https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-Android 800 233 github.com An inexpensive open-source GPS mesh radio for hiking, skiing, flying, marching. Connectivity, Internet, System 1712135296000 1737389889000
MetaGer Search https://gitlab.metager.de/open-source/app-en gitlab.metager.de Android app for the German search engine MetaGer Internet 1609977600000 1736779500000
Metadata Remover https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/MetadataRemover 189 17 github.com Protect your privacy by removing metadata from your photos! Graphics 1713614605000 1713614605000
Meteo Weather Greece https://gitlab.com/vitaspiros/meteo-weather-gr 1 1 gitlab.com A lightweight, beautiful weather app that fetches data from meteo.gr Internet, Science & Education 1712917563000 1712917563000
Meteocool - Rain radar https://github.com/meteocool/android 15 2 github.com Free & Open High-Accuracy Local Weather Radar and Forecasting Internet 1630195200000 1630195200000
Metric Time https://github.com/mannyamorim/metrictime 7 1 github.com Shows the current metric time in a widget on the home screen Time 1472601600000 1472774400000
Metro - A music player for Android https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/Metro 1377 77 github.com Best material design music player for Android Multimedia 1603065600000 1681145771000
Metrodroid https://github.com/metrodroid/metrodroid 549 75 github.com Metrodroid can read information from some public transport NFC smartcards Navigation 1484092800000 1617926400000
Metronome https://github.com/thetwom/toc2 171 23 github.com A simple metronome app which helps you keep time when practicing music. Science & Education 1578614400000 1718792802000
Metronome https://github.com/Kr0oked/Metronome 114 15 github.com Simple and beautiful metronome Multimedia 1663113600000 1733740537000
Metronome https://notabug.org/wael/Metronome notabug.org A simple and modern Metronome App with presets and tap tempo. Multimedia 1602720000000 1667310002000
MicDroid https://github.com/intervigilium/MicDroid 101 28 github.com Pitch correct your voice Multimedia 1371686400000 1371686400000
Micro REPL https://github.com/Ma7moud3ly/micro-repl 105 7 github.com MicroPython IDE Development 1729816467000 1739104055000
Micro Timer https://github.com/dubrowgn/micro-timer 15 1 github.com A tiny, microwave-inspired timer app for Android Time 1707219039000 1708790969000
MicroPinner https://github.com/dotWee/MicroPinner 42 22 github.com Test and customize the statusbar Theming 1437177600000 1531612800000
Microchip https://github.com/mridang/microchip 7 3 github.com Show processor usage in status bar System 1459555200000 1459555200000
Microphone https://github.com/bitplane/Microphone 35 18 github.com Feeds audio from the mic right out of the speaker Multimedia 1449964800000 1449964800000
Midandpad https://github.com/pacoandres/midandpad 10 1 github.com An Android MIDI controller. Multimedia 1733741206000 1733741206000
MidiSheetMusic https://sourceforge.net/p/midisheetmusic/source sourceforge.net Graphical midi file player Multimedia 1352073600000 1352073600000
MidniteSolar Classic Monitor https://github.com/ClassicDIY/ClassicMonitor 13 7 github.com View solar charging device status System 1421107200000 1623801600000
Mightier Amp https://github.com/tuntorius/mightier_amp 198 20 github.com An alternative app for controlling NUX Mighty amps series. Multimedia 1638835200000 1722330578000
Mighty Knight https://github.com/alketii/mighty-knight 12 10 github.com Infinite runner Games 1510012800000 1510012800000
Migraine Log https://gitlab.com/zerodogg/org.zerodogg.migraineLog 8 9 gitlab.com A simple headache diary that respects your privacy Sports & Health 1615161600000 1724243134000
Migraine Tracker https://sourceforge.net/p/migrainetracker/code sourceforge.net Event tracker Time 1346198400000 1346198400000
Mileage https://github.com/evancharlton/android-mileage 11 15 github.com A Mileage tracker Science & Education 1304985600000 1338508800000
Mill https://github.com/calcitem/Sanmill 159 23 github.com A Mill Game which supports many rule variants, written in Flutter Games 1620691200000 1738239339000
MinCal Widget https://github.com/mvmike/min-cal-widget 93 15 github.com Minimal Calendar Widget Theming, Time 1470355200000 1739103790000
Mindful Attention Awareness Scale https://github.com/vbresan/MindfulAttentionAwarenessScale 4 1 github.com Find out how mindful you are on a scale of 1 to 6 Sports & Health 1732884388000 1737566812000
Mindful Notifier https://github.com/kmac/mindfulnotifier 49 3 github.com A mindfulness bell with configurable text notifications, scheduling, and sound Sports & Health 1611878400000 1652832000000
Mindfulness Meditation https://github.com/vbresan/MindfulnessMeditation 11 0 github.com Selection of audio guides for mindfulness meditation Sports & Health 1716198171000 1716198171000
Mindustry https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry 23301 3027 github.com A factory-based sandbox tower defense game Games 1566950400000 1694505795000
Minecraft Clock https://github.com/Xlythe/MinecraftClock 39 3 github.com Minecraft clock widget Theming 1372204800000 1433808000000
Mines3D https://github.com/stastnypremysl/Mines3D 19 6 github.com Minesweeper on n*m*2 matrix Games 1594857600000 1739294992000
Minesweeper (Privacy Friendly) https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-minesweeper 24 9 github.com Find and mark every mine without triggering the mines Games 1549152000000 1675402693000
Minesweeper - Antimine https://github.com/lucasnlm/antimine-android 683 91 github.com A puzzle game where you search for all hidden mines. Games 1590192000000 1702045056000
MiniDlnaOmatic https://bitbucket.org/rrbarrero/minidlnaomatic/src bitbucket.org Manage miniDLNA service through ssh Multimedia 1395964800000 1395964800000
Minidoro https://github.com/ympavlov/minidoro 30 3 github.com Minimalist and reliable Pomodoro® Technique timer Time 1632268800000 1693967005000
Minilens https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/minilens 135 37 github.com Free Puzzle Platform Game Games 1460937600000 1460937600000
Minimal https://github.com/rubenroy/Minimal-Todo 27 10 github.com Minimal TODO lists Writing 1448496000000 1448496000000
Minimalistic Price Converter https://github.com/Minimalistic-Apps/price-converter 17 2 github.com Minimalistic app converting prices of fiat shitcoins and Bitcoin Money 1633737600000 1705952867000
Minos https://gitlab.com/tcrass/minos 3 1 gitlab.com A simple maze game Games 1597968000000 1598054400000
Mint Calculator https://github.com/boredcodebyk/mintcalc 66 5 github.com A simple calculator and converter app with Material Design 3 Science & Education 1688864475000 1691664759000
Minute Maze https://gitlab.com/ygingras/minute-maze/ 1 0 gitlab.com Solve as many mazes as possible in before the time runs out. Games 1721725120000 1724242783000
Miracast Shortcut https://github.com/mattgmg1990/miracast-widget 39 26 github.com Miracast widget System 1414022400000 1623801600000
Mirror https://github.com/Andrewerr/Mirror 9 2 github.com Simple Android application turning your device into a pocket mirror🪞 Sports & Health 1703666389000 1711964858000
Mirror Mirror https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org/projects/ti/tickytacky/mirrormirror.html bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org Non-reversing mirror Multimedia 1405036800000 1500681600000
Miru https://github.com/miru-project/miru-app 4501 189 github.com An App that unifies websites for watching movies, comics and novels online Multimedia 1692313917000 1706889521000
Misbothering SMS Receiver https://github.com/amiryal/misbotheringsms 5 1 github.com SMS alerts filter Phone & SMS 1430006400000 1430006400000
Missed Notifications Reminder https://github.com/httpdispatch/MissedNotificationsReminder 75 22 github.com Periodical sound reminder for missed notifications Connectivity 1470787200000 1626912000000
Mitch https://sr.ht/~gardenapple/mitch/ sr.ht Unofficial itch.io client for Android. Buy, install, and play indie games. Games, Internet 1611532800000 1732662518000
Mixer Controller https://gitlab.com/yozachar/soundcraft-mixer 1 2 gitlab.com Access digital audio mixer's via WebUI. Internet 1717028880000 1717028880000
Mnemododo https://code.launchpad.net/~tbrk/mnemododo/trunk code.launchpad.net Spaced-repetition learning aid Science & Education 1371859200000 1371859200000
MoLe https://git.ktnx.net/?p=mobile-ledger.git git.ktnx.net Convenient front-end to hledger-web Money 1552867200000 1711278984000
MoTAC https://github.com/CarstenKarbach/MoTAC 3 0 github.com Digital TAC board Games 1418428800000 1455235200000
MoasdaWiki App https://gitlab.com/moasdawiki/moasdawiki-app 6 1 gitlab.com Privacy-Friendly Knowledge Management App Writing 1597968000000 1736511071000
MobiPerf https://github.com/Mobiperf/MobiPerf 87 62 github.com Mobile network measurements Development 1386547200000 1410912000000
Mobile Paper Wallet https://gitlab.com/uak/mobile-paper-wallet 1 3 gitlab.com Create single use cryptocurrency wallet, just like a paper wallet Money 1661040000000 1694505119000
Mobile Pauker ++ https://github.com/dfrits/MobilePauker2 8 4 github.com Learn intuitively with flash cards and synchronize your lesson with Dropbox Science & Education 1549324800000 1582934400000
MobileInpact https://github.com/BhasherBEL/MobileInpact 0 0 github.com MobileInpact is an unofficial client for NextInpact. Internet 1698443293000 1698443293000
MobilePrint Mobile Printing through a server Connectivity 1345680000000 1345680000000
MobileWebCam https://github.com/dngames/mobilewebcam-android 14 12 github.com Simple webcam Multimedia 1354579200000 1365811200000
Mobilizon https://framagit.org/tom79/mobilizon-android-app framagit.org Mobilizon is a tool to help manage your events, your profiles and your groups. Internet 1603843200000 1606780800000
MoeMemos https://github.com/mudkipme/MoeMemosAndroid 692 74 github.com An app to help you capture thoughts & ideas, syncs with self-hosted Memos server Writing 1667653869000 1738409745000
Moloko https://code.google.com/p/moloko/source code.google.com Todo list Writing 1348790400000 1420675200000
Momkin https://codeberg.org/momkin/momkin-android 2 0 codeberg.org See what is being said Multimedia, Science & Education 1603756800000 1635897600000
Mondstern Acrylic Icons https://codeberg.org/mondstern/AndroidAcrylicIconPack 8 2 codeberg.org Mondstern's acrylic art as an Android icon pack Theming 1612051200000 1686428602000
Money Logs https://gitlab.com/kazispintechub/money-logs 2 0 gitlab.com Financial Record Manager App Money 1657411200000 1659398400000
Money Manager Ex https://github.com/moneymanagerex/android-money-manager-ex 518 194 github.com Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, sync via your storage Money 1705952879000 1739294889000
Money Tracker https://github.com/xorum-io/open_money_tracker 24 5 github.com Track your money easily and fully free Money 1594857600000 1680367085000
MoneyBalance https://github.com/inguin/moneybalance 33 15 github.com Track group expenses Money 1377648000000 1466121600000
MoneyBuster https://gitlab.com/eneiluj/moneybuster 88 19 gitlab.com Multi-project shared budget manager able to sync with self hosted FOSS services Money 1551657600000 1723733722000
MoneyWallet https://github.com/AndreAle94/moneywallet 606 143 github.com Expense Manager Money 1544832000000 1636934400000
Mongo Explorer https://github.com/grennis/MongoExplorer 48 13 github.com Browse MongoDB databases Development 1439424000000 1439424000000
Monkeyboard Keystone Radio https://github.com/freshollie/monkeyboard-radio-android 38 18 github.com Monkeyboard FM & DAB/DAB+ radio interface Multimedia 1549411200000 1605139200000
Monly https://github.com/asafonov/monly.apk 7 3 github.com Monly is an awesome budget planner Money 1670330426000 1736779623000
Monster Hunter 3U Database https://github.com/dbooga/MonsterHunter3UDatabase 11 7 github.com Reference for Monster Hunter 3 game Games 1414368000000 1414368000000
MonsterMusic https://github.com/ZTFtrue/MonsterMusic 393 28 github.com A Music Player with Equalizer and more Multimedia 1716419454000 1737894005000
Month Calendar Widget https://github.com/romannurik/Android-MonthCalendarWidget 1091 264 github.com Calendar widget Theming, Time 1431907200000 1431907200000
Month Calendar Widget https://github.com/alterechtschreibung/MonthCalendarWidget2FOSS 3 0 github.com Calendar widget of the current month Theming 1395878400000 1425686400000
Mooltifill https://github.com/mathfactory/mooltifill-android 2 0 github.com Use the Android Autofill service with the Mooltipass BLE hardware authenticator Security 1647820800000 1659830400000
Moon Phase https://github.com/andviane/moon 24 15 github.com Show moon phase information Multimedia, Time 1404000000000 1405036800000
Moonlight Game Streaming https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-android 4687 746 github.com Play games from your PC on Android Games 1563235200000 1709662978000
MorbidMeter https://github.com/mannd/morbidmeter-android 6 0 github.com Life expectancy widget Science & Education 1345680000000 1728814363000
More for GO https://github.com/rosenpin/More-For-GO 20 4 github.com More For Pokemon GO Games 1472256000000 1472256000000
MorphClock https://github.com/dgmltn/android-MorphClock 3 0 github.com Bedside clock Time 1414022400000 1414022400000
Morse https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/Morse 165 32 github.com Translate text to Morse code or vice versa in real time Science & Education 1564444800000 1706890047000
Morse Trainer https://github.com/eoineoineoin/ecwt 25 5 github.com Learn to receive morse code Science & Education 1598918400000 1685519938000
Moscow Wi-Fi autologin https://github.com/mosmetro-android/mosmetro-android 322 29 github.com Automatically connect to public networks of Moscow public transport Connectivity, Internet 1495238400000 1623369600000
Moshidon https://github.com/LucasGGamerM/moshidon 721 36 github.com Mastodon for Android but it's Material You and has more features Connectivity, Internet, Multimedia 1698666676000 1736779630000
Moss https://github.com/teneighty/moss 36 7 github.com Statistics on the home screen Theming 1372032000000 1428537600000
Motion Eye https://github.com/JairajJangle/motioneye-android 55 16 github.com Stream and connect all of your Surveillance network cameras Security 1594857600000 1709662942000
MotionEye Client for Android https://github.com/developerfromjokela/motioneye-client 30 9 github.com Graphics 1571097600000 1571097600000
MotionLock https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/motionlock 14 0 gitlab.com Keeps your device locked Security 1623369600000 1733741297000
Mountie https://www.github.com/Morlunk/Mountie www.github.com Automount USB external storage System 1411689600000 1411689600000
Mounts2SD https://github.com/SpazeDog/mounts2sd 78 27 github.com Map device storage to sdcard System 1386547200000 1386547200000
Mozc for Android https://github.com/google/mozc 2512 386 github.com Japanese Input Method Editor Writing 1551225600000 1554940800000
MrWhite https://gitlab.com/mafgl/mrwhite 0 1 gitlab.com Bright-screen torch System 1331769600000 1367280000000
MuPDF mini https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-android-viewer-mini.git;a=summary git.ghostscript.com Minimalist viewer for PDF, XPS, CBZ, unprotected EPUB, and FB2 documents Reading 1548806400000 1738073079000
MuPDF viewer https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-android-viewer.git;a=summary git.ghostscript.com Lightweight document viewer Reading 1519084800000 1738073082000
Mule on Android https://github.com/a-pavlov/jed2k 145 39 github.com Search and download from the ED2K(eDonkey2000) networks Internet 1656806400000 1728814342000
Mullvad VPN: privacy is a universal right https://github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app 5468 375 github.com Protect your online privacy with a fast, trustworthy, and easy-to-use VPN. Connectivity, Internet, Security, System 1592784000000 1734457049000
Multi Sms https://git.mathux.org/mathieu/MultiSmsSender git.mathux.org Send SMS to many contacts Phone & SMS 1349395200000 1464652800000
MultiPing https://github.com/softgearko/MultiPing-for-Android 31 26 github.com Ping multiple websites at once Internet 1386547200000 1386547200000
MultiVNC https://github.com/bk138/multivnc 506 67 github.com VNC viewer that aims to be easy to use and fast Connectivity, Internet 1549670400000 1729816188000
Multipicture Wallpaper https://github.com/lllllT/MultiPictureLiveWallpaper 41 15 github.com Slideshow wallpaper Theming 1362355200000 1362441600000
Mumla https://gitlab.com/quite/mumla 94 46 gitlab.com Voice chat on Mumble servers Internet 1586736000000 1738837183000
Mupen64Plus AE https://github.com/mupen64plus-ae/mupen64plus-ae 393 107 github.com Front end for Mupen64 Plus Games 1527724800000 1606521600000
Muse - Text to Speech https://github.com/kkoshin/Muse 18 2 github.com Convert text to natural-speaking audio with custom voices and pauses Internet, Multimedia 1730971277000 1734087020000
Musekit https://github.com/Kwasow/Musekit 28 1 github.com A simple tuner and metronome, no distractions Science & Education 1736779351000 1737566927000
Museum of a broken API https://codeberg.org/fynngodau/usageDirect 25 4 codeberg.org Warns against using a system usage stats API System 1599609600000 1711814776000
Music Player GO https://github.com/enricocid/Music-Player-GO 1832 219 github.com Very simple, nice, privacy-friendly and original local Android Music Player Multimedia 1527897600000 1710599673000
Music Player Lite https://github.com/AP-Atul/music_player_lite 119 22 github.com An elegant and light weight music player Multimedia 1685273970000 1693606648000
MusicBrainz https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-android/ 131 32 github.com The Official MusicBrainz App Internet, Multimedia 1586908800000 1697346395000
MusicSearch https://github.com/lydavid/MusicSearch 63 1 github.com MusicSearch is an app for browsing songs, artists, and anything related to them Multimedia 1727782598000 1738837104000
Musical Notes https://codeberg.org/jonas-l/musical-notes-android 3 0 codeberg.org train reading musical notes Science & Education 1588982400000 1591833600000
Musify https://github.com/gokadzev/Musify 2270 214 github.com Unlock the full potential of music: Stream effortlessly with one app! Multimedia 1683905506000 1739294867000
Mute reminder https://github.com/mueller-ma/MuteReminder 41 4 github.com Remind you to mute media System 1655424000000 1731160127000
Muzei https://github.com/romannurik/muzei 4736 958 github.com Live wallpaper of famous art Multimedia, Theming 1393804800000 1726480366000
Muzei - Bing Image of the Day https://github.com/devmil/muzei-bingimageoftheday 22 4 github.com A Muzei art source that retrieves the Bing image of the day Multimedia, Theming 1510617600000 1603065600000
Muzei Ghibli https://github.com/eboudrant/net.ebt.muzei.miyazaki 26 3 github.com Show pictures from Studio Ghibli (Muzei) Multimedia, Theming 1409270400000 1613347200000
Muzei Pixiv Source https://github.com/james58899/MuzeiPixivSource 33 6 github.com Fetch illustration from Pixiv and provides them as a wallpaper source for muzei Theming 1730538522000 1730538522000
My Banq https://bitbucket.org/anthonydahanne/banqnotificationsproject bitbucket.org BAnQ reminder notifications Time 1378425600000 1416787200000
My Brain https://github.com/mhss1/MyBrain 1425 99 github.com Productivity app for Tasks, Notes, Calendar, Diary, Bookmarks and more Writing 1654732800000 1731681507000
My Contacts https://github.com/WeAreFairphone/android_packages_apps_MyContactsWidget 8 2 github.com Quickly access your contacts Phone & SMS, System 1496188800000 1496188800000
My Expenses https://github.com/mtotschnig/MyExpenses 888 233 github.com Easy to use personal finance manager: rich functionality and Open Source Money 1351641600000 1739104154000
My Leaf https://gitlab.com/tobiaswkjeldsen/carwingsflutter 32 17 gitlab.com Remote control and information for your Nissan Leaf Connectivity 1618099200000 1716629326000
My Location https://github.com/mirfatif/MyLocation 73 6 github.com Know your geo coordinates using on-device GPS and Network location providers Internet 1631836800000 1723209145000
My Notes - Take notes anywhere https://github.com/Abdallah-Abdelazim/mynotes 26 4 github.com Very simple note-taking Writing 1572307200000 1572307200000
My Position https://github.com/gjedeer/mylocation 30 14 github.com Share your location Navigation 1448064000000 1674401091000
My Wifi Passwords https://github.com/aario/MyWifiPasswords 19 4 github.com View your Wi-Fi Passwords Security, System 1546214400000 1546214400000
MyHackerspace (New) https://github.com/spaceapi-community/my-hackerspace 24 4 github.com View information about hacker- and makerspaces Internet 1660176000000 1737567077000
MyMood https://github.com/NimaKhajehpour/MyMood 31 1 github.com Simple and minimalistic app to track your daily mood with. Sports & Health, Writing 1675973024000 1695111424000
MyMusicQoE https://github.com/albertolalanda/new-ultrasonic-fork-for-MyMusicQoE 4 1 github.com A fork of ultrasonic with QoE evaluation features purposes Multimedia 1533859200000 1536624000000
MyOwnNotes https://github.com/aykit/MyOwnNotes 69 27 github.com Notes management for ownCloud Writing 1403049600000 1490313600000
Mygeo https://gitlab.com/calantas/mygeo 0 1 gitlab.com Share your Geo Location as Latitude and Longitude with your own template. Navigation 1657324800000 1719226668000
Myne: Download & Read eBooks https://github.com/Pool-Of-Tears/Myne 1207 70 github.com Android application to download & read ebooks from the Project GutenBerg. Reading 1675401781000 1736510692000
MythDroid https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/http://mythdroid.googlecode.com/svn//directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org MythTV remote control system Multimedia 1299024000000 1381363200000
NASA APOD for Muzei https://github.com/igoralmeida/muzei-apod 3 1 github.com NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day for Muzei Multimedia, Theming 1408665600000 1549324800000
NASA Images https://gitlab.com/atorresm/NASAImages/tree/HEAD 7 1 gitlab.com Show images and their info from NASA repository Multimedia, Science & Education 1497398400000 1498089600000
NATO Alphabet Memorizer https://github.com/LeoColman/NATO-Alphabet-Memorizer 5 0 github.com Learn the NATO phonetic alphabet Science & Education 1671177007000 1671461358000
NC Bookmark Viewer https://gitlab.com/lenchan139/NCBookmark 5 0 gitlab.com This is a lightweight viewer for Nextcloud bookmarks Internet 1527465600000 1527897600000
NC Passwords https://gitlab.com/joleaf/nc-passwords-app 25 7 gitlab.com A password manager app for Nextcloud's Passwords app Connectivity, Internet, Security, System 1611187200000 1676924516000
NClientV2 https://github.com/Dar9586/NClientV2 1989 110 github.com An unofficial NHentai Android Client. Internet 1589500800000 1736153230000
ND Filter https://github.com/nciric/NDFilter 3 0 github.com Neutral density filter calculator Multimedia, Science & Education 1414713600000 1416873600000
NDEF Tools for Android https://github.com/skjolber/ndef-tools-for-android 145 40 github.com Read/write NFC tags and read/send beams Connectivity, Development 1410220800000 1410220800000
NFC Alarm Clock https://github.com/gabeg805/NFC-Alarm-Clock 40 8 github.com Customizable and feature-rich alarm clock app. System, Time 1737566956000 1738609872000
NFC Drivers License Reader https://github.com/soft-studio/NFC_DriversLicenseReader 26 6 github.com Read Japanese driving licenses Reading 1389052800000 1389052800000
NFC Key https://github.com/mateusz-szafraniec/NFC-Key github.com Unlock KeePass database with NFC Connectivity 1390176000000 1414368000000
NFC Quick Settings https://github.com/pcolby/nfc-quick-settings 32 3 github.com View NFC status, and quickly access NFC settings, from the Quick Settings menu Connectivity 1720013998000 1729413493000
NFC Reader https://github.com/mueller-ma/NFCReader 79 17 github.com Read NFC tags System 1687712395000 1703774519000
NFCGate https://github.com/nfcgate/nfcgate 1395 174 github.com An NFC research toolkit application for Android Development, System 1718196917000 1734456876000
NFCMessageBoard https://github.com/mofosyne/NFCMessageBoard 30 5 github.com Share messages via NFC tags Connectivity 1428278400000 1479340800000
NFCard https://github.com/sinpolib/nfcard 393 125 github.com Read info from cards Connectivity 1345680000000 1438732800000
NFSee - NFC Card Helper https://github.com/nfcim/nfsee 186 22 github.com Read Transit/Bank/ID cards/NFC tags on Android phones Development 1670013164000 1737390114000
NGA客户端开源版 https://github.com/Justwen/NGA-CLIENT-VER-OPEN-SOURCE 494 35 github.com NGA client Internet, Reading 1653004800000 1739295094000
NI https://github.com/Px3XjG6P/NetflixtoIMDb 4 1 github.com A Netflix user can easily lookup a title in the IMDb Multimedia 1615680000000 1620691200000
NLWeer https://github.com/CNugteren/NLWeer 20 5 github.com Dutch weather and rain radar app Science & Education 1575936000000 1737390088000
NOVA Video Player https://github.com/nova-video-player/aos-AVP 3725 208 github.com Video player for local/network content with subtitle/metadata download support Multimedia 1591660800000 1738837139000
NS-USBloader https://github.com/developersu/ns-usbloader-mobile 227 20 github.com NS-USBloader is USB/WiFi data transfer helper for N Switch homebrew apps Connectivity 1609200000000 1609200000000
NWS Weather Alerts Widget https://github.com/justdave/nwsweatheralertswidget 14 6 github.com Weather widget Theming 1420502400000 1615420800000
NXT Remote Control https://github.com/jfedor2/nxt-remote-control 32 26 github.com Control Lego robots Science & Education 1362355200000 1688865772000
NZ Tides https://github.com/jevonlongdell/nztides 8 5 github.com Tide table for New Zealand Navigation 1345680000000 1720014569000
Nachtlager Downloader https://github.com/allo-/NachtlagerDownloader 0 0 github.com Download a particular podcast Multimedia 1386547200000 1386547200000
Naija Ludo + https://github.com/mshdabiola/NaijaLudo 3 1 github.com Naija Ludo: A Modern Twist on the Classic Board Game Games 1738836882000 1738836882000
Nani? https://framagit.org/nani-project/nani-app framagit.org Offline Japanese dictionary Reading, Science & Education, Writing 1558051200000 1659398400000
Nanji clock widget https://github.com/artyommironov/nanji 13 3 github.com Clock widget for language learners Science & Education, Time 1603065600000 1701424227000
NanoLedger https://github.com/chvp/NanoLedger 72 7 github.com Data entry app for plain text accounting Money 1698255922000 1737111303000
Napply https://github.com/thibault/Napply 12 2 github.com Widget for taking quick naps Theming 1352764800000 1352764800000
Narau https://code.launchpad.net/narau/fdroid code.launchpad.net Japanese revision help Science & Education 1351641600000 1356134400000
National Geographic for Muzei https://github.com/sal0max/muzei-nationalgeographic 39 7 github.com National Geographic pictures for Muzei Multimedia, Theming 1395446400000 1706302520000
Navit https://github.com/navit-gps/navit 570 173 github.com Car navigation system Navigation 1381881600000 1615420800000
NeatLauncher https://github.com/moehriegitt/NeatLauncher 24 0 github.com A neat and convenient launcher without icons. System, Theming 1726479875000 1730057126000
Neko Project II for Android https://sourceforge.net/p/np2android/code/ sourceforge.net PC-98 emulator Games 1354320000000 1379635200000
Nekome https://github.com/Chesire/Nekome 485 45 github.com Keep track of your anime and manga, through the use of the Kitsu API. Internet, Reading 1626307200000 1723973166000
Neo Backup https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Backup 2799 133 github.com The open-source tool to backup your apps and data System 1592179200000 1736779359000
Neo Store https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Store 3326 105 github.com A modern feature-rich F-Droid client. System 1657411200000 1737732006000
Neo2 External Keyboard https://github.com/Viatorus/neo2-external-keyboard/ 6 1 github.com Supports the Neo2-Layout when using a physical keyboard. Writing 1616544000000 1616544000000
NeoLinker https://bitbucket.org/oF2pks/neolinker bitbucket.org Linkup sub-engine: select browser to open link Security, System 1582934400000 1582934400000
NeoStumbler https://github.com/mjaakko/NeoStumbler 209 20 github.com Application for collecting wireless networks to geolocation services Connectivity, Internet 1715649234000 1739295206000
NetCounter http://www.jaqpot.net/netcounter www.jaqpot.net Bandwidth usage tracker System 1390953600000 1390953600000
NetGuard https://github.com/M66B/NetGuard 2520 240 github.com A simple way to block access to the internet per application Internet, Security 1446163200000 1735842611000
NetSwitch https://github.com/tantecky/android/tree/HEAD/NetSwitch 4 0 github.com Connectivity widget Connectivity 1517875200000 1539216000000
NetTTS https://github.com/nekromant/NetTTS 18 6 github.com Text-to-Speech over network Multimedia 1364601600000 1364601600000
Netclip https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/alegen/netclip/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Transfer text from your PC to the clipboard System 1456012800000 1471737600000
Network https://github.com/mimi89999/Network 8 0 github.com Shortcut to network info and settings System 1645315200000 1645315200000
Network Log https://github.com/pragma-/networklog 298 119 github.com See what's accessing the internet Development 1346198400000 1438732800000
Network Scanner https://github.com/dmashuda/networkScanner 41 21 github.com Scan connected networks Internet, System 1416787200000 1416787200000
Network Survey https://github.com/christianrowlands/android-network-survey 201 32 github.com Displays and Logs Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GNSS Network Survey Details Connectivity 1727781669000 1737389854000
Network Tester http://git.zarb.org/?p=androidnetworktester git.zarb.org Wi-Fi access point tester Connectivity 1346198400000 1628121600000
Network Tools Library https://github.com/stealthcopter/AndroidNetworkTools 1413 283 github.com This is the sample application from Android Network Tools open source library Internet 1585699200000 1585699200000
NetworkMapper https://github.com/kost/NetworkMapper 68 25 github.com Frontend for Nmap Internet 1437868800000 1437868800000
Neural Network Simulator https://github.com/Xipher7934/NeuralNetworkSimulator 21 3 github.com Educational tool to learn about computational neuroscience and electrophysology Science & Education 1537401600000 1537401600000
NeuroLab https://github.com/fossasia/neurolab-android 1708 428 github.com Development, Games, Science & Education, Sports & Health 1589155200000 1589155200000
NewPass https://github.com/6eero/NewPass 240 19 github.com Securely store and manage passwords of your digital realm with NewPass. Security 1715291515000 1718792359000
NewPipe https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe 32933 3135 github.com Lightweight YouTube frontend Internet, Multimedia 1441756800000 1739104137000
News https://github.com/bubelov/news 415 26 github.com Feed reader and podcast player for Android Internet, Multimedia, Reading 1607299200000 1684122691000
News Provider https://github.com/rh-id/a-news-provider 30 4 github.com A simple and easy to use RSS aggregator that deliver news to your smartphone Reading 1638403200000 1686065248000
News Reader https://github.com/javalc6/rssreader 15 1 github.com Minimalistic yet powerful news reader with text to speech capability Internet, Reading 1631145600000 1737390282000
NewsBlur - News reader https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur 6990 1009 github.com News reader Reading 1351555200000 1739294891000
Nex Notes https://github.com/Swatian/nexnotes 27 3 github.com Taking quick notes Writing 1720871579000 1729154614000
Next Actualités informatiques https://github.com/AnaelMobilia/NextINpact-Unofficial 16 4 github.com Check out french Next computer news (even without an Internet connection)! Internet 1494720000000 1733740731000
Next Player https://github.com/anilbeesetti/nextplayer 2313 115 github.com A simple material you video player based on Media3 Multimedia 1694505676000 1737390065000
NextCompanion https://github.com/h0chi/next-companion 23 8 github.com Rogue client for nextbike (unofficial) Navigation 1548374400000 1633305600000
NextDNS Manager https://github.com/doubleangels/NextDNSManager 341 20 github.com Manage your NextDNS settings quickly and easily! Connectivity, Internet 1699177505000 1737893962000
NextGIS Mobile https://github.com/nextgis/android_gisapp 135 108 github.com GIS that lets you create, edit and export geodata, both online and offline Navigation 1469404800000 1738239448000
NextPush https://codeberg.org/NextPush/nextpush-android 17 5 codeberg.org UnifiedPush distributor using Nextcloud server. Connectivity, System 1639180800000 1739295187000
Nextcloud https://github.com/nextcloud/android 4449 1807 github.com Synchronization client Internet 1466121600000 1739470225000
Nextcloud Bookmarks https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks 63 23 gitlab.com A front end for the Nextcloud Bookmark app Internet, Multimedia 1502064000000 1696790833000
Nextcloud Cookbook https://codeberg.org/MicMun/nextcloud-cookbook 15 9 codeberg.org View the recipes from your Nextcloud Cookbook Connectivity, Reading, Sports & Health 1638403200000 1709663323000
Nextcloud Cookbook https://github.com/lneugebauer/nextcloud-cookbook 63 11 github.com View all your recipes stored in your Nextcloud instance. Connectivity, Internet, Sports & Health 1690227312000 1737390042000
Nextcloud Deck https://github.com/stefan-niedermann/nextcloud-deck 518 53 github.com Companion app for Nextcloud Deck Internet 1557792000000 1737111639000
Nextcloud Dev https://github.com/nextcloud/android 4449 1807 github.com Synchronization client Internet 1465948800000 1739470218000
Nextcloud Maps Geobookmarks https://github.com/penguin86/nextcloud-maps-client 43 3 github.com Manage Nextcloud Maps Geofavorites on your phone Connectivity, Navigation 1632873600000 1710342354000
Nextcloud News https://github.com/nextcloud/news-android 710 258 github.com Android App for Nextcloud News Internet 1372464000000 1714192238000
Nextcloud Notes https://github.com/nextcloud/notes-android 966 137 github.com View and edit notes on Nextcloud Internet, Writing 1454025600000 1721062128000
Nextcloud Passwords https://github.com/hegocre/NextcloudPasswords 59 0 github.com Secure app for viewing passwords for the Nextcloud Passwords app Security 1701727969000 1726479262000
Nextcloud SMS https://github.com/nerzhul/ncsms-android 96 38 github.com Synchronize your SMS messages with ownCloud Phone & SMS 1422144000000 1545523200000
Nextcloud Tables https://github.com/stefan-niedermann/nextcloud-tables 40 5 github.com Companion app for Nextcloud Tables Internet 1685720622000 1739104047000
Nextcloud Talk https://github.com/nextcloud/talk-android 584 255 github.com Have private video calls and chat using your own server. Connectivity, Internet 1521417600000 1737732031000
Nextcloud Yaga https://github.com/vauvenal5/yaga 139 10 github.com A Nextcloud first gallery app. Graphics, Internet 1609027200000 1720871239000
NextcloudServices https://github.com/Andrewerr/NextcloudServices 69 11 github.com Simply fetch Nextcloud notifications on devices without Google Play services Connectivity 1626739200000 1718411877000
Nheengaré https://github.com/simbiose/nheengare 5 0 github.com A dictionary of nheengatu Science & Education 1656028800000 1656028800000
NiDeau https://gitlab.com/schaerphix_tool/NiDeau 1 0 gitlab.com Android application to display the water temperature around Nidau Internet, Sports & Health 1699692879000 1710002469000
Night Mode Enabler https://github.com/MichaelEvans/NightModeEnabler 11 1 github.com Enable NightMode on Android7+ Theming 1472428800000 1472428800000
NightLight light https://github.com/Ra-Na/NightLightApp 12 3 github.com A simple night light. Graphics, Multimedia 1649376000000 1649376000000
Nighthawk Wallet https://github.com/nighthawk-apps/nighthawk-android-wallet 10 1 github.com Private Money in your pocket. Money 1628899200000 1733314070000
Nihonoari: Hiragana & Katakana https://github.com/aeri/Nihonoari-App 96 9 github.com A little and minimalist Japanese Kana training Science & Education 1584403200000 1716628458000
Ning https://github.com/csicar/Ning 232 37 github.com Ning: Simple and fast local network scanner. Similar to Fing or Nmap Development, Internet 1597017600000 1631145600000
Ninja https://github.com/mthli/Ninja 958 245 github.com Open links from other apps in the background Internet 1434672000000 1435363200000
NitroShare https://github.com/nitroshare/nitroshare-android 210 52 github.com Cross-platform network file transfer Connectivity 1519776000000 1524787200000
Nitter for Android https://gitlab.com/Plexer0/Nitter-Android gitlab.com Android client for the popular Twitter frontend, Nitter. Internet 1662508800000 1671964379000
Nix-on-Droid https://github.com/nix-community/nix-on-droid 1454 83 github.com Nix package manager for Android Development 1572134400000 1720614715000
No Thanks! https://github.com/VelbazhdSoftwareLLC/No-Thanks-for-Android 3 0 github.com No Thanks! is a popular card game Games 1705953377000 1705953377000
No meu Bairro! https://github.com/jfoclpf/in-my-district 38 8 github.com Reporting anomalies in the neighbourhoods of Portugal. Internet 1629504000000 1687712425000
NoAd Battery Calibrator [ROOT] https://github.com/phrogg/BatteryCalibrator 16 2 github.com Removes old battery configurations to fix software related issues System 1568851200000 1631836800000
NoFb Event Scraper https://github.com/akaessens/NoFbEventScraper 28 1 github.com Import Facebook-Events to the calendar Internet, Time 1598832000000 1629504000000
NoNonsense Notes https://github.com/spacecowboy/NotePad 396 157 github.com A simple notepad and to-do app with an excellent navigation Writing 1345680000000 1734797558000
NoPhoneSpam https://gitlab.com/bitfireAT/NoPhoneSpam 78 31 gitlab.com Block unwanted calls Phone & SMS 1473465600000 1622246400000
NoProvider2Push https://github.com/NoProvider2Push/android 12 0 github.com UP-distributor without provider Connectivity, System 1615161600000 1630454400000
NoUSSD https://github.com/ethauvin/NoUSSD 5 4 github.com USSD firewall Security 1348790400000 1349222400000
NoWhatOpen https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/SpEcHiDe/NoWhatOpen/directory/ archive.softwareheritage.org Clickable links for WhatsApp Development 1465603200000 1465603200000
Nock Nock https://github.com/afollestad/nock-nock 380 66 github.com Monitor your websites for maximum uptime Development, Internet 1506816000000 1552435200000
Noice: Natural calming noise https://github.com/trynoice/android-app 951 93 github.com Focus, meditate and relax with natural calming noise. Multimedia, Sports & Health 1566604800000 1717606149000
Noise Cancelling https://github.com/danielgjackson/noisecancel 38 0 github.com Turn off noise cancellation on Bose headphones Multimedia 1653782400000 1655164800000
NoiseCapture https://github.com/Universite-Gustave-Eiffel/NoiseCapture 100 45 github.com NoiseCapture is an App dedicated to the measurement of environmental noise. Science & Education, Sports & Health 1648080000000 1666948494000
Noiz2 https://github.com/alistairrutherford/noiz2-droid 6 0 github.com Shoot-em-up Games 1346976000000 1346976000000
Nomad - Hubzilla for Android https://framagit.org/disroot/AndHub framagit.org Client for the Hubzilla social network Internet 1538092800000 1572307200000
NominatimNlpBackend https://github.com/microg/NominatimGeocoderBackend 73 19 github.com UnifiedNlp geocoding provider (MapQuest Nominatim) Navigation 1420329600000 1495411200000
Non Stop Balloons Shooter https://github.com/MetatransApps/Android_APK_2DBalloons 6 1 github.com Flying balloons shooting. Action. Shooter for kids and adults. Games 1633996800000 1678525979000
Nonocross https://github.com/jaredforrest/nonocross 41 8 github.com Nonocross is a simple number puzzle game Games 1609200000000 1689584453000
Noor-Ul-Huda نور الهدى https://github.com/mirfatif/NoorUlHuda 86 11 github.com A simple, open source Quran reader app with extras, completely free forever Reading 1631836800000 1700867700000
Nori https://github.com/tjg1/nori github.com Online tag-based image archive viewer Multimedia 1470268800000 1564358400000
NorthDog Audio Compass https://github.com/Harvie/NorthDog 13 4 github.com 3D Audio Compass Navigation 1547769600000 1547769600000
Norwegian for AnySoftKeyboard https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/ 2937 838 github.com Language pack for AnySoftKeyboard Writing 1486512000000 1624492800000
Notable Plus https://github.com/icechen1/Notable 54 12 github.com Add and manage reminders Time 1459728000000 1496448000000
Notally | Minimalist Notes https://github.com/OmGodse/Notally 1801 162 github.com A simple and elegant open source notes app Writing